World Economic President'S calling

"China is watching warily as Putin and Kim forge new ‘alliance’" (Ref:Nectar Gan, China World CNN 23/6/24) 29/6/24

Summary: "As Russian President Vladimir Putin glided through the crowd-lined streets of Pyongyang atop a luxury Mercedes-Benz alongside his North Korean host Kim Jong Un last week, the two autocrats’ most important partner was watching from the sidelines hundreds of miles away in Beijing. Five years ago, Xi Jinping was offered the same open-top ride with Kim when he became the first Chinese leader to visit Pyongyang in 14 years. At the time, the two leaders vowed to strengthen ties and deepen cooperation, but the language paled in comparison with the 'breakthrough' new partnership struck by Kim and Putin. In a wide-ranging treaty spanning political, trade, investment, and security cooperation, North Korea and Russia pledged to use all available means to provide immediate military assistance in the event the other is attacked. Putin said Russia and North Korea have ramped up ties to a 'new level.' Kim, meanwhile, called the new 'alliance' a 'watershed moment' in bilateral relations. The new landmark defense pact agreed by the two nuclear-armed regimes rattled the United States and its Asian allies. Japan voiced 'grave concerns' about Putin’s vow not to rule out cooperation with Pyongyang on military technology. South Korea responded by convening an emergency national security meeting and said it would now consider sending arms to Ukraine. In contrast, the reaction from China, the main political and economic patron for both Russia and North Korea, has been all but muted. A spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the treaty, calling it a bilateral matter between Russia and North Korea. Beneath the official reticence, however, China is likely watching warily, analysts say. 

China ‘aims to control the situation’

The deepening ties between two wayward autocrats risk creating new uncertainty for Xi, who needs peace and stability in Northeast Asia as he grapples with a raft of domestic challenges, especially the slowing economy. Beijing is worried that Moscow’s assistance to Pyongyang – especially on military technology – would further enable and embolden the erratic Kim regime, which has drastically accelerated the buildup of nuclear weapons and missile programs, said Liu Dongshu, an assistant professor focusing on Chinese politics at the City University of Hong Kong. 'When it comes to the North Korea issue, China aims to control the situation and prevent escalation, but it also does not want North Korea to completely collapse either' – a scenario that Beijing fears would allow the US to extend its control right to its doorstep, Liu said. Previously, Russia had been largely aligned with China on the issue, but its desperate need for North Korea to support its grinding war in Ukraine risks undermining the delicate balance.Russia has received more than 10,000 shipping containers – the equivalent of 260,000 metric tons of munitions or munitions-related material – from North Korea since September, according to a US statement in February. Both Russia and North Korea have rejected the claim. And while the US has accused China of providing Russia with dual-use goods that bolster the warring nation’s military industrial complex, Beijing has refrained from offering direct military assistance to Putin and has steered clear of supporting Kim’s nuclear and missile programs. 'If Putin provides more support to North Korea on nuclear issues, including some technical assistance, it will become more difficult for China to control the situation on the Korean Peninsula,' Liu said. The mutual defense pact signed by Kim and Putin harks back to a 1961 treaty between North Korea and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. That deal was replaced with one that offered much weaker security assurances after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But North Korea’s mutual defense treaty with China, also signed in 1961, remains in place after multiple renewals. The Sino-North Korea Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance is the only formal military alliance treaty China has signed with another country, though Beijing doesn’t admit it as such and remains deliberately vague about whether China is obliged to automatically come to North Korea’s defense when a war breaks out. Similarly, it remains unclear what Russia and North Korea are willing – and able – to do for one another under the new defense pact. The new treaty comes amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, where Kim has ramped up fiery rhetoric and scrapped a longstanding policy of seeking peaceful reunification with South Korea. After the end of the Korean War in 1953, a formal peace treaty was never signed between the two Koreas, leaving them technically in a state of war. But the political message of the pact is loud and clear. Driven by a shared hostility to the US and its allies, the two autocratic nations are seeking to undermine and create an alternative to the Western-led global order – a goal shared by China. Speaking after his meeting with Kim, Putin rankled against what he called 'the imperialist policy of the United States and its satellites.' A month ago, Putin and Xi delivered a similar swipe at the US during the Russian leader’s visit to Beijing. In a sweeping joint statement, the two 'old friends' took aim at what they described as a global security system defined by US-backed military alliances – and pledged to work together to counter it. Western observers have warned against a loose but growing coordination of interests among China, Russia, North Korea and Iran – something one senior US military commander recently likened to a new 'axis of evil.' As Moscow and Pyongyang deepen their alliance, Beijing would be cautious to keep a distance, Liu said, adding that 'China certainly doesn’t want to be seen as part of a new Axis.' But despite the absence of Xi, China would have been the elephant in the room throughout Putin and Kim’s meeting. 'Any such meeting will also include discussion of China,' said Edward Howell, a lecturer in politics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, who focuses on the Korean Peninsula. 'Russia will know full well that China does not want to be left out of any substantial negotiations involving North Korea, not least since China is far more important – compared to Russia – to North Korea.' Yun Sun, director of the China program at the Washington-based Stimson Center think tank, said China doesn’t feel it can control the pace and extent of the deepening engagement between Russia and North Korea. 'But they do know that China plays an irreplaceable role for both Russia and North Korea,' she said. China remains the largest trade partner to both Russia and North Korea, providing a crucial lifeline to the heavily sanctioned economies. Beijing also lends significant political support and diplomatic cover to the two international pariahs. 'China doesn’t think that an alliance between Russia and North Korea would be a betrayal,' said Liu with the City University of Hong Kong. 'Neither of the two countries has the capacity to betray China. They still need to rely on China despite their alliance.'"

