
Scientific coordinators

Hervé Jactel

Researcher ⚫ INRA BIOGECO

Contact about ORPHEE in general


Bastien Castagneyrol

Researcher ⚫ INRA BIOGECO

Contact about herbivores or predators


Céline Meredieu

Researcher ⚫ INRA BIOGECO

Contact about dendrometry


Permanent staff

Inge van Halder


Fabrice Vétillard

Technician ⚫ INRA BIOGECO

Bernard Issenhuth

Technician ⚫ INRA UE Forêt-Pierroton

Frédéric Bernier

Engineer ⚫ INRA UE Forêt-Pierroton

Marie Charru

Assistant Professor ⚫ Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Laurent Augusto

Researcher ⚫ INRA ISPA

Contact about tree nutrition

Mark Bakker

Research engineer ⚫ Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Emmanuel Corcket

Professor ⚫ University of Bordeaux

Corinne Vacher

Researcher ⚫ INRA BIOGECO

Contact about tree microbiota

Nicolas Fanin

Researcher ⚫ INRA ISPA

Contact about tree nutrition

pst-docs & Students


Charlotte Poeydebat (2018-) - Charlotte is looking at tree diversity effects on insect herbivory, with a particular focus on the interaction between tree diversity and climatic conditions

Marine Cambon (2019-) - Marine is interested in tree leaf microbiota and its potential use to detect drought stress in forest ecosystems

Maude Toïgo (2016-2019) - Maude is interested in tree diversity and tree density effects on tree growth, before and after we irrigated ORPHEE

PhD students

Tania Maxwell (PhD student, 2018-2021) - Effect of tree diversity on nutrient cycling in forests under climate change

Soline Martin-Blangy (PhD student, 2017-2020) Impact des interactions des espèces forestières et du climat sur l’acquisition de la lumière et de l’eau et sur le fonctionnement hydrique et carboné des arbres

Andreas Altinalmazis Kondylis (PhD student, 2017-2020) Tree diversity effects on root production, decomposition and nutrient cycling under global change

Elsa Field (PhD student) went to survey herbivory and powdery mildew on oaks in 2018 as part of her PhD

Séverin Jouveau (PhD student, 2016 -)

Bastien Castagneyrol (PhD, 2009-2012) Rôles fonctionnels et structurels de la biodiversité sur les communautés d’insectes et l’herbivorie associée : une approche expérimentale

Master students*

Lucile Perrot (Master student, 2017) Process of Pinus pinaster colonization by Thaumetopoea pityocampa in the presence of Betula pendula

Florine Routier (Master student, 2017) Effets de la diversité forestière sur les facteurs physiques du sous bois et le cycle de la matière organique

Sarah Potier Giquel (Master student, 2016) Effet de la diversité de la canopée forestière sur la diversité spécifique du sous-bois landais

Angelina Ceballos Escalera (Master student, 2016) Interactive effects of tree diversity and hydric constraint on insect herbivory

Thomas Damestoy (Master student, 2016) Biodiversité et résilience des forêts aux perturbations biotiques

Maxime Damien (Master student, 2015) Temporal shift between associational resistance and susceptibility in mixed forests

Mélanie Hongsavanh (Master student 2015) Rôle de la diversité dans la productivité et la stabilité temporelle de parcelles forestières de pins maritimes (Pinus pinaster) et de bouleaux verruqueux (Betula pendula)

Julien Carraro (BTS Agricole, option Gestion Forestière, 2014) Évaluation d’un dispositif expérimental étudiant le mélange d’essences dans les Landes de Gascogne

(*) Reports available upon request

Undergraduate students and field helpers

Pilar Fernadez-Conradi (2016), Thomas Damestoy (2016), Lucas Pasceto (2016), Rosalie Lefeu (2015), Guillaume David (2010), Bastien Gravellier (2015), François Bizet (2010), Anaïs Amiet (2012), Begoña Garrido Diaz (2016), Edith Rezeau (2016), Claire Guérin (2012), Sophie Bezaut (2017), Adèle Courbineau (2018), Kathina Müssig (2018), Alisson Faure (2018), Constance Helissey (2018), Laura Scolan (2019)... Thank you everybody for your precious help !


All these people went to work with us at some point (with no systematic order): Luc Barbaro (INRA Toulouse), Damien Bonal (INRA Nancy), Didier Alard (Univ. Bordeaux), Stephan Hattenschwiler (CNRS Montpellier), Xavier Morin (CNRS Montpellier), Evalyne W. Muiruri (Royal Holloway Univ. London), Julia Koricheva (Royal Holloway Univ. London), Alison Munson (Univ. Laval), Manuella Strukelj-Humphery (Univ. Laval), Xoaquin Moreira (CSIC Pontevedra) and all TreeDivNet partners.