Where to get abortion pill

Abortion pills are the other name of the medical abortion. This method is less offensive in comparison to the surgical procedure, but it may lead to certain side effects too. If you are adopting this method to terminate your pregnancy, you must aware about the probable side effects of these abortion pills before you take them. Surgery abortion is painful and it has more side effects as compared to the medical abortion. Medical abortion clinic provides the best services of the region.

Abortion pills are a combination of two medicines named as Mifepristone and Misoprostol. It is 95% effective. You will need 1st pill of Mifepristone and 4 pills of Misoprostol during this procedure. It is important that you should take an equal amount of the pills. The Mifepristone should be 200 mg and each Misoprostol should be 200 mg. If the pills you are getting have different amounts of mg and mg, then recalculate it so you can get and use the correct amount of medication. These pills are not easily available through pharmacies or at the most regular doctor’s office. Always keep in mind that these pills are different from birth control pills or emergency contraception pills.

Why we need Abortion Pill?

Medication abortion is very safe. Serious problems are rare, but like all medical procedures, there can be some risks. You can take these pills at home also. The abortion pill causes cramping and bleeding that can last several hours or more. Plan to take it easy for the day. These pills do not have any serious effect on your future pregnancies and overall health except any rare and severe problems that is not treated easily. Medication abortion pills do not increase risk of breast cancer. Moreover, it does not cause difficulties for future pregnancies like premature birth or low birth weight, birth defects, ectopic pregnancy infant death or miscarriage. In case of the medical abortion, you have prescribed to consume to medicines such as oral mifepristone and misoprostol. If you are suffering from any kind of pregnancy issues, visit One day abortion clinic up to 24 weeks to get the best results.

Do notworries these clots will slow down after some days, but your bleeding will continue for numbers of days or even weeks also. Abortion, which is done with the proper medical regulation by an expert, does not affect the future fertility. Most of the women have a safe medication abortion. However, all the medical procedures have some risks. Similarly, these pills also have some risks such as infection, fever, heavy bleeding, nausea, dizziness, undetected ectopic pregnancy.

In some cases, after taking these pills woman’s my suffer from diarrhea. You may feel discomfort and cramping after consuming these pills. The loss of excessive amount of blood and other fluid from the body may cause cramping in other body parts. These are common type of the side effects that almost woman every woman experience after taking abortion pills. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take care of your diet properly so that you can handle these cramps in a better way.Consult Free abortion clinic Orlando for any type of the medical attention also know that where to get abortion pill.

In rare cases, these pills do not cause complete abortion, in such cases, surgical treatment becomes necessary. This case is not common and mainly found in 5-10% cases. If you are bleeding continuously, your fever lasts more than 4 days and your pain is increasing day by day, then in this case, you should take immediate medical help.Abortion pill cost is reasonable and everyone can afford it. A medication abortion pills consist of two pills named as Mifepistone and Misoprostol. This combination is the most effective when consume together prescribed by the physician to abort an unwanted pregnancy. Mifepristone is taken first to block the progesterone hormone. After this medicine, abortion can be reversed using some supplements.