「ロシアと北朝鮮が新たな「同盟」 中国は警戒しながら注視」(参照:CNN World ANALYSIS ネクター・ガン氏  24/6/26) 24/6/29

記事内容要約「香港(CNN) ロシアのプーチン大統領は先週、訪問先の北朝鮮で、最高指導者の金正恩(キムジョンウン)総書記とともに高級車に乗って、人々が立ち並ぶ平壌の通りを走り抜けた。この2人の独裁者にとって最も重要なパートナーは何百キロも離れた北京でその様子を見守っていた。中国の習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は5年前、中国の指導者として14年ぶりに訪朝した際、同じようにオープントップの車両に乗るよう提案された。習氏と金氏は当時、関係の強化と協力の深化を約束したが、今回、金氏とプーチン氏が結んだ『画期的』で新たな協力関係に比べれば、その言葉は精彩を欠いたものだった。ロシアと北朝鮮は今回、政治から貿易、投資、安全保障上の協力など幅広い分野で合意し、いずれかの国が攻撃された場合には、利用可能なあらゆる手段を用いて、直ちに軍事支援を提供することを約束した。プーチン氏は、両国がその絆を『新たな水準』に高めたと述べた。一方、金氏は、新たな『同盟』が両国関係の『分岐点』だと語った。いずれも核兵器を保有するロシアと北朝鮮が合意した新たな防衛協定によって、米国やアジアの同盟国には動揺が走った。日本は、プーチン氏が軍事技術をめぐり北朝鮮政府との協力を排除しないと表明したことについて、『深刻に憂慮』していると述べた。韓国は、緊急の国家安全保障会議を開催し、ウクライナへの武器の供与を検討すると明らかにした。これとは対照的に、中国からの反応はほとんどない。中国はロシアと北朝鮮にとって重要な政治的・経済的支援国だ。中国外務省の報道官は、ロ朝間の新たな条約について、ロシアと北朝鮮の二国間の問題だとして、コメントしなかった。中国の当局者は沈黙を保っているが、専門家は、中国が警戒心を持って注視している可能性が高いとの見方を示す。






"War, division, inequality... 'Justice' is powerless in the face of 'power'? : implications for political philosophy from the famous Columbia University class." (Ref:Soichi Nakamura; political philosopher/researcher in liberal arts education TOYOKEIZAI ONLINE 6/2/23) 22/6/24

Summary: "What exactly did Socrates and Thrasymachus discuss and disagree about? It is the question of 'justice'. After arguing with Socrates at the beginning of the book, Thrasymachus says: 'I have no doubt that the question of justice is the most important.'

Does justice = power?

'Justice is the interest of the powerful' Rulers judge right and wrong. What is against their interest is evil. What is right is what is in the interest of the ruler. 'The logic of the powerful', history proves this. In contrast, Socrates asks. Is it not injustice to use power for one's own advantage? Is not 'injustice' the very opposite of 'justice'? It is from this position that the various issues mentioned above are discussed. Traszmakos speaks of the problem of the 'self-justification of power'. It is safe to say that Western political philosophy began by confronting this logic. In my book, Greek and Roman as Liberal Arts; The Essence of the Liberal Arts at Prestigious Columbia University, I have detailed the real overall picture and trajectory of a world-class American liberal arts education. Liberal arts education is at the core of the undergraduate curriculum at America's top schools, especially the Ivy League institutions. Among them, Columbia is considered a pioneer. It is the most prestigious of the prestigious. In particular, political philosophy forms the core of its liberal arts programmes. At Columbia, this is the 'Contemporary Civilization' course, which has been around for more than 100 years and is considered a classic. The entire year is devoted to the in-depth study of the most famous philosophical works. Plato's Republic is at the top of the reading list. The reasons for this have already been mentioned. After Plato comes his student Aristotle. Aristotle is the 'founder of all learning' who was versed in a variety of disciplines and left a legacy in each. The class will study his major works in the field of political philosophy; the Nicomachean Ethics and the Politics. Plato and Aristotle. You cannot talk about 'Western philosophy' without having read them. If someone does, he or she is undoubtedly a 'pseudo-theorist'.

Consider the 'Putin x Zelensky Controversy'.

The Lectures on Justice introduces a number of the world's greatest books, starting with Plato and Aristotle, listed in Columbia University's 'Contemporary Civilization', and examines them from the perspective of 'justice'. The book is also a good introduction to the world's greatest books listed in Columbia University's 'Contemporary Civilization'. Metaphysics and Practical Ethics / German Idealism and British Empiricism / Platonic Philosophy / Aristotelian Philosophy / Kantian Philosophy / Christian Theology / Marxism / Nihilism / Utilitarianism / Libertarianism are all included. Back to the story. In the context of the 'Socrates x Trasumakos controversy', in the context of recent world events, we can say the following. 'The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is not only a geopolitical story, but more than that, it brings to light the philosophical problems of those who are in the position of leaders of states, which were addressed by Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others.' The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a modern version of the 'Socrates x Trashmakos debate'. It can be described as The Putin-Zelensky debate is a case study in the great questions of political philosophy. In the midst of the Peloponnesian War, which engulfed the entire Greek polis, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and others philosophised. They explored what 'goodness' and 'justice' were, and whether there was a universal 'truth'. They sought the conditions for a good civil society and good political leaders. He referred to political systems and education. He argued for their establishment with unwavering conviction. The same question looms realistically before us. The current world situation forces us to do so."

「戦争、分断、格差…「力」の前に「正義」は無力なのか コロンビア大学名物授業に学ぶ政治哲学の意味」(参照:東洋経済ONLINE 中村 聡一氏 ; 政治哲学者/リベラルアーツ教育研究者 23/2/6) 24/6/22



『正義とは、権力者の利益である』支配者が善悪の判断をする。その利益に反することはすなわち悪である。支配者の利益に則すことが正しい。『強者の論理』それは歴史が証明するところではないか。対して、ソクラテスが問う。権力をもってひたすら自己の利益に変えるのは即ち不正であろう。『不正』は『正義』の真逆ではないか。この立ち位置から前述の多岐にわたるテーマが語られる。トラシュマコスの語るのは『権力の自己正当化』の問題であろう。この理屈に対峙することから西洋の政治哲学は始まったとして差し支えない。拙著『教養としてのギリシャ・ローマ 名門コロンビア大学で学んだリベラルアーツの真髄』で、世界に冠たるアメリカのリベラルアーツ教育のリアルな全体像とその軌跡を詳述した。アイビーリーグを筆頭とするアメリカの最トップ校において、リベラルアーツ教育は学部課程のコア(中核)である。なかでもコロンビアはパイオニアとされる。名門中の名門だ。とりわけ『政治哲学』はそのリベラルアーツ課程の中核をなす。コロンビアでは、“contemporary civilization”(現代文明論)という授業がそれにあたる。100年以上の歴史がある授業で、名物授業として名高い。通年でしっかりと哲学の名著を学ぶ。プラトン著『国家』はそのリーディングリストの先頭に立つ。理由はすでに述べた。プラトンの次に来るのが弟子アリストテレスだ。アリストテレスはさまざまな学問に通じ、それぞれに業績を残した『万学の祖』。授業では、政治哲学分野での彼の主著『ニコマコス倫理学』『政治学』を学ぶ。プラトンとアリストテレス。この師弟が西洋哲学の双璧だ。2人を読んだことなく“西洋哲学”は語れない。もしそうした人がいたら、疑いなく“似非論者”だ。


