

North Africa to South Africa and also east to west - document/website need updating (50-100meter maybe 200meter width, outsides 2km 5km each side for wild animals, OstrichAirways℠, etc), enclosed(50-100meter  maybe 200meter width) with a arch/round like shape with SeeTruSolar℠(30cm thickness), with many service stops along the way including accommodation within the same enclosure, the only way into the enclosure (entire road and services, etc are enclosed with perspex/glass type) is via a rigorous health and safety ritual. Each person gets a key/pass that can be worn. Access fee/toll fees may apply. Paperwork needed country depending, visa's may apply country depending should you want to exit, else deported worst case. Smoking and non-smoking zones are 50-50 throughout all outlets and also smoking stops in between major stops. Under the road is a service road for the top road and its amenities/establishments such as OstrichBurger℠ dispensers that deliver the food via small lifts. 3 separate independent fibre optic networks to run all the way, one line on the left, one line on the right and one line at the top - OstrichNetwork℠, ExternalNetwork℠(worldwide extendable), CommercialNetwork℠ (also worldwide extendable). These networks have a near 0 latency) Every exit point has a robust passport and paperwork checking area. The entire road is enclosed, one can only get out via these exits. There are emergency exits (airplane like openings maybe), this will set of an alarm, they lead to a safety zone, health and safety officials and security will attend if this is the case. The enclosure is waterproof in case of floodings. For the rubbish system if it I suggest something like a water pipe recycling system that chops the rubbish into small bits continuously flowing  only if it can be used for petrol recycling, else specific boxes for each type of item, maybe a small conveyor belt for the boxes. The service road that runs underneath also has a separate racing track(advanced ventilation system that cleans air with water and filters and then it goes to OstrichPetrol℠)for car racing (petrol racing cars allowed, all other vehicles for service road and top road are Tesla). Vehicles go through a heavy health and safety check and also a thorough clean before allowed into/onto OstrichRoad℠. Airway/airport terminals along the side of the road between the animals (they have way to roam around them) is an extra extension to OstrichRoad℠(100) airways/airports, Tesla Jet's only, with the exception of Honda Jet - relatively eco friendly). The road might have enough extra power from it's solar roof to provide a basic amount to each country on the entire(at lease surrounding countries) African continent (at a pay as you go price) see https://sites.google.com/view/ostrichpower 

8 7 September 2023 - the road can take a more logical route such as simply north to south with an extra east to west if need be to connect countries Africa countries more easily