
We practice Shima-Ha Shorin-ryu style of Okinawan karate and the Yamanni-ryu style of kobudo (mainly Bo and Sai), Our Shihan and RBKD Chief Instructor is Toshihiro Oshiro (Okinawa, Japan), who visits Europe a couple of times every year, holding group seminars and private classes.

RBKD stands for: Ryukyu Bujutsu Kenkyu Doyukai, an international organization dedicated to the study and development of traditional Okinawan martial arts.

My Sensei: Roberto Romero (Dresden, Germany) 5. Dan Shima-Ha Shorin-ryu, 3.Dan Yamanni Chinnen-ryu. RBKD member.

Myself: Eduard Luque (Poznań, Poland) 1. Dan Shima-Ha Shorin-ryu, Preparing for the Yamanni-ryu Dan Exam. RBKD member.

This is not a business-oriented activity. We'll be training in a friendly environment and we don't prepare for competitions neither. My intention is to share, with my new home town, Poznań, all what I  have learnt while training with Sensei Romero and during the seminars held by Shihan Oshiro.


We'll be training on:

Tuesdays, at xx:xx-xx:xx in the:

XXX xxx XXX xxx,

Address: ul. Xxxx, xx-xxx Poznan, Poland

If you’re interested, please contact me by to e-mail:




Karate and Kobudo Seminar in Seelow, Germany, with Sensei Romero


Karate and Kobudo Seminar in Dresden, Germany, with Shihan Oshiro