SyncBackPro and SyncBackSE are used as reliable backup software solutions by individuals, small businesses, and mission critical organizations throughout the world including law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and government departments.

Hundreds of thousands of customers ensure their digital files are backed-up and protected with the best backup software available. Whether in the cloud or on local systems - SyncBack has your needs covered.

Google Backup And Sync


Tip: If you only store photos and videos, we recommend you backup to Google Photos. If you store your files in both places, photos and videos upload twice, which uses more of your Google storage.

If you sync an Apple Photos Library with Drive, everything syncs, including thumbnails and other metadata. Making changes to these files from another computer or in the cloud isn't recommended, it can corrupt your library.

Sync is fully bi-directional and in near real-time (always running), so changes on the local side will be pushed to the remote and changes on the remote side will be pushed to local as quickly as possible. Sync tries to keep the remote and local sides mirror images of each other, all the time, including reflecting adds, edits, renames, and deletes on either side. Updates to files overwrite the previous version and do not create new versions, like backup does.

Which one you choose will depend on your use case and workflow. If you are only looking to backup your data for safe-keeping, then backup will accomplish that. Just keep in mind that backup will continue to create versions of files as you edit them. However, since backup runs once a day, by default, you should only be accumulating one version per day of any given file, regardless of how many times you edit it. If you perform manual backups or change the backup interval then your versions could start to accumulate, depending on how often backup is run.

I'm new to Dropbox. I own three computers--a Home PC, Office PC, and laptop. I got Dropbox to achieve two main goals--1) to have backup security against data loss and (2) be able to access and work with data from any of my computers in an an efficient, organized way from any workstation.

Second, assuming that my question above does not lead to a dead end, then how might I best achieve my two goals? Is Sync or Backup better for this? Should I turn on sync on all three computers? Will that result in the My Dropbox Home Page listing the three computer names/identifiers--so that I can click on one name to get into the attached files? In advance, Sync would seem more straightforward and intuitive, but I worry that a mistaken deletion on DB or PC will just sync by deleting in the other location. I guess I'm wanting my files to live in two places--local and cloud--in a way that helps keep data safe and allows access from multiple locations.

I believe I'm trying to do the same thing you described in your original post: backup folders that are primarily on my D drive, and a few on my C drive. I only see options in the Dropbox Desktop App to backup a handful of common folders on my C drive (e.g., Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc.). Did you figure out how to add other folders to your backup that aren't available in the checklist? Were you able to add folders from your D drive as well?

Also while trying to sync my PC data to mobile(Windows to android) using brave sync chain,it isnt showing my bookmarks and history on my mobile.

So does sync work like:Every history and bookmarks sync only if they are bookmarked after turning on sync or is there something else which I m missing.

Thanks for the reply but you see I am not worried about BAT,its my data like bookmarks and autofill and that stuff which is more important to me.And as I mentioned I know that by backing up my UserData or BraveBrowser folders I will be able to get all my data that for me is important.But thing is I am not able to backup the folder on cloud(I used Gdrive and Mega),so is there any cloud service on which I would be able to backup the folder.

If not than through sync will I be able to get my bookmarks and auto fill and all that which I had before turning on sync to the device I synced with or is it that I will get only the (lets say)bookmarks that I bookmark after turning on sync.

My setup is similar to yours, but rather than an external hard drive, my laptop contains two hard drives and I use a backup program to automatically mirror the original data onto the 2nd hard drive once per day as protection against one of the hard drives failing.

My personal opinion:

I strongly recommend to not mix up data privacy and data protection. Tools like Cryptomator are not for covering data loss risk. So you should not have your only backup being encrypted (regardless which encryption tool you are using)

In my main PC, I have 3 encrypted vaults; Personal, Family and Financial. All stored in the clouds.

pCloud - Financial vault

Dropbox - Family vault and Personal vault.

