The origins and evolution of word order.

A multidisciplinary workshop


16 April 2018

Room: KOPERNIK (2nd floor)

9:00 Opening

9:10 A cross-linguistic investigation of the cognitive biases underlying noun phrase word order. Culbertson, J. (invited speaker) [ abstract, slides ]

9:40 Harmony and dendrophilia in syntax. Jing, Y., Blasi, D. E. & Bickel, B. [ abstract ]

10:00 Word order, naturalness and conventionalisation: evidence from silent gesture. Vos, M., Schouwstra, M. & Kirby, S. [ abstract, slides ]

10:20 The emergence of argument structure in Central Taurus sign language. Ergin., R., Meir, I., Ilkbasaran, D.,Padden, C., & Jackendoff, R. [ abstract, slides ]

10:40 Break

11:00 Irit Meir † and her legacy: a tribute. W. Sandler. [ slides ] In room WISŁA, in front of WISŁA (2nd floor)

11:20 Typological patterns of word order and argument marking: What can their correlation in creoles, pidgins and regular languages tell about language evolution? Sinnemäki, K. (invited speaker) [ abstract, slides ]

11:50 A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word order correlations. Jaeger, G. [ abstract, slides ]

12:10 A cognitive and systemic typological account of word order. Fenk-Oczlon, G. [ abstract, slides]

12:30 Syntactic parsing of human language by minds and machines: Some interesting parallels. Gómez-Rodríguez, C. (invited speaker) [ abstract, slides]

13:00 Closing (Q&A and general discussion)

13:45 End

Duration of talks:

  • Invited speakers: 25 min presentation + 5 min for questions.
  • Regular speakers: 15 min presentation + 5 min for questions.