The series revolves around Mughal politics, inter-personal conflicts, sabotage, grandeur, power and the love between Prince Salim (the Mughal emperor Jahangir) and Mehrunissa also known as Nur Jahan, who was Salim's twentieth and final wife.[2][3] It is now available on EPIC On, EPIC TV's streaming platform and on Prime Video as well.

Siyaasat is mainly about the journey of Mehrunissa to become Nur Jahan. It is based in the era of Mughal rule where Akbar is the Emperor. The show focuses on the battle between the princes to become the heir to the throne and also on Salim - Mehrunissa's love story. The other prominent aspects of the show are the politics in the harem between Jagat Gosaini, Ruqaiya Sultan Begum and other women, the rivals of Akbar like Malik Amber, Chand Bibi and Rana Pratap and the political turmoil in Akbar's court between Abul Fazl, Mirza Ghias Beg and Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana

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Against this backdrop, it is a heartening development that Hilal Ahmed, Associate Professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, has come out with a book titled Allah Naam ki Siyasat (Politics of the name of Allah) in Hindi on the way political Islam exists in India and shapes contemporary politics as well as social, cultural, and political discourse.

The book has been planned in such a way that the reader becomes familiar with the fundamentals of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad, the distinctiveness of Indian Islam, and the lives of prominent Muslim intellectuals and political leaders who have made effective interventions in Indian politics, both before and after Independence. It has been divided into four sections.

The second section introduces and discusses the role of prominent Muslims such as Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Abu-Ala Maududi, and Muhammad Iqbal, thus familiarising the reader with pre-Independence Muslim politics and its key players. Without understanding this period of our history, it is not possible to understand how Muslim politics evolved and unfolded after the departure of the British from the subcontinent.

Ahmed has done a great service by writing this scholarly yet poignant book in Hindi as it offers a panoramic view of the past as well as present state of Muslim politics and the problems faced by Indian Muslims against the background of the rising strength of communal forces. One hopes more such books are written in Hindi and educate millions of Hindi-speaking people.

India is a land of politics. From tea stalls to the grand chambers of the Parliament, Indians thrive on political discussions. On Quint Hindi's new show- Siyasat, I will take you on a journey with some of Indian politics' most fascinating stories. But, these aren't mere stories, they shape and influence our everyday lives.

Haider Saeed is a Researcher at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, and the Deputy Editor in Chief of Siyasat Arabia, which is published by the ACRPS. Saeed also sits on the Academic Board of the Program on the Democratic Transition in the Arab Region. Saeed earned his PhD in Linguistics from Baghdad's Al Mustansiriya University, with a thesis titled "The Phenomenological Foundations of Arab Linguistics Theory: an Enquiry into the Origins". Saeed's writing focuses on intellectual history, critical theory and politics. Saeed has contributed to the "National Report on Human Development in Iraq" for the 2009 and 2014 editions. He is also the author of The Politics of the Symbol and the End to National Culture of Iraq (2009) and Literature and the Representation of the World (2002). In 2008, Saeed was the supervising author of a report on "The Status of Social Sciences in Iraqi Universities". He led a separate research team which completed a report on "Islamic Civil Society in Iraq", in 2010. Saeed also reviewed the 2002 Arabic translation of Edward Said, part of the Routledge Series on Critical Thinkers and written by Bill Ashcroft and Pal Ahluwalia.

When he started taking an interest in politics, however, his style took a U-turn. He now favours white shalwar kameez worn with a waistcoat or blazer, an east-meets-west compromise that often leaves him looking rather... rumpled. 589ccfa754

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