『「正義論」講義』では、プラトン・アリストテレスを皮切りに、コロンビア大学の“contemporary civilization”(現代文明論)にリスティングされる世界名著の数々を紹介し、『正義』という切り口で吟味している。形而上学と実践倫理学/ドイツ観念論とイギリス経験主義/プラトン哲学/アリストテレス哲学/カント哲学/キリスト教神学/マルキシズム/ニヒリズム/ユティリタリアニズム/リバタリアニズムなど、すべて含まれる。話を戻す。「ソクラテス×トラシュマコス論争」に絡めて昨今の世界情勢で考えてみると、次のようなことが言える。『ウクライナとロシアの紛争は、地政学の話としてのみならず、あるいはそれ以上に、ソクラテス、プラトン、アリストテレスらが発した国家のリーダーの立場にある人たちの哲学的な問題を浮きぼりにしている。』ロシア・ウクライナ紛争は、現代版の『ソクラテス×トラシュマコス論争』と言える。『プーチン×ゼレンスキー論争』は、政治哲学の大命題が問われる“ケーススタディ”なのだ。その昔、全ギリシャ・ポリスを巻き込んだ泥沼のペロポネソス戦争の阿鼻叫喚のなか、ソクラテス、プラトン、アリストテレスらは哲学をした。『善』とは『正義』とはなにか、普遍的な『真理』は存在するのかを考究した。善き市民社会(civil society)や、善き政治リーダーの要件をさがした。そのための政治システムや教育に言及した。揺るぎない信念をもってその確立を主張した。同じ問いが私たちの眼前にリアルに迫る。昨今の世界情勢がそれを強いているのだ。」

"Who will play the next James Bond?" (Ref: Movie Showbiz Esquire 28/3/24) 18/6/24

Summary: "Now that the era in which Daniel Craig played James Bond and revolutionized the 007 film franchise is over, fans of the franchise are focusing on the question, 'Who will play 007 next?' The answer is not yet clear. But the answer is not yet clear. After all, if it's a British actor of some renown, 'Who wouldn't want the role?' For the fandom, however, how strong the case is for each of the Bond contenders is more than just a topic of's a serious question. In fact, it's the subject of some of the betting around town.... Since Craig retired from Bond in 2021's '007: No Time to Die,' various players have been playing the odds. With Craig's final film, 'No Time to Die' (released in Japan on October 1, 2021), now in theaters, fans are increasingly turning to Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, the producers of the '007' franchise, for information."

「次期ジェームズ・ボンド役は誰?」(参照:エスクァイア ショビズ 映画 24/3/28) 24/6/18

記事内容要約「ダニエル・クレイグがジェームズ・ボンドを演じ、映画『007』シリーズに変革をもたらした時代が終わった今、シリーズのファンの関心は、『次に誰が007を演じるのか?』という問題に集中しています。ですが、その答えはまだ明らかではなく、候補者が乱立しています。結局のところ、ある程度知られている英国の俳優であれば、『その役を欲しくない人はいない』と言っていいほどではないでしょうか。とは言えファンダムにとっては、各ボンド候補者たちがどの程度の有力なのか?を分類するのは単なる雑談のネタ以上のもの…そう、重大な問題です。実際に巷(ちまた)では、賭けの対象にも…。クレイグが2021年の『007/ノー・タイム・トゥ・ダイ』でボンドを卒業してから、さまざまな選手がそのオッズを競っています。クレイグの卒業作『007/ノー・タイム・トゥ・ダイ』(日本公開 2021年10月1日 )が公開されてから随分時間が経ったため、『007』シリーズの製作を務めるバーバラ・ブロッコリとマイケル・G・ウィルソンに情報を求めるファンの声はますます高まっています。」

"Japan Semiconductor Alliance also has cooperation with IBM of the U.S. in the field of advanced packaging." (Ref: JoongAng Ilbo / JoongAng Ilbo Japanese Edition 11/6/24) 14/6/24

Summary: "Japanese semiconductor foundry consortium LAPIDUS and IBM will also cooperate in the field of advanced semiconductor packaging. According to the IT industry, IBM recently announced a partnership with Lapidus to develop mass production technology related to advanced packaging. 'IBM and Lapidus will collaborate and innovate in this area.' Semiconductor packaging technology refers to the post-processing of semiconductor chips after the front-end process of etching circuits onto wafers.' Semiconductor packaging technology refers to the back-end process of processing semiconductor chips after the front-end process of carving circuits on wafers. This partnership is an extension of the existing 2-nano-semiconductor collaboration, in which LAPIDUS engineers sent to IBM's research facility will work with IBM researchers to jointly develop packaging technology. 'This will be a stepping stone for Japan to play an important role in the semiconductor packaging supply chain,' said Junyoshi Koike, CEO of Lapidus. LAPIDUS is a consortium of eight companies (Toyota, Keoxia, Sony, NTT, Softbank, NEC, Denso, and Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ) with a dream of reviving the Japanese semiconductor industry. The goal is to test and produce 2-nanoprocess semiconductors by 2025, with mass production beginning in 2027. A factory is currently under construction in Chitose City, Hokkaido. Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has promised Lapidus about 1 trillion yen in subsidies since last year. However, the industry estimates that an additional 5 trillion yen or so will be needed to achieve the mass production goal by 2027. The Japanese government plans to include 'consideration of necessary legislative measures' related to the mass production of next-generation semiconductors in the draft of its 'Basic Policy for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform' to be released this month. The Japanese media responded, 'This is with Rapidus in mind. Within the Japanese government, it will be easier to attract medium- to long-term investment, including private funds, if there is a legal basis to guarantee the financial support needed for mass production,' they analyzed. The Korean semiconductor industry is also closely watching the Rapidus 2-nanometer mass production plan as it takes shape. The packaging collaboration with IBM has raised the point that Korea's advanced packaging competitiveness needs to be strengthened. Currently, Taiwan's TSMC is the overwhelming leader in this field. Intel is also using its own packaging technology in its strategy to win foundry orders, saying, 'We will also package chips made by TSMC.' Korea, led by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, is developing advanced packaging technology, but its competitiveness is considered to lag behind that of Taiwanese and U.S. companies. A semiconductor industry insider said, "IBM has no experience in semiconductor mass production, but it has been researching advanced packaging for a long time. 'It is believed that Rapidus, which has no technological capabilities of its own, will use IBM to strengthen its competitiveness as a production base for advanced semiconductors with technological capabilities ranging from production to packaging,' said a semiconductor industry official. In April, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) added the field of advanced packaging to the R&D support target for Lapidus."

