Take part


Entry requirements:

Open Source License (GPL and MIT are preferred, however, other licenses are accepted).

Fill out the registration form

Invitation, or having filled out the candidate form

Programs used to run the tournaments (GUI)


Banksia Gui

Lucas Chess

Crafty chess interface

Fritz 10 (GUI)


The format in which the played games will be published will be .pgn

Event format:

Rating league (4 engines)

OSCET (8 engines, 6 pre-qualified, 2 from the qualifying league)


The six best ranked engines by CCRL blitz, from the list of participants will be pre-qualified to the OSCET, the four worst ranked engines by CCRL blitz, from the list of participants, will play a qualifying stage for the OSCET called "Qualifiers league", the 2 best of this stage will qualify to the OSCET, the 2 non-qualified engines will have to wait for the next OSCET to have the chance to qualify.

Note: The number of engines in the qualifying stage can be increased in specific cases or decreased.

Subsequent OSCETs

Once the first OSCET is finished, the engines will acquire the position they obtained at the end of the tournament, the 2 worst classified of the OSCET will be "relegated" to the classification league, the 6 best will be pre-classified for the next OSCET, the relegated engines will have to play the classification league, after this the common format is followed, the following image represents it:

Note: In case there are 8 participating engines, the qualifying stage will not be played, so everyone will qualify, in case of the arrival of a new engine, it will have to play the qualifying league, in case of having less than 8 participants, substitutes will be sought to complete the 8, if there are 9 participants, a 4 round tournament will be played between the 2 worst ranked engines, the champion will qualify to the OSCET, in case of a tie after the 4 rounds, a tiebreaker game will be played until the champion is defined.

Reasons to disqualify an engine:

Constant crashes, failures or any other type of technical problem.

Request for withdrawal by the author

Change of license to a freeware or proprietary license.

Decrease of game strength, as long as there is another engine that has higher game strength and is able to replace it, the engine that replaces it, will play from the classification league

An engine with a better score (previously a confrontation between these two was played and the new engine was the winner) will replace this one.

Illegal status of the engine (License Violation)

Finishing in the last position of the qualification league 5 times in a row.

Those points not declared in this call will be resolved by the organizer.

Translated with DeepL and PabloDaniel0