Downloading maps in the OsmAnd app is a key step to ensure smooth operation and use of offline navigation. Without offline maps, the app cannot function fully. Downloading maps gives you access to maps of different regions, allowing you to navigate without an internet connection.

To download maps, you have two main ways: view the list of regions in the main menu or select the required region directly on the map. This gives you the flexibility to select the regions you want and ensures that the maps are customized according to your plans.

Osmand Offline Maps Download

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Though OsmAnd supports both Vector and Raster maps, it is highly recommended to start working with vector maps offline. This type of map ensures that all key features of the app work reliably, including Search, Navigation, and Context menu. This is especially important if your travels include trips to remote locations or places with limited Internet access.

When you first launch the app, you will be prompted to download a map based on your current online location, or you can skip this step. This is convenient, as you immediately get access to local maps corresponding to your location.

One way to download the map is to zoom out the World map and by short tap select the region to download. This area will be highlighted in yellow and on the bottom will appear a panel with the name of the region and an offer to download it or choose other maps.

NoteAt low zoom levels, a map selected to download will be highlighted in yellow, maps that are already downloaded will be highlighted in green, deactivated maps will be highlighted in orange. Deactivated maps are bypassed to speed up the program in case you have many downloaded maps.

If no map is loaded for route planning, the progress line does not appear and the Start button remains inactive. Note that at some zoom levels, the reason for the lack of a route may not be clear, even if it appears that maps are present.

It is possible to upload a self-created map.OsmAndMapCreator) can be used to create any maps supported by OsmAnd. To create a vector map you will need an OSM file (.pbf, .osm.gz, *.osm.bz2) and to create an online sqlite map you will need the url of the base tile.

Yes absolutely possible. It took me sometime to figure this out though. I found the page about how-to add maps manually to OsmAnd maps on Google Docs. There is some tutorial about this thing. Just head over to OsmAnd Maps Download via PC.

OsmAnd is a map application that uses data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). With it, you can download high-quality maps from around the world and store as many maps as you want on your device. Keep in mind that the maps take up a fair amount of space, however, so if you download too many, you may encounter storage problems.

One of the strengths of OsmAnd is that, in addition to using data from OpenStreetMap, it also lets you access information from Wikipedia. The maps can show nearby points of interest based on information from Wikipedia.

It's important to note that the free version doesn't make use of Wikipedia to show these points of interest, and it only lets you download seven maps. The paid version, on the other hand, lets you download an unlimited number of maps that you can manage directly from the application itself.

OsmAnd is an excellent navigation tool. Not only does it let you download maps to use without an Internet connection, but it also has lots of features, including the ability to change the visual or navigation styles (according to the compass, fixed, or adjusted to forward/backward movement).

OsmAnd is a GPS Navigation and map application that runs on many Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, featuring optional offline maps and turn by turn directions. OsmAnd is a collaborative, open source (GPL) software project that incorporates the 100% free OpenStreetMap data to deliver a complete, user-friendly, mobile GPS solution. Rich mapping, navigation, routing, Points Of Interest (POI), and historical tracking functions are all well supported. The software is well refined, reliable, globally deployed, and runs on many Android and iOS based smartphones, tablets, and a wide array of Linux-based systems.

OsmAnd and OSM data extend well beyond typical GPS functionality. Geodemographic information from Wikipedia and other sources may be integrated as a POI shown on the mobile maps. Map detail (stored as vectors and polygons) and POI data are often much richer than other off-the-shelf, typically closed and static GPS systems. Best of all, the entire system, the map data and software used to manipulate and display it, are crowdsourced. Any user, with an easy two-minute or less, totally free registration, can correct OpenStreetMap errors, add enhanced POI data, report an OsmAnd software bug, or suggest a potential enhancement. As mobile GPS needs evolve the OsmAnd / OpenStreetMap integrated solution quickly responds and remains current.

OsmAnd does not use the OpenStreetMap standard tile layer (also known as openstreetmap-carto) to generate its maps, so bugs related to maps rendered for OsmAnd do not belong there. OsmAnd uses its own tile render generation routines, generally defined in the OsmAnd-resources GitHub project.

OsmAnd is a map and navigation application with access to the free, worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap data. All map data can be stored on your device's memory card for offline use. Via your device's GPS, OsmAnd offers routing, with visual and voice guidance, for car, bike, and pedestrian. All the main functionalities work both online and offline (no internet needed when navigating).

OsmAnd is open source and actively being developed. Everyone can contribute to the application by reporting bugs, improving translations, or coding new features. The project is in a lively state of continuous improvement by all these forms of developer and user interaction. The project progress also relies on financial contributions to fund the development, coding, and testing of new functionalities. By buying OsmAnd+ you help the application to be even more awesome! It is also possible to fund specific new features, or to make a general donation on

OsmAnd supports directly contributing to the OSM database, both online and offline. Corrections are either uploaded to the OSM database instantly, or in offline mode, must be manually uploaded later. Map updates through OsmAnd Live are available free to OpenStreetMap contributors who meet a minimum of contributions.

You may also define your own map style. This is a bit involved, please check out our forum, our HowTo pages, and start from the default rendering template. Edit the file as you wish, rename it XXX.render.xml and place it on your device under /sdcard/osmand/rendering. Then in OsmAnd select XXX under "Map style".

Just as with rendering, it is possible to change the parameters used by the routing engine. This can be done by editing routing.xml and placing it next to the maps. This is all documented in the original routing.xml.

Hi there. I'm a new OSMAnd user. I was hoping to be able to record training hike tracks, and altitudes climbed etc, and to view contours on maps. I've managed to get the basic local map showing on my Android phone, and have downloaded the additional contour maps for my area. But I can't actually see them on the screen, no matter what the zoom level is. Any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?

Hey, I am having the same issue, but with a different map. I already posted my question here, but without an answer the thread got closed saying "This was not the right place to ask this, Osmand is its own thing, contour lines have nothing to do with Open street map, the google groups page is responsible for Osmand". No one there seems to be able to help me, but I couldn't help but notice a similarity btween your and my case. You see I have the same issue wih the map "". Both mine and your maps contain underscores as well as a hyphen (" - "). I wonder if that hyphen has anything to do with the issue? Can a developer please look at this please? Changing the file name didn't so anything.Also, I could always tell that the map didn't even got loaded in the first place, because it wasn't displayed in bold font, as the loaded vector maps are. Also, when I click a bold fonted map, I see additional info, not the case with the contour lines map, except if I make the program think it is a vector map by moving it in the main folder and removing the "srtm" ending. In that case the map loads and I see a bunch of coordinates under additional info, but I still can't see any contour lines. The additional info is cryptic, If you want to see screenshots, look at my google groups question, it's called "contour lines not loading - tried everything", i posted screenshots a couple posts down. ff782bc1db

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