「日本半導体連合、米IBMと先端パッケージングも協力」(参照:中央日報/中央日報日本語版 24/6/11) 24/6/14


"Colombia halts coal exports to Israel over Gaza war" (Ref: Reuters 10/6/24) 10/6/24

Summary: "Colombia's President Gustavo Petro on Saturday said the country, which is reported to be Israel's biggest supplier of coal, will suspend exports of the fuel source to Israel over its assault on the Gaza Strip. Petro, a leftist, cut diplomatic ties with Israel in May and has strongly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a post on social media platform X, he said coal exports would be halted "until the genocide is stopped", referring to Palestinian deaths in the conflict. Israel denies accusations that its war violates the international genocide convention. The measure will take effect in five days, according to a Colombian government decree, which said coal is used by Israel as an energy source to make weapons and other military goods. 'Colombia believes that the military operations against the Palestinian people represent a transgression of a peremptory norm of international law,' the document said. According to the American Journal of Transportation, Colombia is the biggest supplier of coal to Israel, representing more than half of its imports. Israel has relied on coal for 20% of its electricity generation but that is expected to drop to 3%, and it has other coal sources, the journal said. Colombia's private mining association has said such a ban would violate international agreements and put market confidence and foreign investment at risk. Colombia is the world's fifth largest coal producer, with Drummond and Glencore among its major miners. The country sent 56.7-million metric tons of coal abroad last year, including three-million tons to Israel, about 5.4% of total exports, according to government data."

「コロンビア、イスラエル向け石炭輸出停止」(参照:ロイター 24/6/10) 24/6/10


"Who is the first female president of Mexico? Her parents were scientists and Nobel Prize winners." (Ref: Masato Karube The Asahi Shimbun Digital 3/6/24) 4/6/24

Summary: "Claudia Sheinbaum, 61, is the first woman to win a presidential election in Mexico. Until about 10 years ago, she was better known in academia than in politics. Born into a family where both parents were scientists, he attended the prestigious National Autonomous University of Mexico. He earned a master's degree in physics and a doctorate in environmental engineering. She was a member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and was one of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Femicide Killed 'Because I'm a Woman' Can the First Female President Be a Light?

 Her political mentor is Lopez Obrador, who has been president for 18 years. In 2000, when she was mayor of the Mexican capital, she was promoted to director of the city's environmental office. They have worked together ever since. Mr. Lopez Obrador created a new party to break away from establishment politics and rose to the presidency on his third try. He is a 'charismatic' figure who remains immensely popular, especially among the poor. In this presidential election, he made the most of his political legacy. He appealed that he would implement many of his policies, and this helped to unite the support base he inherited. When interviewed by the media, he insists, 'I am not Lopez Obrador.' When he was mayor of Mexico, he strongly urged people to wear masks, unlike the Lopez Obrador administration, which downplayed the new coronavirus and caused many deaths. However, there is a strong sense that he will be a 'puppet,' and attention is focused on whether he will be able to develop his own unique color. His grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, and he himself was raised in a Jewish household. However, according to the Associated Press and local media, she has not publicly stated that she is 'Jewish.' She has one daughter with her divorced ex-husband. Her current partner is a physicist with whom she had a relationship as a student."

「メキシコ初の女性大統領どんな人? 両親は科学者、ノーベル賞受賞も」(参照:朝日新聞デジタル 軽部 理人氏 24/6/3) 24/6/4


『女性だから』殺されるフェミサイド 初の女性大統領は光になれるか


"As the makers of tomorrow, our way of life today is being challenged."(Ref: "Management Frontier" column written by Drucker in 3 minutes [195] - Words of wisdom and wisdom from the "Giant of Business Administration" 〈Weekly Diamond〉) 31/5/24

Summary: "'Tomorrow is made today by unknown people' (Management Frontiers)

According to Drucker, the creators of civilization, which is the foundation of human happiness, are ordinary people working in 'organizations', which are institutions that produce goods and services. Tomorrow is 'created by the president of this company, the marketing manager of that company, the research manager of that company, and the auditor of that company. ' If we look at the past, the world has always come back from all kinds of catastrophes. In the 20th century, there were two world wars and the Great Depression, Stalin and Hitler. Many died, many were destroyed. In other centuries, historical catastrophes occurred every ten years or so. And yet, each time, humanity has bounced back, regaining direction and resilience, economically, socially, and even politically. Drucker marveled at this miracle and respected the fact that the key players were not politicians, bureaucrats, or university professors, but ordinary people who worked hard. Drucker created management as a way to harness the vitality of these ordinary people and move the country forward. We too must take pride and responsibility as the creators of tomorrow and the bearers of civilization. 'The nature of tomorrow will depend on the knowledge, insight, foresight, and ability of ordinary people working in organizations.'"

「明日をつくる者としてわれわれの今日の生き方が問われている」(参照:『マネジメント・フロンティア』 執筆コラム 3分間でわかるドラッカー [195]-「経営学の巨人」の名言・至言〈週刊ダイヤモンド〉) 24/5/31



"Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war" (Ref: Sam Cabral, BBC NEWS 21/5/24) 27/5/24

Summary: "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has angrily condemned the International Criminal Court's prosecutor for seeking arrest warrants for him alongside Hamas's leaders over alleged war crimes in the Gaza conflict. Mr Netanyahu said he rejected with disgust that 'democratic Israel' had been compared with what he called 'mass murderers'. Mr Netanyahu's comments have been echoed by US President Joe Biden, who said there was no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. The chief ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, said there were reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Yoav Gallant bore criminal responsibility for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza. Mr Gallant on Tuesday described the ICC's arrest warrants against him and the prime minister as a 'disgraceful' attempt to interfere in the war. The ICC is also seeking a warrant for Hamas's leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, for war crimes. Israel and the US, its key ally, are not members of the ICC, which was set up in 2002.The accusations against the Israeli and Hamas leaders stem from the events of 7 October, when waves of Hamas gunmen attacked Israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking 252 others back to Gaza as hostages. The attack triggered the current war, in which at least 35,500 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to the territory's Hamas-run health ministry. On Monday, Mr Biden said there was 'no equivalence - none - between Israel and Hamas'. 'It's clear Israel wants to do all it can to ensure civilian protection,' Mr Biden added. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken echoed the president's condemnation, saying Washington 'fundamentally rejects' the move. 'It is shameful,' he said. '[The] ICC has no jurisdiction over this matter.' Mr Blinken also suggested the request for arrest warrants would jeopardise ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire deal. Mr Khan said Israel's prime minister and defence minister were suspected of crimes including starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, murder, intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population, and extermination. The prosecutor said the alleged crimes began 'from at least 7 October 2023' in the Hamas leaders' case, when the group launched its attack on Israel, and 'from at least 8 October 2023' for the Israeli leaders. The ICC defended its stance on Monday, saying that despite 'significant efforts' it had not received 'any information that has demonstrated genuine action at the domestic level [in Israel] to address the crimes alleged or the individuals under investigation'. A panel of judges at the ICC must now consider whether to issue the warrants and, if they do, countries signed up to the ICC statute are obliged to arrest the men if they have such an opportunity.Mr Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving prime minister, condemned the application to seek his arrest as 'an absurd and false order'. In a public statement in Hebrew, he asked 'with what audacity' the ICC would 'dare to compare' Hamas and Israel. The comparison was a 'distortion of reality', Mr Netanyahu said. He accused the prosecutor of 'callously pouring gasoline on the fires of antisemitism that are raging across the world'. Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz called the move by Mr Khan an 'unrestrained frontal assault' on the victims of the 7 October attacks and a 'historical disgrace that will be remembered forever'. In a statement, Mr Gallant reiterated: 'The IDF is fighting in accordance with international law, while taking unprecedented measures to facilitate humanitarian aid. 'The State of Israel is not a party to the court and does not recognise its authority.' Some of Israel's Western allies avoided directly criticising the ICC in their statements. In a statement late on Monday, the French foreign ministry said it supported the court and what it called its 'fight against impunity in all situations'. Similarly, Germany's foreign ministry said it 'respects the independence and procedures' of the ICC. However, Berlin did criticise the simultaneous publication of the charges against Israeli and Hamas leaders, saying the move 'created the incorrect impression of equivalency'. 

