
How do I get in touch with you?

I love to hear from fabulous people, and you look like one of those! Fill in my fine form here, and I'll get back to you soon.

Failing that, you can email me on origistock (At) gmail.com.

What kind of videos can you make?

I can make whatever you want. Music videos, book trailers, artist profiles, wedding videos, or just a nice video of a stuffed penguin walking in the sand with a rose between his teeth. You name it, I will find a way of doing it.

Where are you!?

I'm based primarily in the UK, and I wonder around various parts of it quite a lot. I am, however, an avid traveller, and find myself in mainland Europe, Scandinavia and various other places quite often during the year. So, if you're somewhere far-fetched, please feel free to get in touch, because it is very likely that I will be visiting the area sometime in the future, and if you're willing to pay expenses, I will definitely come.

Do we have to be based where you are?

No, I can easily make a video without featuring you. This works quite well with music videos, however I wouldn't recommend it for interviews/artist profiles. I'd have to travel to you for them.

How much do you charge?

The initial creative chat is completely free. During this time we will arrange times to film etc and exactly what we will be doing. After that, I will be able to come up with a quote for you. Dependent upon how much work needs to go into the video, it could cost up to £2000, though it will most likely be between £100 - £1000. You would be expected to cover expenses of anything we don't have in studio.

What exactly do I get for my money?

You get an awesome video, a short behind the scenes video if you wish, and an amazing videographer/director/creative director for your video. If you would like me to arrange hair and make up, that can be arranged, and also I am pretty amazing at making props.

I don't have an idea, can you help?

For sure! I have plenty of back up ideas on file, just let me know what you need, and I'll arrange it for you.