Now try contrasting golden Capella with some of the stars in nearby Taurus the Bull. First, find the reddish star Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull, and the bluish stars of the misty Pleiades cluster. Do you see the difference?

And if you have difficulty discerning star colors with the unaided eye, look at the bright stars through binoculars. A useful trick is to put the star out of focus in your binoculars so the color will become more obvious.

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So what are the spectral classes of Capella, Aldebaran, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel and the Pleiades? Capella is a G star. Our sun is also a G star. Both our sun and Capella shine with a golden light. Aldebaran and Betelgeuse are cool stars and appear as reddish stars. Aldebaran is a K type star and Betelgeuse is a M type star. Sirius is an A type star and appears white. Rigel and the stars of Pleiades are type B stars.

Bottom line: Winter is the perfect season for noticing the colors of the stars. Have you ever noticed them? By all means, go check them out tonight! And now you also can tell the temperature of a star by its color. e24fc04721

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