Links & Resources

Here you can find various links to useful programs in Mathematics. If you know of more programs/links that would be beneficial to advertise please let me know.

+ Resources for undergraduates looking to get involved in undergraduate research

+ Recursos para estudiantes de pregrado

+ Undergraduate conferences and workshops and organizations

+ Predoctoral programs for students pursuing a graduate degree in mathematics

+ Resources for students interested in a graduate degree in mathematics

+ Resources for graduate students 

+ Geometry Topology Conferences and Workshops

Resources for undergraduates looking to get involved in undergraduate research

Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences (REU): 

An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Some REU sites or professors have additional funding available for international students. For REUS look at the following links:

NSF funded REUs 

REUS advertised on Mathprograms

The DRP matches undergraduate (mentees) with math graduate students (mentors) to read on a math topic that is not typically covered in the classes offered by the Math department at Davis. This is a chance for undergraduates to dive deeper into math, have one on one discussions with experts, and explore a fun new topic with their mentors. 

Recursos para estudiantes de pregrado

Un Programa de Lectura Dirigida (PLD) gratuito y virtual. Nos encargamos de conectar estudiantes de pregrado en matemáticas (o similares*) con estudiantes de posgrado en matemáticas, o con doctores(as) en matemáticas que se encuentren en los inicios de su carrera (por ejemplo, pasantes postdoctorales), para que desarrollen un proyecto de lectura durante un semestre.

Un modelo educativo dirigido a jóvenes de bachillerato y licenciatura que incluye cursos gratuitos presenciales y en línea, llamados Clubes y MiniMOOCs.

Undergraduate conferences and workshops and organizations

Yearly national conference. There is support available for undergraduates. See also the following link for the MAA sectional conferences that occur throughout the year.

Yearly national conference. There is support available for undergraduates. See also the following link for the AMS regional sectional conferences that occur throughout the year.

A community for underrepresented students interested in obtaining a graduate degree in quantitative sciences. Undergraduate students can become math alliance scholars and attend the yearly conference/grad school fair, as well as participate in the f-gap process to apply to participating graduate programs. 

Target group for math alliance scholars include: US citizen or permanent residents who come from an ethnic group that is underrepresented in the mathematical or statistical sciences (exceptions may be made for DACA/undocumented students) , or  student from an ethnic group, family and/or region that has had little prior experience with doctoral study in the mathematical or statistical sciences, and would be unlikely to pursue graduate study in a mathematical or statistical science without benefiting from Math Alliance programs.

The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science. There are undergraduate and graduate student chapters at various universities. There is a yearly conference, fellowship opportunities, etc.

Women and Math (WAM) Program is a 11-day fully-funded mentoring program for undergraduate and graduate women and nonbinary in mathematics hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), together with Princeton University with the support of the NSF.

Graduate Research Opportunities for Women Conference is aimed at women (cisgender, transgender, or woman-identified) and nonbinary undergraduates considering graduate school in the mathematical sciences. 

A 3-day annual workshop  for undergraduate women and gender minorities in math and their faculty mentors.

Predoctoral programs for students pursuing a graduate degree in mathematics

In this program students will take 4 graduate level courses, have teaching assignments in undergraduate courses, get ample mentoring from the department’s faculty and graduate students, attend conferences, and receive professional development to aid in applying for graduate programs (or jobs, if necessary).

A funded year-long experience that seeks to increase the number of students from groups historically under-represented in the mathematical sciences who enroll in competitive doctoral programs in these disciplines.

The EDGE Program, Enhancing Graduate Diversity in Mathematics, 

The EDGE Summer Program is a four-week, residential session designed to prepare a cohort of women to thrive in their PhD programs in the mathematical sciences. Program participants attend daily lectures in subjects such as Algebra, Analysis, Measure Theory, and Machine Learning. EDGE coursework is designed to prepare participants for graduate research and qualification exams, while also providing practical experience in a rigorous academic setting. Participants delve deeper into these subjects through collaborative daily problem sessions with guidance from EDGE mentors, who are current graduate students and often EDGE alumnae.

Research presentations, colloquia, and community-building events fill out the program. Past EDGE participants attend the Annual Summer Symposium, a conference held during the Program, to present research and network with current participants, mentors, and facilitators. During the Difficult Dialogues sessions, participants examine equity and identity within the mathematics profession. The personal and professional network built during the Program serves as a support structure for the EDGE participant cohort throughout their graduate studies and beyond.

Center for Women in Mathematics Postbaccalaureate Program is for women and gender minorities with bachelor’s degrees who did not major in mathematics or whose mathematics major was light. The program provides an opportunity to study mathematics intensively for two semesters at the advanced undergraduate level. Applicants should have taken at least linear algebra and vector calculus and at least one mathematical course above the level of calculus.

Resources for students interested in applying to graduate programs

Advice and helpful links.

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum of diverse talents in STEM. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial support inclusive of an annual stipend.

Some PhD positions are listed here.

Resources for graduate students 

A website that gathers professional advice for graduate students in mathematics on writing, giving talks, navigating the job market, etc. Every two years there is the topology student workshop, a research conference and a professional development workshop for graduate students in the fields of geometric group theory, geometry, and topology.

Resources for graduate students interested in outreach

Hosted in 9 countries, you can co-teach a one week workshop over the summer (travel and lodging are covered), or design an online course for highschool and undergraduate students.

An online directed reading program that pairs spanish speaking mentors with spanish speaking undergraduates throughout the world.

Geometry Topology Conferences and Workshops