Soil Judging - Soil Morphology (1).pptx

Scorecard Section I:

Soil Morphology

This presentation covers the largest section of the scorecard: soil morphology. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Soil Profile Charactersitics.pptx

Scorecard Section II:

Soil Profile Characteristics

This presentation covers the smaller sections of the scorecard. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Soil Judging Site Characteristics.pptx

Scorecard Section III:

Site Characteristics (slope position, runoff, & erosion)

This presentation slope positions and some interpretations. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Soil Judging PM Landform.pptx

Scorecard Section III:

Site Characteristics (parent materials & landforms)

This presentation covers parent materials and landforms. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Soil Judging- Taxonomy.pptx

Scorecard Section IV:

Soil Classification

This presentation covers orders, suborders, and great groups as they pertain to soil taxonomy for soil judging. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Soil Judging- Disagnostic horizons.pptx

Scorecard Section IV:

Soil Classification

This presentation diagnostic horizons as they pertain to soil taxonomy for soil judging. Use our Quizlet page to help review the terms covered in this presentation.

Use the materials on this quizlet page to help you review and learn important terms and concepts. 

Quiz Yourself! These Jeopardy games are to help you study. 

If you are a 2023 soil judger, we'll play these together at the contest. Don't spoil them for yourself!

This Jeopary game covers information from section IV of the scorecard: soil classification. 

Here's the link to play on the JeopardyLabs website:

Password for editing is soiljudging2023