What is the International Criminal Court? 

Hamas earlier made its own demand for 'the cancellation of all arrest warrants issued against leaders of the Palestinian resistance'. 'Hamas strongly denounces the attempts of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to equate the victim with the executioner,' the group said. The group also complained that the application for warrants against Mr Netanyahu and Mr Gallant had come 'seven months late', and that other Israeli political and military leaders had not been named alongside them. Mr Khan accused the Hamas leaders of having committed crimes including extermination, murder, hostage taking, rape and sexual violence, and torture. "

「イスラエルとハマスの指導者の逮捕状、ICCが請求 ネタニヤフ氏は「虚偽」と強く非難」(参照:BBCニュースジャパン 24/5/21) 24/5/27


"What if all the world's nuclear bombs exploded?" (Ref: posted by darkhorse_log GIGAZINE 3/4/19) 22/5/24

Summary: "'What would happen if a large number of nuclear bombs were detonated simultaneously around the world?' is a point that has been considered many times before. By 2019 there will be 15,000 nuclear weapons on the planet. The breakdown is that the US and Russia each have about 7,000, and six countries - France, China, the UK, India, Israel and North Korea - have a total of about 1,000 nuclear weapons. We decided to do a scientific calculation of how powerful they really are. There are 4,500 cities on the planet with a population of 100,000 or more. If you wanted to destroy a city of this average size, you would need three nuclear bombs per location. In other words, the nuclear bombs in the world could destroy all the cities listed above. This destruction would kill about three billion people, or half the human population. Moreover, even if all the cities in the world were destroyed, there would still be 1,500 nuclear weapons left."

「世界中の核爆弾が一斉に爆発すると何が起こるのか?」(参照:ギガジン ダークホース・ログ氏 19/4/3) 24/5/22


"Nippon Steel Ups Effort to Woo US Steel Workers, Politicians" (Ref: James Attwood, Josh Wingrove, and Jennifer Jacobs Bloomberg 18/5/24) 19/5/24

Summary: "Nippon Steel Corp. is stepping up efforts to win over US workers and politicians for its $14.1 billion takeover of United States Steel Corp. despite stiff opposition from union leaders and the Biden administration. Japan’s top steelmaker is sending Vice Chairman and Executive Vice President Takahiro Mori to Pittsburgh next week where he’ll meet with local staff and elected officials, said people briefed on the matter. It’s also dispatching technical teams to review US Steel mills as the firm assesses how it can boost investment and labor commitments to convince union leaders and authorities of the deal’s merits, the people said.Nippon Steel agreed to buy US Steel last December, but the future remains uncertain due to opposition from the United Steelworkers of America (USW) and US President Biden. Ahead of the presidential election in November this year, Biden told the unions last month that he would keep US Steel in the US capital. US Steel recently pushed back the expected completion date of its acquisition by NSC to July-December (second half of the year). US Steel, which approved the proposed takeover of Nippon Steel at an extraordinary general meeting last month, said in documents that it was holding meetings with employees to discuss Nippon Steel's investment plans and 'correct any misunderstandings'. On 17 March, the USW criticised Nippon Steel and US Steel for misleading workers by claiming that concerns about labour commitments had been resolved, commenting that 'we will continue to honour our agreements and fight to keep our communities and our country safe'."

「日本製鉄、USスチール買収巡り働きかけ強化-政治家ら説得へ」(参照:ブルームバーグ ジェームズ・アットウッド氏、ジョシュ・ウィングローブ氏、ジェニファー・ジェイコブス氏 24/5/18) 24/5/19


"'Steady But Slow: Resilience Amid Divergence" (Ref: IMF World Economic Outlook, International Monetary Fund 4/24) 15/5/24

Summary: "Global recovery is steady but slow and differs by region

The baseline forecast is for the world economy to continue growing at 3.2 percent during 2024 and 2025, at the same pace as in 2023. A slight acceleration for advanced economies—where growth is expected to rise from 1.6 percent in 2023 to 1.7 percent in 2024 and 1.8 percent in 2025—will be offset by a modest slowdown in emerging market and developing economies from 4.3 percent in 2023 to 4.2 percent in both 2024 and 2025. The forecast for global growth five years from now—at 3.1 percent—is at its lowest in decades. Global inflation is forecast to decline steadily, from 6.8 percent in 2023 to 5.9 percent in 2024 and 4.5 percent in 2025, with advanced economies returning to their inflation targets sooner than emerging market and developing economies. Core inflation is generally projected to decline more gradually."

「安定かつ緩慢まちまちな様相の中、強靭性も」(参照:国際通貨基金 IMF世界経済見通し 24/4) 24/5/15


2024年と2025年の世界経済成長率のベースライン予測は、2023年と同じペースの3.2%と、成長が続く見通しである。先進国は、成長率が2023年の1.6%から2024年は1.7%、2025年は1.8%へやや加速する見込みである一方、新興市場国・発展途上国は2023年の4.3%から、2024年と2025年はともに4.2%へやや鈍化する見込みで、先進国の加速を相殺する。世界経済成長率の5年先予測は3.1%であり、数十年ぶりの低水準となる。世界のインフレ率は、2023年の6.8%から2024年は5.9%、2025年には4.5%へと安定的に鈍化する見込みである。先進国は新興市場国・発展途上国よりも早くインフレ目標に到達するであろう。コアインフレ率は概して、より緩やかに低下する見込みである。 」

"'Why gangs are so powerful in Haiti." (Ref: Galerie Pierre Pierre. Option CNN 20/3/24) 10/5/24

