Experimentation results

General instructions

Results format

The data shared in this page are the raw results, in CSV format, obtained by running each method on given instances of a graph database.

Kindly note that in some cases the results are stored in Excel sheets format. The conversion to any convenient format (including CSV) can be done easily in Microsoft Excel.

If you wish to have a look at the results summary, analysis and conclusions, please refer either to the published articles or the manuscript of the thesis.


Please refer to the manuscript (Section 4.2) for details and explanations about each database and its cost functions.

Machine configuration

All experiments were conducted on a machine with the following configuration:

  • Windows 7 x64, Intel Xeon E5 2:30 GHz, 4 cores and 8 GB of RAM

Results - MUTA DB

To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:

Results - HOUSE-NA DB

To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:

Here is a video showing the matching obtained by LocBra against the ground-truth matching given for this database.

The same video here shows the matching computed by GNCCP against the ground-truth.

Results - HOUSE-A DB

To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:

Results - HOUSE-REF DB

To download the results, click here.

The randomized version of this database is used in this experiments.

Knowing that the ground-truth/optimal solutions are when matching vertices 1 --> 1, 2 --> 2, ..., 30 --> 30, certain methods were sensitive to the order of the vertices in the graph files (e.g. GNCCP). They were able to converge to the optimal solutions quickly. By messing the vertices order in the graph files, those methods had completely different performances.
(this version can be found in the Graph Databases page)

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:

Results - PAH DB

To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:

Results - PROTEIN DB

To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table:


To download the results, click here.

The parameter values for each method are given in the below table: