
vForge The Forge Port Update

Orthodox now has an official Forge Port!

Source code is available here.

There are no releases, however, the first release is in progress...

vFabric The Fabric Port Update

Orthodox now has an official Fabric Port!

Source code is available here.

An official Forge port of Orthodox is now here!

v1.10.2.1 The Mute Clear Chat Update

Orthodox 10.2 Edition has a new Update!


Adds "clearchat" Command to clear chat

Adds "mutechat" Command to mute chat


v1.10.2: Going Old School

Orthodox 10.2 Edition is here! (Hopefully it doesn't go as bad as the source code lol)

Works on Minecraft version 1.10.2.

What in this version:

Clear Chat. (Using chat messages)

That's about it.

(Source code coming soon on Orthodox: 10.2 Edition's Repository)


v1.0.1: First Fixes


Fixed Skyblock Metadata

Added Source Code!


v1.0.0: So it begins...

First ever release. (Not really that shocking is it?)


Added "fly" command

Added "menu" command

To Add:

"Intro" for Introduction to the plugin

Source Code for the project (I use InteliJ IDEA for IDE)

To fix:

Skyblock Metadata