Mega - All 3 Cryptomator vaults (Financial, Family, Personal)also sync here, using RealTime Sync to monitor any changes from pCloud and Dropbox vaults. Synced only in every 24 hours. I avoid syncing it in real time, the reason is, if anything happened (like accidental delete) to my pCloud and Dropbox vaults I can still access files from Mega vaults.

This is true for a number of reasons, the first being that synced files can easily be misplaced as syncing directories between machines can get confusing. And even when you pay the premium to help improve search power, like selective syncing products, the setup can be overly technical.

For example, if you get ransomware on your local laptop then connect to a cloud data sync like OneDrive, not only will the malware encrypt the data on your laptop, it can also sync to the cloud, infect the cloud, and therefore put your synced data at risk.

Is there a help line for Obsidian? Like with employees etc that take your call? I just bought Obsidian Sync and I was met with a warning that you can't backup your notes and also sync them because there might be a conflict. Does anybody know if using this app requires a Computer Science degree or something? Based on prior experience with cloud-based programs I just thought that notes being 'backed up' would automatically happen as part of a 'Sync' program. Even posting to the Obsidian Help Forum is difficult as there's no actual 'Post' button to be seen lol.

That is more a question: Obsidian Sync just sync the vault between my devices, or it keeps a copy of my vault? Imagine this: I just have my laptop where I use Obsidian and I have Obsidian Sync working, if my laptop crashed beyond repair, could I install Obsidian in a new laptop and get back all my notes, files, configs, and so on?

Understood. I just was wondering if I can do a restore to a new machine without pulling from an existent device. The PDFs, images and so on will be included or I have to backup and restore from another place?

My dream feature would be to have my iOS Camera Roll replicated in a Sync folder so that changes are replicated to my computer in real time (within the limits of iOS backgrounding, of course -- Assume I open the iOS Sync app and let it sync), if I delete something from iOS, I want it deleted on the desktop as well, and vice versa, it would be useful to be able to clean up from the desktop and have the photos deleted from the iOS photo library on the next sync.

@The Dave photo backup implies that it backs up photos in case you accidentally remove them, too. Therefore the fact image keeps living in backup after you remove it from iOS is by design. Sorry - no "Sync" feature for camera roll for now.

It depends. If we are talking about regular sync folder - yes, deleting it from synced folder on iOS will cause deletion on all other devices. If we are talking about Camera Roll backup - then no, pic won't be deleted if you remove it from your camera roll.

It depends. If we are talking about regular sync folder - yes, wiping photos from synced folder on iOS will cause deletion on all other devices. If we are talking about Camera Roll backup - then no, pic won't be deleted if you remove it from your camera roll.

I wanted to be able to edit my photos, or delete them, and have the changes propagate to my other computers. But I didn't want to have to copy them from the Sync backup folder to another folder every time.

But I'd still like the option to have the "backup" folder be read-write and to have the actions on any device propagate to the others, including the phone. It would be a very nice way to delete unwanted images from my phone which is currently a hassle on an iPhone.

I know an old thread but can we please have an option, behind a couple warnings, that forces a one-way one-time sync? This way we can delete a photo or all photos from our mobiles and also delete those from the other RO devices.

After installing and configuring the CONNECT plugin, I attempted to use the "Flash Backup" feature. However, regardless of how many times I've tried, I consistently receive the following error message: "Failed to sync flash backup." I have thoroughly reviewed the documentation and checked all settings, but the issue persists.

The issue seems to be the structure of the repo address at remote origin. Either the remote git server is interpreting the tilde character (~) literally and looking for a directory: .../~/, or there is no .git file in the git user home directory at 

It would help to know the full address of the remote origin so that we can manually change the origin and see if that fixes things.

Not sure what's going on. I can't get any further than this. just keep getting "Failed to sync flash backup", and on the Unraid Connect page, the Flash backup page incorrectly says that I haven't got Flash backup activated:

Thank you I will try that command. Is it possible that the sync only is oneway, I mean I do not want to loose a file on Source because I accidently delete a file on the remote. (I want to prevent to loose anything because of my own stupidity.) e24fc04721

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