Frequently asked questions

Prospective and current members often have questions about Lambda Pi Eta - here is a list of those frequently asked questions and their answers. 

If you have a question that is not listed, we encourage you to contact the faculty advisor or any student member of the executive board - you may just see your question added to this document to help future members! 

Common Questions asked by prospective members

What are the membership requirements?

Undergraduate students must meet the following criteria set by our national office (The National Communication Association): 

Can graduate students become members? 

Graduate students in our Strategic Communication MA program are eligible to join, so long as they meet the following criteria:

Sorry, graduate students in other programs at SUNY Oswego are not eligible to join LPH. 

How do I join Lambda Pi Eta? 

Starting in 2023, we have moved to an application system. Students who meet the above criteria are encouraged to apply as soon as they are eligible. 

Fall: You should submit your application by September 15 to the chapter advisor,

Spring: You should submit your application by February 15 to the chapter advisor,

Once your information is verified, you'll be notified if your application was accepted. You can then choose to pay your membership dues and officially join our chapter. 

Does it cost money to join LPH?

Yes, it does. New members pay one-time dues (membership fees) of $65.00. 

What are the dues for?

The one-time payment of $65.00 covers your certificate, pin, and cords for graduation, along with the shipping and processing for procuring your materials. Your funds also go to supporting the chapter events and programming

Note: Our chapter receives no SA funds. Your one-time dues are the only source of operating income we have as a chapter. 

How are dues collected? 

Students pay dues directly to our campus account managed by Auxiliary Services. The chapter advisor, department administrative assistant, or department chair cannot take payment for you. Students who have their application accepted will receive payment instructions via email. 

What payment methods are accepted? 

Cash and check payments can be made by visiting Auxiliary Services during their business hours. 

A special online portal for dues paid by debit or credit card is offered as a convenience for members

Students who have their application accepted will receive payment instructions via email. 

Is there a deadline to accept my membership invitation? 

Yes, there is a deadline. That deadline is October 1 (Fall) and  March 1 (Spring). This allows us time to place orders and receive your materials in time for distribution in the semester. 

What happens if I want to join but it's after the deadline? 

We prefer that you wait until the next semester. Our deadlines are set because it can take up to 2 months (8 weeks) to receive your personalized membership certificates. 

If I joined Lambda Pi Eta at my previous college, what can I do? 

If the student wishes to transfer membership to SUNY Oswego, please get in touch with the faculty advisor to start the membership verification process through the national office.

Students who had been inducted at another institution are not required to pay dues (because they already did at their last college or university). You can choose to have a certificate re-printed with your new institutional affiliation but that does cost $30. 

What are some benefits of becoming a member?

The tangible benefits include a personalized membership certificate, a pin, and graduation cords.

Other benefits students give for joining include listing Lambda Pi Eta among their achievements on LinkedIn or their resume, leadership experience (if they take on an eboard position), the potential to network and connect with similarly-focused students. 

What if I can’t afford the dues? 

If you are interested in becoming a member but cannot afford the membership dues, please reach out to the faculty advisor. We can make no guarantees, but in the past we were able to secure the funds to help pay dues for a small number of new members (approximately one per semester) that demonstrated need and assistance. 

When will I receive my membership materials of my certificate, pin, and cords? 

Materials arrive 6-8 weeks after they are ordered on October 2 or March 2. Once they arrive, the chapter advisor will ask you how you would like to receive your materials. 

Fall: There is no formal induction ceremony. You will be asked if you want to wait and receive your materials in the Spring ceremony, or come by and pick up your materials for a mini 1:1 induction ceremony with the chapter advisor or have your materials mailed to you if you are outside of Oswego/Fulton.  

Spring: Our big Spring Ceremony is held so we can distribute cords to seniors and officially induct new members with their certificates and pins. If you can't make it to this ceremony, you'll work with the chapter advisor to pick up your materials or have them mailed to you if you are outside of Oswego/Fulton. 

Can guests attend this ceremony

This depends on the venue of the ceremony. Some years, the ceremony is held in person and guests may be limited due to space or budget. Other years, the ceremony has been held virtually with no limit on the number of guests. We ask that all attendees, students and guests, follow instructions provided in the invitation sent in Spring to the current members. 

Common questions from current members 

How do I maintain my student membership?

Once inducted, the student is officially a lifetime member of Lambda Pi Eta. Members are expected to remain in good standing and continue their academic success. That academic success includes remaining within both required GPA ranges. 

Students are also asked to complete 10 hours of community service per year. This is part of our campus constitution and not the national constitution so there are no penalties if you cannot meet this requirement. 

How do I complete my volunteer hours? 

Community service can be completed at any site, on or off campus, and hours are recorded and reported with the form available on LakerLife.  Record your hours following the honor system, as credibility and ethics is a guiding value of our organization. Email that form to the advisor. 

What happens if I don't do my volunteer hours?

You will not be kicked out as this membership is a lifetime membership. The volunteer hours are part of the campus bylaws and not the national organization, as Oswego's mission statement focuses on service. 

Do I have to attend meetings? 

No, you don't have to attend meetings. Meeting attendance is encouraged but not required. 

What leadership opportunities are there with LPH?

Like any student-run organization, there are executive board members that organize and help run the club. Such leadership positions for the Sigma Pi chapter include the President, VP, Secretary/VP of Communication, Treasurer/VP of Finance, and if there is any interest a Public Relations Officer. Elections occur in the Spring semester and are open to all members, including newly inducted members and online students. 

Who is eligible to run for an officer position? 

Any member, including newly inducted members, can run for an officer position so long as they will be enrolled at SUNY Oswego in the upcoming year. 

How do I get cords for graduation?

Cords will be handed out at the Induction Ceremony. If you can't make it, email the chapter advisor to find another way to receive your materials.