Summary: "The roots of Haiti's turmoil run deep and did not begin with the recent spate of violence. Although armed groups are currently overrunning the country, the turmoil itself began decades ago. There has been widespread corruption among politicians and the ruling class for several generations. Just six or so wealthy families control most of Haiti's major industries. These elite classes control virtually every aspect of the Haitian economy and pay virtually no taxes. Although aid has poured into Haiti in recent years, including for reconstruction after the devastating 2010 earthquake, most of it has benefited the upper classes, while the rest of the population continues to live in severe poverty. Meanwhile, the political and business elite are involved in much of the country's drug trade. It has been their main source of income for many years. Moreover, as the current scourge rages on in the country, the international community, including the US, has largely watched the spread of violence with indifference. As recently as autumn 2010, Prime Minister Henri asked for military assistance in response to the gang violence, but the US government refused. It offered money and logistical support, but called for a troop build-up to help stabilise the turbulent situation in the region. A UN-organised effort was under way to send troops from several countries. The focus was on Kenya, but its government announced last week that it was suspending plans to send troops to Haiti until a new government was in place. It is a terrible thing to say, but Haiti is a failed state. The kind of order and resources needed to put it back together are simply beyond the capacity of the current regime.A holistic approach, beyond the capacity of the Haitian government, is needed to contain the violence and restore order. An end to the chaos will only be possible with US diplomacy, influence and expertise. What if one of the richest countries in the world could turn its attention and finally bring a decisive end to the devastation and destruction in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere? There are daunting challenges ahead, but the road to peace and stability in Haiti will only be possible with the right kind of support from the US government. By addressing the root causes of violence, Haiti can emerge from the current chaos and finally become a peaceful country. It can be transformed into a republic with the capacity to govern, worthy of the citizens who live there. The citizens fervently believe that this is possible."

「ハイチでギャングがこれほどの権力を握る理由」(参照:CNN オプション ギャリー・ピエールピエール氏 24/3/20) 24/5/10

記事内容要約「ハイチの混乱の根は深く、最近の突発的な暴力で始まったわけではない。現在、銃で武装した集団が国を制圧しているが、混乱自体は数十年前に端を発する。そこには数世代にわたって蔓延(まんえん)する政治家と支配層との汚職があった。たった六つかそこらの裕福な一族が、ハイチの主要産業のほとんどを支配下に置いている。これらのエリート層は事実上ハイチ経済のあらゆる側面をコントロールし、基本的に税金を払わない。ハイチには過去の年月で、壊滅的な被害をもたらした2010年の地震の復興などを目的とした支援が流れ込んでいるが、これらの大半は上流階級の利益となっており、それ以外の国民は依然として過酷な貧困の中で生計を立てている。一方で政界や実業界のエリート層は国内で発生する麻薬密売の多くに関与。長年、自分たちの主要な収入源としている。しかも現行の災厄が今なお国内で猛威を振るう中、米国を含む国際社会は暴力の広がりをほとんどの場合平然と眺めている。最近では22年秋、アンリ首相がギャングの暴力への対応として軍事支援を求めたが、米政府はこれを拒絶。資金の供与と兵站(へいたん)支援を申し出る一方、部隊を増強して激動する現地状況の安定化の一助とするよう呼び掛けた。国連が組織する形で、複数の国々から部隊を派遣する取り組みが進められた。中心となるのはケニアだったが、同国政府は先週、ハイチに新政権が発足するまでは部隊を派遣する計画を停止すると発表した。 口にするのは酷だが、ハイチは崩壊した国家だ。元通りにするために必要なある種の秩序や、資源の投資は単純に現行の政権では達成できない。暴力を抑え込み、秩序を回復するにはハイチ政府の能力を超えた全体的な手法が求められる。混沌の終焉(しゅうえん)は米国の外交、影響力、ノウハウがあって初めて可能になる。もし、世界で最も富裕な国々の一つが関心を向け、西半球で最も貧しい国の惨状と荒廃にようやく決定的な終止符を打てるとしたらどうだろう?行く手には大変な問題が待ち構えているが、ハイチにおける平和と安定への道のりは、米国政府による適切な種類の支援があってこそ可能になる。暴力の根本原因に対処することで、ハイチは現状の混乱から脱し、ようやく平和に満ちた国になれる。そこに暮らす市民にふさわしい、統治能力を備えた共和国に生まれ変われる。市民らはそれが可能だと熱烈に信じている。

"'Platform Regulation' US, European and Japanese authorities have declared war on GAFA, saying the IT giant distorts competition and threatens democracy. The offensive is on." (Ref: JBpress FRONTLINE PRESS 4/5/24) 4/5/24

Summary: "Regulation of IT giants is rapidly gaining momentum around the world. In March this year, the European Union (EU) began enforcing its Digital Markets Act, which aims to put an end to the oligopoly of giant companies represented by GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon). Japan also passed a cabinet decision on the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Bill to regulate IT giants. In the US, the Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against all four GAFA members, accusing them of abusing their dominant positions. IT companies have opposed increased regulation in many countries, saying that it could slow down technological innovation and that if the app market is completely liberalised, malicious apps will enter the market to the detriment of users, but whether such objections will convince users is not clear."

「【プラットフォーム規制】日米欧当局がGAFAに宣戦布告、巨大ITは競争を歪め民主主義も脅かすか 攻防が本格化」(参照:JBpress フロントラインプレス 24/5/4) 24/5/4


"Pope to Attend G7 Summit" (Ref: Jiji Press Rakuten Infoseek News 27/4/24) 27/4/24

Summary: "Italian Prime Minister Meloni announced on April 26 that Pope Francis will attend a meeting on artificial intelligence (AI) at the G7 summit of the Group of Seven industrialized nations in June in the southern Italian state of Puglia."

「ローマ教皇、G7サミット参加へ」(参照:楽天Infoseekニュース 時事通信 24/4/27) 24/4/27


"IMF committee acknowledges conflicts risk but opts against joint communique" (Ref: David Lawder and Andrea Shalal World Reuters 20/4/24) 21/4/24

Summary: "The International Monetary Fund's steering committee failed to issue a joint communique on Friday amid disagreements over wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, opting instead for a statement from the body's chair that acknowledged the economic risks posed by the conflicts.International Monetary and Financial Committee 'members discussed the global macroeconomic and financial impact of current wars and conflicts including the war in Ukraine, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, as well as the shipping disruptions in the Red Sea,' Saudi Arabia's Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan, the body's chair, said in a statement. 'While recognizing the IMFC is not the forum to resolve geopolitical and security issues and these issues will be discussed in other fora, IMFC members acknowledged that these situations have significant impacts on the global economy.'"

