
Dr. Babajide Osatuyi is an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems in the Sam & Irene Black School of Business at The Pennsylvania State University in Erie, Pennsylvania.

His research explores behavioral, cognitive, and managerial questions with implications across several information systems including social and enterprise technologies. He has over 40 publications in journals and conferences. His scholarship uses multi-method approaches that include econometric analysis, survey data analysis, field, and lab experiments, along with machine learning and deep learning, and natural language processing techniques to leverage largely unstructured social media data. Dr. Osatuyi's research has appeared in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, and Journal of Computer Information Systems.

Dr. Osatuyi has authored several book chapters and served as a reviewer for journals such as Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Information Processing and Management, Internet Research, Decision Sciences, Information and Management, Information Systems Frontiers, and Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

Dr. Osatuyi serves on the editorial board of journals such as International Journal of Information Management, Information Science, and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

Office: Burke Research Center, Room 269


ph: 814.898.6065 fax: 814.898.6223


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