special session on

Connections to Quantum Information Theory

This is the website of the special session on Connections to Quantum Information Theory of the 27th edition of the international conference in Operator Theory, Timișoara, July 2-6 2018.

The special session will take place on Wednesday, July 4th 2018.

News: A presentation of quantum information theory for the general public is scheduled on July 3rd, 18:30 at Library of Politehnica University Timisoara [slides]. The talk will be given in Romanian.


  • Luigi Accardi (Centro Vito Volterra, University of Rome Tor Vergata) - The control through de-coherence program
  • Man-Duen Choi (University of Toronto) - Two by two matrix theory made simpler but deeper
  • Ken Dykema (Texas A&M University) - Non-closure of a set of quantum correlations
  • Aurelian Gheondea (Bilkent University and IMAR) - Symmetries versus conservation laws in dynamical quantum systems
  • Iulia Ghiu (University of Bucharest) - The correspondence between mutually unbiased bases and mutually orthogonal extraordinary supersquares [slides]
  • Laura Mančinska (University of Copenhagen) - Quantum isomorphism and operator algebras [slides]
  • Simon Schmidt (Universität des Saarlandes) - Quantum automorphism groups of graphs


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