「IMF委、共同声明出せず 中東・ウクライナ巡り見解に相違」(参照:ロイター 投資信託 デビッド・ローダー氏、アンドレア・シャラル氏 24/4/20) 24/4/21


"Bitcoin halving: When will it happen and what does it mean for the price?" (Ref: ETFs Reuters 14/3/24) 15/4/24

Summary: "As bitcoin's price reaches new heights, attention is turning to its upcoming "halving" and whether it is playing a role in its ascent.


The halving is a change in bitcoin's underlying blockchain technology, designed to reduce the rate at which new bitcoins are created.Bitcoin was designed from its inception by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto to have a capped supply of 21 million tokens. Nakamoto wrote the halving into bitcoin's code and it works by reducing the rate at which new bitcoin are released into circulation. So far, about 19 million tokens have been released.


Blockchain technology involves creating records of information - called 'blocks' - which are added to the chain in a process called 'mining'.Miners use computing power to solve complex mathematical puzzles to build the blockchain and earn rewards in the form of new bitcoin. At the halving, the amount of bitcoin available as rewards for miners is cut in half. This makes mining less profitable and slows the production of new bitcoins.


There is no set date, but it is expected to take place in late April.The blockchain is designed so that a halving occurs every time 210,000 blocks are added to the chain. This means it happens roughly every four years."

「近づくビットコイン半減期、その仕組みと価格への影響」(参照:ロイター 外国為替フォーラム ロイター編集 24/3/14) 24/4/15








"U.S. and China Agree to Establish Economic Dialogue Framework to Discuss China's 'Overproduction'" (Ref: TBS NEWS DIG/YAHOO JAPAN! News 6/4/24) 9/4/24

Summary: "U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, on a visit to China, met with Vice Premier He Lifeng and agreed to establish a new framework for economic dialogue between the two countries. Vice Premier He Lifeng and Treasury Secretary Yellen met several times over the course of two days in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, through March 6. According to China's state-run Xinhua news agency, He Lifeng expressed 'grave concern' about U.S. economic and trade restrictions during their meeting. He also said that Yellen's concerns about the overproduction of EVs (electric vehicles) were 'fully answered'. Yellen and What agreed to discuss balanced growth of both countries and the global economy, as well as cooperation on anti-money laundering. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, Yellen noted in a statement after the meeting that she is concerned about the impact on the U.S. economy of excess Chinese industrial production capacity in certain sectors, and the newly established framework is expected to discuss Chinese overproduction."

「米中が経済の対話枠組み設置で合意 中国の「過剰生産」議論へ」(参照:TBS NEWS DIG/YAHOO JAPAN!ニュース  24/4/6) 24/4/9


"International Court of Justice Orders Expansion of Gaza Entry Route, but Israel Responds" (ref: International/NHK 29/3/24) 3/4/24

Summary: "On the 29th, the Israeli military claimed to have killed a senior official of the Hamas military wing at Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, and is continuing military operations in central and southern Gaza. As the fighting continues, the International Court of Justice recognized on 28th that the living conditions of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip continue to deteriorate and starvation has already begun and ordered Israel to immediately cooperate with the United Nations and take all possible measures, including the expansion of aid routes, to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches the Palestinian population throughout the Gaza Strip. In response, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said on April 29, 'We are not restricting the flow of essential aid. Israel is working to meet its legal obligations, including humanitarian aid.' Given Israel's intransigence, there is no prospect that the ICJ order will lead to an improvement in the humanitarian situation."

「国際司法裁判所 ガザ搬入ルート拡大命じるもイスラエル反論」(参照:NHK 国際 24/3/29) 24/4/3


"The feud between Elon Musk and Sam Altman" (ref: By Nick Robins-Early The Guardian 9/3/24) 28/3/24

Summary: "The public spat between the two, revolving around the creation of OpenAI's, now valued at $80 billion, a for-profit subsidiary of OpenAI who is a nonprofit corporation, has turned into a legal battle. This marks the end of their partnership, which has been in place since December 2015, Open AI launched, and the escalation of a years-long feud. When Mr. Altman met Mr. Musk in the early 2010s, Mr. Musk was already a tech mogul, and Mr. Musk had developed a relationship with Mr. Altman as a something of mentor figure. Messrs. Musk and Altman have at times praised each other's work, even after Mr. Musk left OpenAI, which they co-founded, in 2018. But since OpenAI's release of ChatGPT and rapid ensuring growth over the past year and half, the two have become more openly critical of each other."

「イーロン・マスクとサム・アルトマンの間の確執」(参照:ガーディアン ニック・ロビンス・アーリー氏 24/3/9) 24/3/28


"Top e-sports player 'Beast' still lives in a slum for a reason." (ref: By D.Yamamoto The Asahi Shimbun GLOBE 6/5/21) 22/3/24

Summary: "Kibera, one of the largest slums in Africa, is located about 4 miles (6 km) southwest of downtown Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, and is home to more than 1 million people living in a cluster of simple tin-roofed houses covering an area of about 1.5 square miles (2.5 square kilometers). 'Many families earn less than $1 (about ¥108) a day, and poverty causes a variety of problems. The most serious is crime.', said Brian Dianga, 29, an e-sports player born and still living in Kibera. he is a professional gamer who makes a living from the prize money he wins playing his favorite fighting game, Mortal Kombat. Known as 'The Beast' in Kenya, he says, 'If I hadn't found e-sports, I might have become a criminal. Online gaming saved my life,' he recalls. 'It is not easy for slum dwellers to find a good job. I felt that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) could offer many opportunities for the future of slum children. I want to set a precedent by using e-sports, which I am good at.' He has a PlayStation 4 at home and buys game software himself for the young people to play. His activities are not limited to the slums. He actively organizes e-sports tournaments using computers, smartphones and game consoles, mainly in Nairobi, to identify and train future players. Even in Kenya, where the average monthly income is less than 80,000 yen, e-sports income alone is not enough to live on. Dianga also works as a photographer, graphic designer, and fitness instructor to earn enough money to support his e-sports promotion activities. Kenya lags behind developed countries in the development of infrastructure such as the Internet and servers. Dianga emphasizes the need for a national organization that can address these and other important issues. 'If ICT is our future, my job is to create an environment that will enable us to benefit from it. I have a long way to go, and it will take many years."

「eスポーツのトップ選手「ビースト」、今もスラムに住み続けるには理由がある」(参照:朝日新聞GLOBE 山本 大輔氏 21/5/6) 24/3/22


"The war in Ukraine, now in its third year, and the blind spot in the Russian economy, which has achieved 3.6% growth, and the changes in the structure of the economy, as evidenced by the shrinking current account surplus." (ref: By Y. Tsuchida JBpress 22/2/24) 16/3/24

Summary: "The war between Russia and Ukraine enters its third year. Russia's ongoing transition to a wartime economic system has two aspects: a recovery in civilian demand and an increase in military demand, which has led to economic growth of 3.6% in 2023. However, the current account surplus is shrinking due to sluggish exports and high imports, and the only way to continue the war is to cover the deficit in the government sector with a surplus in the private sector. The only way for the private sector to generate a surplus in the face of sluggish oil and gas exports is to curb imports, which directly affects the lives of the people. With Navalny's death in prison and the mood of war-weariness in the air, how far can Russia go in continuing the war?"

