Admittedly, this scene from Double Agent Droid, the 19th episode of Star Wars: Rebels third season, is entirely unexpected. With the obvious exception of those characters who are already musicians, it is strange for anyone in Star Wars to break into song. What makes this even more random is that the character doing the singing is AP-5, a protocol droid with the same languid tone and delivery as the late Alan Rickman. Coupled with the droids grumpy personality and dry sense of humor, that AP-5 is the one to sing about the beauty and wonder of the universe is an absurd juxtaposition that immediately catches one off-guard.

For many, the song was undoubtedly funny, a moment of welcome levity in an episode of Rebels. After-all, as showrunner Dave Filoni points out, the intention of the song, random as it may be, was meant to inject humor into the seriousness of show. For some, the song may have been off-putting, an absurdity that is annoying, adding nothing but pointless filler to the animated show. And still for others, the song very well may have been forgettable, overshadowed by the more exciting bits of the episode in particular and the series in general.

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And the same is true for each one of us. Like AP-5 and all of the characters in the Star Wars universe, you and I perfectly fit into this universe. Honestly, what better way to capture this euphoric sense of belonging than through song?

For every audio file you have in your smartphone (all supported audio types by Android and jAudioTagger library), it will generate an audio fingerprint, then will connect to an ACR server and will download the correct data for every song, later will allow you to correct the song with this downloaded information; in other words, it will make a Shazam-like recognition but not from audio recorded, but over audio files you have and will correct their meta tags, including filename.

I just installed Spotify (the new version with the UI overhaul) on my HTC Droid Incredible 2 Android smartphone (running 2.3.4). The app works great with headphones, but when I tried using the app in my car with my phone paired to the car's audio system via Bluetooth, when a song is "playing," no audio plays through the car speakers (or through the phone speakers either for that matter). That is, it seems to think that the sound is playing through the car, but it actually is not. The issue isn't with my phone itself because other music apps work just fine with the car speakers (Winamp, Pandora, HTC's music app).

We're on the same boat. Sometimes I can listen to my music from my Samsung Galaxy S2 (Android) through my Mini Boombox loudspeaker using bluetooth. And sometimes there is no sound at all through my Mini Boombox even though the bluetooth is on. Really irritating.

I have a similar issue, but I can't get the newer version of Spotify to play through my headphones, phone speaker or bluetooth since the auto-upgrade to the latest version a week or so ago. The song looks like it is playing, just no sound!

I'm having same issue. Little different though: I can click a song to play it, the next song on the playlist does what you're talking about, I have to click skip back and skip forward to get it to play, and it does it just playing from phone speakers as well

Playback over Bluetooth or Aux (headphone) begins just fine for the first few songs. Eventually it will "look" like it is playing, but there is no audio. Hitting Pause, waiting a couple seconds, then hitting Play will cause the song to start over from the beginning with audio output again. The audio drops out once the next song starts playing though. This gets really annoying, since I have to do it for every song once it starts this behaviour.

spotify has stated more than once that BT is not "officially supported" - -getting anyone's attention about this just ain't gonna happen -- even though every other reputable music player for android handles BT, and even transmits track info. i would imagine on the priority list, this is way way way below landscape mode (which we've been waiting for for over 4 months), and GBs per month of rogue data usage...

yes it is true. if you search the forum, you should be able to find more than one post where a customer rep states this. i remember it distinctly, because of how absurd it was that the old app actually had a link to android BT settings (which apparently wasn't "supported")...

Having this same issue, it has worked just perfect until the last two months. Ever second song (or so), the audio disapperas, while the song is playing just fine. Putting Spotify to Offline mode and back has fixed the issue, but bit clumsy as you need to keep doing it all the time. Using Android 4.2 on Galaxy Nexus. Issue was also on Android 4.1.2.

Good time to give Xbox Music Pass a try as soon as the Android app is released. Sorry Spotify, not "supporting" mobile devices and Bluetooth is your loss. I've heard these "mobile devices" are pretty popular nowadays.

After I did those and re-login into the Spotify app, after a few songs I encountered infamous "No Internet Connection" error. Other Internet apps are still working (Browser...) So I turned off the WiFi and then turned it on again. That fixed it. So the Spotify's handling the WiFi error seemed to be a problem in the start.

Hi, I know this is an old thread but I too am having this issue. I have a Samsung S22 ultra. It was working great until I had to factory reset my phone to send it in to fix the screen . I have reset my phone, force stopped and reopened the app, un-installed the app and re downloaded it, clear the cache ......I have tried almost everything I can. I also have an issue with it starting a song then just stopping. If I change a the song it will either start and stop again or won't play at all.

On another note, we understand you followed some troubleshooting, but even then, the app won't play the songs. Can you try reinstalling the app again? A clean (more thorough) reinstall could make a difference in this case, since you can make sure the cache is not leading to this inconvenience. You can give it a try; you just have to follow these steps to do it.

Someone please fix this. I am experiencing the same issue with my Samsung and I am close to deleting the app. Music just won't play. Some songs will play 10-15 seconds and then stop completely. Now I can't play or hear anything on my app, despite resetting my password and reloading the app.

I have also been having this issue. I have a Samsung galaxy S21 and the app has been working great until a few months ago. But this issue just started within the last week. My phone will play songs with no issue, and randomly it decides it's done playing music. It will play 9 to 11 seconds of a song and stop. I will skip to the next song and the next and they won't play. But the song after those will play the first 9 -11 seconds and then stop. It will still play podcast episodes. I have tried the clean reinstall, the hard reinstall, the only option is to have it downloaded to my internal memory on the phone. I have tried restarting my phone, my phone is updated to the most recent version of software and the app is also updated. This is not the only issue I've been experiencing with the app. It also will not allow me to download my library to listen offline without getting stuck about halfway and also having a permanent notification telling me it's still trying to download but not working. I have had podcast episodes skip around to different parts of the episode. And the app drains the battery on my phone even with powersaving turned on. I read the other ongoing issues threads about these issues and I have tried just about everything suggested. I would just like to have the music I pay to listen to play for me.

When updating the OS on Android devices, the battery optimization on all apps may be automatically turned back on by default. This can cause performance issues or interfere with playback when the app is backgrounded.Please try the following steps:

Due to the numerous models of Android devices, we are unable to provide step by step instructions for every device. Please look up the steps to manage battery optimization for the specific make and model of your device and disable this for the Pandora app if the above does not apply.

1. Sometimes it will occur when my phone locks but the small Pandora panel will appear if I tap the screen; however, the features don't work. In other words I can't start Pandora again from that panel. Other times the music will stop at the beginning of a new song, or even as another song is playing (the Pandora full screen displays) but again, trying to resume the song doesn't work. The only thing that does work is to close Pandora, reopen it, and press play.

I have a Galaxy S21 and am using the free Pandora app. Whenever I am using the app on my phone and the display times out, Pandora goes to the next song then stops. To get the next song going, I have to unlock my phone. Pandora then works normally until the display times out, again. This happens if I'm listening at home on my phone or when bluetoothed into my car audio. Can't find a setting to address this. Any ideas about how to get Pandora to continue playing after the display has timed out? Thanks in advance!

Then a song will play as expected; however, once the song ends another one will not automatically play, unless the screen is awake (like when I'm & have the map app open). It happens whether connected to my car, headphones, or just playing on the phone's speaker. I have a pandora plus account. ff782bc1db

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