Video Art

Indigenous Voices

Alberto Alvares

(Portuguese name)

Tupã Ra'y

(Guarani name)

A filmmaker of the Guarani people, Alberto Alvares was born in Mato Grosso do Sul (1983, Brazil), near the Paraguay border. He lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. He works in documentary film as a director, editor, director of photography, historian and sometimes as an actor. He is a video professor and translator of the Guarani language at Universidade Federal Fluminense. He has worked at the Lab for Ethnographic Film – UFF of the Museu do Índio/Funai, and at the Observatory for Indigenous Education - FAE/ UFMG.

Technical information:

HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 4' 53'', 2018

Denilson Baniwa

An artist of the Baniwa people, Denilson Baniwa was born in Darí, Amazonas state (1984, Brazil). He lives and works in Niterói. He is a graphic artist, working in illustration, drawing and painting, as well as an art director and designer. He co-founded and directs Radio Yandê, the first Brazilian Indigenous web radio, and created Denilson Baniwa – Estúdio to think the relationship between design, illustration and art and Indigenous Brazilian culture. He is an activist for the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Technical information:

HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 4' 29'', 2018

Ibã Huni Kuin

An artist of the Huni Kuin people, Ibã Huni Kuin was born in Tarauacá, Acre state (1964, Brasil). He is txana, a master of chants in the tradition of his people. He studied at Universidade Federal do Acre and, as a professor, joined Indigenous and academic knowledge, researching with his students traditions and rituals that faced disappearance. With his son Bane he created the project Espírito da Floresta, which seeks to investigate ways to translate these chants into multimedia (drawing, painting, writing, video), forming the collective of artists-researchers MAHKU – Movement of Huni Kuin Artists. His work has been shown in individual and collective exhibitions in Brazil, and he was shortlisted for the PIPA art prize, in 2016.

Technical information:

HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 10' 02'', 2013

This video was recorded for the exhibition ¡Mira! Artes Visuais Contemporâneas dos Povos Indígenas, by Rafael Fares

Jaider Esbell

An artist of the Makuxi people, Jaider Esbell was born in the bay of Rio Branco, Roraima state (Brazil, 1979). He lives and works in Boa Vista. He is a multimedia artist, writer and independent cultural producer. He created Galeria de Arte Indígena Contemporânea. He was awarded the 2016 PIPA art prize in the online voting category, and the prize Selo Funarte 2010 for Literature, with the work “Terreiro de Makunaima - Mitos, Lendas e Estórias em Vivências”. His work has been exhibited in solo and group shows in Brazil and the US.

Technical information:

Cellphone video, color, sound, 4' 55'', 2018

Marilya Hinostroza

Artist of the Wanka people, Marilya Hinostroza was born in Huacrapuquio, Huancayo province (Peru, 1990). She lives and works in Lima, using drawing and painting as media. She studied at Escuela Nacional Superior Autónoma de Bellas Artes del Perú, where she was awarded the Silver Medal in Painting (2013). She was a finalist in several art competitions, including Salón Nacional de Pintura Icpna 2015, and stands out among the generation of young Peruvian painters. Her work has been exhibited in Peru, Bolivia, Spain, the US, England and Mexico.

Technical information:

HD video, 16:9, color, sound, 7' 03'', 2018