「3年目に突入したウクライナ戦争と3.6%成長を実現したロシア経済の死角、経常収支の黒字幅縮小に見る経済構造の変化」(参照:JBpress 土田 陽介氏 24/2/22) 24/3/16


"Dragon Ball: Japan manga creator Akira Toriyama dies" (ref: By Fan Wang BBC News 9/3/24) 10/3/24

Summary: "The creator of Dragon Ball, one of the most influential and best-selling Japanese comics of all time, has died at 68. Akira Toriyama suffered an acute subdural hematoma, a type of bleeding near the brain, his studio said Friday. Dragon Ball is hugely popular around the world and the comic series has also spawned cartoon and film versions. Fans have paid tribute to Mr Toriyama for creating characters that have become a part of their childhood. The Dragon Ball comic series debuted in 1984. It follows a boy named Son Goku in his quest to collect magical dragon balls to defend Earth against alien humanoids called Saiyans. Born in Nagoya, Japan in 1955, Mr Toriyama broke into the comic book world in the early 1980s with Dr. Slump, which tells the story of a little girl robot Arale and her scientist creator. But Dragon Ball was his most famous work. To many fans, Son Goku's journey from a kid who fumbles his martial arts training to a high-flying hero who can shoot bolts of electricity from his hands mirrors their own struggles against self-doubt as they grew into adulthood. Dragon Ball inspired fan fiction writers and cosplayers who style their hair like the characters' sharp and pointed locks. The cartoon version has been dubbed in numerous languages and Dragon Ball action figures are a staple in toy stores from Japan to China and Southeast Asia. In a 2013 interview with a Japanese newspaper Asahi, Mr Toriyama said he had 'no idea' how Dragon Ball became so popular around the world. He described the series as a miracle, 'given how it helped someone like me who has twisted, difficult personalities do a decent job and get accepted by society.' 'When I was drawing the series, all I ever wanted to achieve was to please boys in Japan,' he said, according to news agency AFP."

「ドラゴンボール 日本の漫画家、鳥山明氏が死去」(参照:BBCニュース ファンワン氏 24/3/9) 24/3/10


"India's time has come. Prime Minister Modi's economic policies are replacing China's." (ref: CNN Business Analysis 28/2/24) 4/3/24

Summary: "The optimistic mood in India, the world's most populous country, contrasts sharply with the climate in China. China is facing a number of economic challenges, including an accelerating outflow of capital overseas. China's stock market has been in a slump since its previous peak in 2021, and the market capitalization of Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong has declined by more than $5 trillion (about ¥752 trillion). Meanwhile, the Indian stock market continues to hit all-time highs. The market capitalization of listed companies in the Indian market exceeded $4 trillion (about ¥602 trillion) in the second half of last year. International companies are all trying to diversify out of China. These companies faced many obstacles in China during the new coronavirus pandemic, and are still exposed to risks arising from tensions between the U.S. and China. In addition to geopolitical conflicts and an uncertain economic outlook, foreign companies and international investors are increasingly concerned about political risks within China. With the possibility of forced investigations and detentions, institutional investors are still very cautious about buying Chinese stocks, even though many Chinese stocks are at a buying opportunity. According to Priyanka Agnihotri, investment manager at Brown Advisory, a Baltimore-based investment firm, 'There are a lot of good companies in China, but these regulatory issues make it very difficult to make long-term predictions. 'Analysts agree that regardless of the situation in China, it will be difficult to stop India from becoming an economic goddess. 'Even if China comes back to the table and resolves a number of issues, India will not come back to the forefront,' Mittal said. 'India's time has come.'"

「『インドの時代が来た』モディ首相の経済政策で中国に取って代わる存在に」(参照:CNNビジネスアナリシス 24/2/28) 24/3/4


"Global Economy Set for Weakest Half-Decade Performance in 30 Years" (ref: World Bank Press Release 9/1/24) 26/2/24

Summary: "As the world nears the midpoint of what was intended to be a transformative decade for development, the global economy is set to rack up a sorry record by the end of 2024 —the slowest half-decade of GDP growth in 30 years, according to the World Bank’s latest Global Economic Prospects report.'Without a major course correction, the 2020s will go down as a decade of wasted opportunity,' said Indermit Gill, the World Bank Group’s Chief Economist and Senior Vice President. "

世界経済、過去30年で最低の水準へ」(参照:世界銀行 プレスリリース 24/1/9) 24/2/26


"'Claims' Strategy for sending Japanese to head international organizations" (ref: Sankei Newspaper Column 20/5/21) 20/2/24

Summary: "We would like to quickly put an end to the current situation in which there is not a single Japanese person at the head of a major international organization. This is because leading an organization that promotes international cooperation in various fields, such as public health and refugee relief, means that Japan is making a contribution to the world. The first Japanese to head an international organization was Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), who served two 10-year terms beginning in 1988. Currently, there are no Japanese, while Chinese head four of the UN's 15 specialized agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Increasing the number of Japanese working in international organizations is also a challenge. We want many young people to be active in the world in various fields."

「【主張】国際機関トップ 日本人を送り込む戦略を」(参照:産経新聞 コラム 21/5/20) 24/2/20


"U.S. Open AI Altman in talks to raise up to $5-7 trillion for tech-related projects" (ref: Reuters 9/2/24) 11/2/24

Summary: "Open AI CEO Sam Altman is in talks with investors, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to raise funds needed for high-tech projects such as increasing global semiconductor manufacturing capacity and expanding capabilities to improve artificial intelligence (AI). The projects could require up to $5-7 trillion in funding. Debt may be the main method of financing. Discussions are at an early stage."

「米オープンAIアルトマン氏、ハイテク関連プロジェクトに最大5兆-7兆ドルの資金調達協議」(参照:Reuters 24/2/9) 24/2/11


Masayoshi Son "Loss of 2 trillion yen" in US WeWork bankruptcy" (ref: Mainichi Shimbun Economic Premier Topics 15/11/23) 11/2/24

Summary: "On November 9, SoftBank Group announced its financial results for the April-September period of 2023, revealing a cumulative loss of $14.3 billion (about 2.15 trillion yen) related to WeWork, the U.S. shared office giant that went bankrupt on November 6."

「孫正義氏「損失2兆円」米ウィーワーク破綻」(参照:毎日新聞 経済プレミア・トピックス 23/11/15) 24/2/11
