Developers can access the power of both Windows and Linux at the same time on a Windows machine. The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets developers install a Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Kali, Debian, Arch Linux, etc) and use Linux applications, utilities, and Bash command-line tools directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dualboot setup.

You can now install everything you need to run WSL with a single command. Open PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator", enter the wsl --install command, then restart your machine.

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To install a Linux distribution that is not listed as available, you can import any Linux distribution using a TAR file. Or in some cases, as with Arch Linux, you can install using an .appx file. You can also create your own custom Linux distribution to use with WSL.

To set the default Linux distribution used with the wsl command, enter: wsl -s or wsl --set-default , replacing with the name of the Linux distribution you would like to use. For example, from PowerShell/CMD, enter: wsl -s Debian to set the default distribution to Debian. Now running wsl npm init from Powershell will run the npm init command in Debian.

To run a specific wsl distribution from within PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt without changing your default distribution, use the command: wsl -d , replacing with the name of the distribution you want to use.

To change versions, use the command: wsl --set-version 2 replacing with the name of the Linux distribution that you want to update. For example, wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2 will set your Ubuntu 20.04 distribution to use WSL 2.

To learn more, see the Command reference for WSL for a list of WSL commands, Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2 for guidance on which to use for your work scenario, or Best practices for setting up a WSL development environment for general guidance on setting up a good development workflow with WSL.

Try the most recent features or updates to WSL by joining the Windows Insiders Program. Once you have joined Windows Insiders, you can choose the channel you would like to receive preview builds from inside the Windows settings menu to automatically receive any WSL updates or preview features associated with that build. You can choose from:

You are now in the place that I was in about a year ago! It can be a bit tough at times but stick with it - it's worth it. But start with a plan, even if it's just a simple one in your head. List what you need from your Windows disk, for example:

Next, decide where are you going to put them. Depending on the space required, you could use a free account with dropbox - 2+GB. Another 15GB with Google drive; 1TB (yes, that's 1000GB or 1000000MB) for your photos with flickr. If required/preferred, use an external USB drive, as they are cheap enough now. Boot from a Linux DVD and do the copying under Linux. You will be able to scan the files for viruses under Linux later. Then follow Mitch's instructions to Replace Windows.

You will experience niggles and doubts but stick with an LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu so you don't get the recently-added-but-not-thoroughly-tested enhancements and additions. Find alternative programs to allow you to what you do with Windows. There's a lot to choose from sometimes but you can ask advice on the forums like these. Good luck!

After you've finished moving the files you want to save, you can remove your Windows partition and enlarge the ext4 space by booting from a live USB or DVD and using the gParted tool, which comes with the Ubuntu live system by default.

You may need to update your GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) after resizing your ext4 partition. I've used instructions for doing so from this post on Ubuntu forums with unqualified success. I also migrated to Ubuntu 12.04 after having used Windows exclusively my entire life, and I cannot express how much more satisfied I am with Ubuntu's performance.

With the latest Windows 11 update on Sept. 26 we released a host of developer features as the core component of the Windows OS with an intent to make every developer more productive on Windows. Today we are excited to announce Windows AI Studio, a new AI experience to help enterprises and developers jumpstart local AI development and deployment on Windows, along with new updates to Dev Home and new enterprise features in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that enhance security and simplify deployment.

In the coming weeks developers can access Windows AI Studio as a VS Code Extension, a familiar and seamless interface to help you get started with AI development. The guided interface allows you to focus on what you do best, coding, while we do all the heavy lifting by setting your developer environment with all the tools needed. Learn more about Windows AI Studio.

In addition to fine-tuning capabilities, Windows AI Studio will also highlight state-of-the-art (SOTA) models optimized specifically for Windows GPUs and NPUs in the future, starting with Llama 2-7B, Mistral-7B, Falcon-7B, and Stable Diffusion XL. Earlier this year, we talked about how ONNX Runtime is the gateway to Windows AI. DirectML is the native Windows machine learning API, and together they give developers access to a simplified yet highly performant AI development experience. With Olive, a powerful optimization tool for ONNX models, developers can ensure that their models run as performantly as possible with the DirectML+ONNX Runtime combo.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) offers a robust platform for AI development on Windows by making it easy to run Windows and Linux workloads simultaneously. Developers can easily share files, GUI apps, GPU and more between environments with no additional setup. WSL is now enhanced to meet the enterprise grade security requirements so enterprise customers can confidently deploy WSL for their developers to take advantage of both Windows and Linux operating systems on the same Windows device and accelerate AI development efficiently.

We are thrilled to release Dev Home v0.7 with Azure DevOps (ADO) support powered by the new Dev Home Azure extension. This extension allows you to easily clone your Azure repositories using Dev Home to get your machine to a code-ready state, manage your ADO projects and get productive right away from the Windows desktop. Additionally, you can pin ADO widgets to display query results and query tiles to provide easily glanceable information for the projects you care about most. Enterprises can take advantage of Dev Home to onboard new team members and projects faster and developers can stay on top of projects, queries and relevant tasks from Dev Home.

With our focus on empowering every developer to be an AI developer and continued investments on developer productivity, we believe Windows now provides the best platform for you to jumpstart local AI development and create cutting edge experiences for your customers. We are humbled and excited to be on this journey with you.

We love hearing from our developer community and want to continue working with you to build the experiences and features you want. Share your feedback with us by reaching out on our social channels @WindowsDev on LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram.

The experts tell us we can use BKF on glass oven doors, glass stovetops, and glass table tops so why not windows? So, I got online and jumped down that rabbit hole where I found videos of people doing precisely that. BKF could rescue my view!

Sliding door tracks attract dirt, grime, bugs, and more. I use BKF MORE Spray + Foam cleaner to clean away the grime of time that builds up on tracks. Left unattended, the build-up can interfere with the operation of the door.

I assume that some Unix or Linux system is generating the file but I'm not sure how the users are saving them with the invalid filename. I have coded a piece that should rename the document on upload. My problem is that I can't test it because I can't get a file on Windows that has a colon in the filename.

You can either do what it sounds like you have already done; create a script that replaces these invalid characters with valid ones on the UNIX side. Or, you can take care of this on the Windows server with File Name Character Translation:

If you're running Windows Server 2019 or later, we recommend using OpenSSH, which is anopen source connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol. For steps toconnect to a Linux instance from Windows using OpenSSH, see Connect to your Linux instance from Windows with OpenSSH.

For the key pair that you specified when you launched the instance, if you chose tocreate the private key in the .pem format, you must convert it to a .ppkfile for use with PuTTY. Locate the private .pem file, and then followthe steps in the next section.

A passphrase on a private key is an extra layer of protection. Even if your private keyis discovered, it can't be used without the passphrase. The downsideto using a passphrase is that it makes automation harder becausehuman intervention is needed to log on to an instance, or to copyfiles to an instance.

If your windows are in good condition, taking steps to improve their efficiency may be the most cost-effective option to increase the comfort of your home and save money on energy costs. There are several things you can do to improve the efficiency of your existing windows:

First look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying new windows. Then review ratings on the energy performance label from the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) to find the most efficient windows for your needs.

I tried setting Alt+Tab to switch windows in settings, but this made it seemingly do nothing. I did notice that if I were in Firefox with this setting on, when I held Alt+Tab and used the scroll-wheel, it cycled through tab history.

From there, use arrow keys to switch between different windows and confirm your selection with Enter or Space (to switch between all apps press Tab). It should work for multiple displays as well. Hit Escape to cancel the selection. be457b7860

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