
Work in Progress

(joint with Jonathan Zandberg, Maya Haran-Rosen, and Alexander Montag).



Journal of Monetary Economics, April 2024

link, last manuscript

International Journal of Central Banking, June 2022 

(joint with Nathan Sussman). 

link, VoxEU

 Web and Internet Economics (WINE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9470. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2015  

(joint with Liad Blumrosen). 


Book Chapters

in: Amir Yaron and Michel Strawczynski (eds.) Monetary Policy In a Period of Price Stability, Bank of Israel, 2022.   

(joint with Michael Gurkov).  

Hebrew, English

Bank of Israel Discussion Papers

Discussion Papers Series 2022.08, Bank of Israel Research Department, 2022.

(joint with Michael Gurkov). 


Working Papers