Before you can start building your street network, however, you need data. Google Maps is probably the first choice that comes to most people's minds when thinking of geographic information, but its API is unfortunately not free. Thankfully, there's a free, open-source alternative with much of the same data: the OpenStreetMaps (OSM) project.

OSMnx is an open-source Python library that allows you to download OSM data with simple queries, such as a place name or a bounding box. Not only can it fetch this data, but far more importantly, it also performs a variety of pre-processing on the raw data from OSM and formats it into a form that is readily converted into a NetworkX MultiDiGraph. For those not familiar with it, NetworkX is the premier graph analysis and visualization library in Python. As such, it is readily equipped to handle many tasks, such as finding the shortest path between two points and more.

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Additionally, OSMnx also has first-class support for conversion between a NetworkX graph and a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame, an extension of the Pandas DataFrame we all know and love with added support for working with geospatial data in a tabular format. In doing so, OSMnx also allows for quick and easy visualization of the OSM street networks using the GeoPandas mapping tools, with additional helper functions for added customization of the resulting maps.

Note here that we can specify the place as either a string (in the case of San Francisco) or as a dictionary specifying the region more precisely (as we did for Oakland). As in the example above, we can also call the function on just a single place or a list of places. This is what the graph we just downloaded looks like:

Alongside a string naming a place, we can also download a graph for all the streets within a certain distance from a given address. Let's try that next, by pulling all the roads within 2 km from 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister of the U.K.

Also, note that the graph is stored as a NetworkX MultiDiGraph, so you could quite literally move on to the network analysis portion of your project after calling a single function. That's a remarkable degree of convenience!

One of the best things about OSMnx is that it fits incredibly well into the existing Python GIS ecosystem and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. Need to do graph analysis? The street network is converted to a NetworkX graph by default and ready for use with that library.

Need to deal with the road network in a tabular format for more extensive batch operations? GeoPandas' GeoDataFrame is here to the rescue and is a first-class citizen when using OSMnx. Converting the street network to a tabular format is as simple as a single line of code with OSMnx and splits the graphs into two data frames, one containing the nodes and one containing the edges.

As such, given the native support for NetworkX graphs, you'd most likely move further analysis to the NetworkX library and its excellent array of utilities specifically designed for that purpose. However, OSMnx does come with a few built-in functions for analyzing the network. Let's look at a quick example of using the basic_stats function to examine the average number of streets connected to a single node in this network.

In conclusion, OSMnx can significantly simplify the entire ETL process for a street networks analysis problem by downloading, cleaning, visualizing, and converting street data into a NetworkX graph ready for analysis. It does this with just a few lines of code, thereby saving you potentially hours if not days in setup time. It also fits incredibly well into the existing Python ecosystem with excellent support for GeoPandas for data manipulation and NetworkX for network analysis, making street network analysis in Python as accessible and frictionless as possible.

I am struggling with a crs conversion in GeoPandas.Basically I just want to calculate the distance between a point and an edge of my OSMnx graph.The coordinates of the point are retrieved from the mapillary API and should be in WGS84 crs ("our spatial data uses WGS84" [Ref])

OSMNX will allow for a custom filter, so you could use a filter that matches exactly the filter used at Citystrides, that would be a nice touch and keep from trying to route us onto roads inappropriate for running.

Docs: =custom%20filter#osmnx.graph.graph_from_polygon

It appears the details of that query can be found here: Overpass Street Query

Calculate the compass bearing from origin node to destination node for each edge in the directed graph then add each bearing as a new edge attribute. Bearing represents angle in degrees (clockwise) between north and the direction from the origin node to the destination node.

If we overlay the parish boundary, we see that the routes returned correspond to the graph between nodes that lay within the boundary. Some roads pass straight through the boundary, others appear to lay just outside the boundary.

This notebook gives a few examples how Pyrosm can be used together with Python network analysis libraries. Before starting, ensure that you have read the basic documentation about how to export graphs with Pyrosm.

This tutorial shows how to construct simple shortest path routing between selected source and destination addresses using NetworkX and OSMnx.Pyrosm is used for extracting the data from OSM PBF file and constructing the graph, while NetworkX provides the basic network analysis capabilities and OSMnx provides many useful functionalities that makes it easy to work with street networks.

Also a key column will be added to the edge attributes. This makes it possible to use OSMnx straight away when you export the data. You can distable this behavior by using osmnx_compatible=False in to_graph function.

Now it is very easy to calculate the shortest path between those two addresses based on length using networkx function shortest_path(). OSMnx provides very handy function to plot our result on top of the graph:

Although NetworkX is very easy to use, it tends to use quite a lot of memory and it is relatively slow with large networks. Hence, the default output graph for pyrosm is iGraph, which performs much better and consumes less memory.

Analyzing the catchment areas of specific services (such as hospitals) is a typical example where large scale spatial network analysis is used. In this example, we will see how pyrosm can be used together with igraph (+ a few other libraries) to conduct large scale network analysis and find the closest hospital for each building in (mainland) Estonia. The whole process should take less than 10 minutes with computer having 16GB of available RAM. The end result will look something like following:

This step needs to be done because some of the nodes originally parsed from the street network are likely to be dropped out when the graph isgenerated (because unconnected edges are removed). Note: you can keep the whole network by specifying retain_all=True when calling to_graph().

This example shows, how pyrosm can be used to conduct even national level analysis quite easily and fairly efficiently. The total time to run this tutorial took about 8.5 minutes (with a laptop having 16GB memory, SSD drive, and Intel Core i5-8250U CPU 1.6 GHZ). This included all steps from downloading the OSM data, parsing the required datasets (steets, buildings and hospitals), exporting the network to graph, conducting the network distance calculations and parsing the statistics (plotting was not taken into account).

I am trying to create labels for sattelite images I have to do building/road segmentation.I've now figured out how to do this with osmnx (phew!), now that I think about it a little more, I was wondering if there might be an easier (better, cleaner) way creating it with open gis?Or would you know of some other way?

I am currently working on some analyses of the Berlin road network, and I am using OSMNX to get a relevant graph representation. I noticed that - if with drawbacks - many authors use planar representations when working with road networks. Geoff Boeing, the author of osmnx, has concerned himself with the issue, too ( -street-network-representation/, here for full text).

So suppose I have a non-planar graph, what would be the easiest way to make it planar? More specifically, I would like to make it planar by adding nodes at places where edges intersect, instead of removing edges until the graph is planar, as suggested elsewhere. Do you know of any algorithm in python that is able to do that?

The algorithm consists of converting a Voronoi diagram, which is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on the distance to points in a specific subset of the plane, into a weighted graph represented by a networkx object in Python.

The algorithm then iterates through the edges of the Voronoi diagram and checks if each edge connects two points whose coordinates lie in the range [0,1]. If so, the edge is added as an edge in the networkx graph, with a weight equal to the Euclidean distance between the two endpoints of the edge.

Finally, the resulting networkx graph is returned as output. This graph represents the Voronoi diagram as a weighted graph, where the vertices correspond to the points in the input list and the edges represent the borders between the Voronoi regions. The weights on the edges represent the lengths of these borders.

Firstly, the Voronoi diagram itself can be thought of as a planar graph, where the vertices represent the input points and the edges represent the borders between the Voronoi regions. This graph can be used for various applications, such as geographic information systems, computer vision, and computational geometry.

I recently went to a talk at UC Berkeley by the GraphXD group. Their site is here. The presenter of the first seminar, Tselil Schramm gave a great talk on cluster methods on graphs. Specifically, she discussed spectral clustering and the utilization of the Laplacian matrix to represent graphs on a plane. e24fc04721

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