
Prof. Harish Subbaraman

Harish Subbaraman directs the Advanced Manufacturing and Photonics Laboratory (AMPL). He earned M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. Until 2016, he worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Omega Optics, Inc (Austin, TX), where he led and managed SBIR/STTR projects in the areas of printed and flexible hybrid electronics and silicon/polymer photonics. In 2016, he joined The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boise State University (Boise, ID). At Boise State, he served as the Associate Site Director for NSF I/UCRC (ATOMIC) and the Advanced Manufacturing BSU lead for the Center for Advanced Energy Studies. He joined The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University in Fall 2022, where he is currently an Associate Professor.  He has over 200 refereed journal and conference publications and is a senior member of IEEE.

Lakshmi Prakasan

Lakshmi joined Dr. Subbaraman's research group as a graduate student in Winter 2023. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Govt. Engineering College, Palakkad in 2020. Later, she joined the Printed Electronics and Nanoionics lab in the Department of Materials Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science(IISc) Bengaluru. Her past research involved the fabrication and characterization of transistors and sensors by solution processing and inkjet printing. Currently, her research focuses on plasma jet printing.

Boxin Zhang

Boxin Zhang earned M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oregon State University, and B.S. degree in Material Science and Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University. She is also a member of Outstanding Scholars Program. She is currently pursuing a PhD degree and her research focuses on optical biosensors and silicon photonics devices with surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. 

Ali Yadollahi

Ali is a Ph.D. student working under the supervision of Dr. Harish Subbaraman at Oregon State University. His academic journey began with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (Control) from Hormozgan University, Iran, and continued with a M.S. in Micro-nanoelectronics devices. His prior experience includes working on Sensors, MEMs, and Solar cells. He joined the ECE PhD program at OSU in the fall of 2023. His research interests include additive manufacturing for flexible hybrid electronic applications, Sensors, Biosensors, Optoelectronics, Solar cells, and printed device characterization. More specifically, his research focuses on Optical sensors and Waveguides.

Dr. Yadvendra Singh

Yadvendra Singh received his Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India and M.E. degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Thapar University, India. He worked as Post-doctoral researcher in the department of physics at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India during June 2021 to May 2022. He has published more than 50 research articles in national and international SCI journals and conferences. He has published a scholarly book, titled “2D Materials for Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Sensors” (CRC Press, 2021). He joined the Dr. Subbaraman’s group as Post-doctoral researcher in May 2022.  

His primary research focuses are Silicon Photonics (modelling and characterization), Optical Fiber Sensors, Plasmonic, Nanophotonics, Nanostructured Optical Configurations, Optical Sensors, Biosensors for Clinical Diagnostics, Fiber Optic/integrated Sensors, Fiber optic plasmonic sensors, FBG based sensors, Applications to sensing.

Current Undergraduate Students

Megan Thomas

Alumni (Graduate Students)

Jacob Manzi (PhD, 2023) - Sandia National Laboratory

Sohel Rana (PhD, 2022) - Advanced Energy

Fataneh Jenabi (MS, 2022) - Micron Technologies

Baharah Badamchi (PhD, 2021)  - Intel Corporation

Alumni (Undergraduate Students)

Kayla Uyema (B.E. EECS - Summer 2024)

Zong Yin Chi (B.E. – ECE - Summer 2022)

Andrew Timmons (B.E. - ECE - Summer 2022)

Attila Rektor (B. E. – MSE – Summer 2020)

Jasmine Cox (B.E. – ECE – Summer 2020)

Tyler Webb (B.E. – MSE – Summer 2020)