

Plenary talks

  • Anna Cima - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    On some point-wise periodic bijective maps with a discontinuity line.

  • Armengol Gasull - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Discrete Melnikov functions with applications.

  • Jaume Llibre - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    On the configurations of the singular points and their topological indices for the spatial quadratic polynomial differential systems

  • Jean-Pierre Françoise* - Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) (joint with GSD/UAB Online Seminar)
    Quadratic double centers and their perturbations

  • Joan Torregrosa - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Factor reversible systems with applications to planar centers

  • Oleg Makarenkov - University of Texas at Dallas
    Bifurcation of attracting limit cycles from Teixeira singularity

  • Farid Tari - Universidade de São Paulo
    Butterfly umbilic points on Riemann surfaces

  • Marco A Teixeira - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    Non-smooth dynamics: questions and concern


  • Alex Rezende - UFSCar
    Some sets of structurally unstable quadratic differential systems of codimension two.

  • Ana Livia Rodero - Unesp
    Centers and limit cycles of vector fields defined on invariant spheres

  • Ana Mereu - UFSCar
    Zero-Hopf bifurcation in a 3D-jerk system

  • Benito Pires - USP
    A switched server system with a Cantor attractor.

  • Camila Rodrigues - UFSC
    Bifurcation of periodic solutions in piecewise differential systems

  • Dayane Cruz - Unicamp
    Higher order Melnikov analysis for planar piecewise linear vector fields with nonlinear switching curve

  • Fernando Micena - UNIFEI
    Dynamical properties related to Lyapunov exponents

  • Gabriel Rondon - Unicamp
    On limit cycles in regularized Filippov systems bifurcating from homocliniclike connections to regular-tangential singularities

  • Guilherme Tavares - Unicamp
    Affine Double Discontinuity Dynamics.

  • Ingrid Sarmiento - UFSCar
    On the relation between topological equivalence of smooth submersions and their foliations in the real plane

  • Luiz Fernando Gonçalves - IFMG
    Sliding Shilnikov connection in Filippov-type predator-prey model

  • Luiz Gouvea - Unesp
    Limit cycles of small amplitude in polynomial planar vector fields

  • Marcos Coutinho - USP
    The bifurcation diagram of a family of quadratic differential systems with two saddle-nodes

  • Mauricio Lima - UFABC
    Bifurcações Sliding para uma família de sistemas de Filippov

  • Otavio Gomide - UFG
    A Typical Homoclinic-like Loop in 3D Filippov Systems.

  • Otavio Perez - Unesp
    Resolution of singularities of planar real analytic constrained differential systems

  • Pedro Cardin - Unesp
    Relaxation oscillation in planar discontinuous fast-slow systems

  • Yagor Romano - Unesp
    The local period function for Hamiltonian systems


  • Andre do Amaral Antunes (UNESP, Brazil), Title: On Topological Entropy of Non Smooth Vector Fields.

  • Angie Tatiana Suarez Romero (UFG, Brazil), Title: Campos de vetores suaves por partes e índice de Conley.

  • Alfredo Manuel Jara Grados (UFABC, Brazil), Title: Quantitative analysis of the gain in probability of escaping for ideal phototactic swimmers due to chaotic dynamics.

  • Ana Maria Travaglini (ICMC-USP, Brazil), Title: A study of Darboux's theory for planar quadratic systems with invariant hyperbolas.

  • Carlos Fabián Alvarez Escorcia (IMECC-UNICAMP, Brazil), Title: Hyperbolicity of maximal entropy measures.

  • Caio Augusto Santos Magalhães (UFG, Brazil), Title: Estabilidade Assintótica e o modelo SEIR

  • Dahisy Lima (UFABC-Brazil), Title: Covering Action on Pullback Flows for Attractor-Repeller Decompositions.

  • Jeidy Johana Jimenez Ruiz (UFOeste da Bahia, Brazil), Title: Crossing limit cycles for piecewise linear differential centers separated by a reducible cubic curve.

  • Julio Cezar de Oliveira Andrade (IMECC-UNICAMP, Brazil), Title: Regions of Instability For a Family of Hamiltonian Systems with a saddle-center equilibrium.

  • Luan Lima da Silva (UFG, Brazil), Title: Análise da estrutura geométrica do retrato de fase de campos vetoriais C1 em R2 e R3 com características peculiares.

  • Maíra Duran Baldissera (ICMC-USP, Brazil), Title: Existence and unicity of limit cycles in the generalized Rayleigh systems.

  • Mayk Joaquim dos Santos (UFG,Brazil), Title: Melnikov Function and Limit Cycles of Two Dimensional Discontinuous Systems with n pieces.

  • Marisa dos Reis Cantarino (IMECC-UNICAMP, Brazil), Title: Anosov Endomorphisms on the 2-torus: Regularity of foliations and rigidity.

  • Paulo Henrique Reis Santana (IBILCE-UNESP, Brazil), Title: Periodic orbits and the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker system.

  • Ricardo Campanha Almagro (UFSCar, Brazil), Title: Explorando as dinâmicas do amor.

  • Rodrigo Euzébio (UFG, Brazil), Title: Limit sets of Filippov orbits

  • Sonia Isabel Renteria Alva (IME-USP, Brazil), Title: Bifurcação zero-Hopf de um sistema hipercaótico de Lorenz em R4