Tu Bi'Shvat

The Birthday of the Trees

Songs and Stories

Hey Mr. Tree

An sing-along exploration of all the wonderful gifts we get from trees

Plant a Tree for Tu B'Shevat

A Debbie Friedman song fully of actions, performed by Morah Jenny and Moreh Larry.

Honi the Circle Maker

A classic Tu Bi'shvat story about a carob tree and some time-travel.

Some Tu Bi'Shvat Activities

PJ Library Activity Library!

Click on the image to explore PJ Library books and activities.

Make Your Own Almond Blossoms

In Yisrael, it's springtime and the Almond Trees are in bloom!

Join Morah Jenny for a Winter-Friendly DIY

Tu Bi'Shvat Mindfulness

Click on the image and be transported to Ritualwell.org. Take some breaths, recite some beautiful berachot (blessings), and connect with nature.

Say a Beracha

There's a special blessing we say over fruit during Tu Bi'Shvat. Click on the image and learn it!

Plant Some Parsley

There is a tradition that one Tu Bi'Shvat we should plat the greenery that we'll use for the Karpas step in our upcoming Seder! How cool is that?!

Some Tu Bi'Shvat Vocab!




Pri / פְּרִי

15th of Sh'vat

ט׳׳וּ בִּשְׁבָת/

Tu Bi'Shvat