While there are several steps in the process, moving an SSL certificate from one Windows server to another is an easy task. It involves exporting a working SSL certificate from the MMC console to a .pfx file and then importing that file in the MMC console of the new or additional server. You will then need to assign or bind the certificate to a website in IIS in order to start using it on a website. If you need to move your SSL certificate to or from a different type of server, select the server type on our main SSL Certificate Import/Export Page

It is standard practice to move important, volatile data off the server system partition (%systemdrive% by default) to other partitions or drives. In this task, you successfully changed the target location for the IIS configuration history directories.

How To Move IIS7 On Anotherdrive

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I've been racking my head on this one. I installed osTicket on IIS 7 everything is working correctly, emails are going out, and coming in. Everything is fine except when I go to the admin section /scp folder to login, I'm prompted in my browser window to authenticate with my domain. All the file level permissions are the same throughout the app and only one file is marked as read only (/include/ost-config.php). I have checked at least 20 times to be sure and checked each individual file. So I'm confident that there's no file level issues. I have also moved the entire folder (that contains the app) over to another drive and reset the file level permissions again to be sure there wasn't a corruption on that drive causing an issue. I guess my question is,... what could osTicket be doing in /scp that would cause it to act so differently from the main section (I mean index.php and users accessing tickets and submitting tickets with no prompt for domain credentials)? I just don't know where I'd look from here. Any ideas?

During installation, most of the core IIS components and configuration files are placed inside the %windir%\system32\inetsrv folder. The Inetsrv directory is considered the main installation directory for IIS. It has been reported that some non-Microsoft security scanning tools suggest that IIS should be installed on a non-system drive for security purposes. This is not a correct assessment. IIS is a core Windows component and cannot be installed on a non-system drive.

There have also been reports of suggestions to move the Inetpub directory to a non-system drive for security purposes. The Inetpub directory is the default web content directory and also acts as a placeholder for logs and temporary files. Most of the Inetpub subfolder locations can be reconfigured based on your needs and business requirements, however the initial Inetpub folder and subfolders should never be renamed nor deleted. This is because Windows Servicing may at some point need to update one or more of the core IIS files that are stored in %systemdrive%\inetpub\. Moving the Inetpub folder structure completely off of the system drive is not supported. Further, there are no real security benefits from moving the entire Inetpub directory structure to a non-system drive.

Those are not log files, it's your actual search index. It is recommended to move the index to it's own drive so that the index (or any other log files) cannot consume all disk space on the C drive.

Q: Where GoodSync settings (Jobs, Groups, Server Accounts. Options) are located?

A: GoodSync Client Windows: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\GoodSync

A: GoodSync Server Windows: C:\ProgramData\GoodSync

A: GoodSync Client MacOS: /Users/YourUserName/.goodsync

A: GoodSync Server MacOS: /Library/Application Support/GoodSyncNote that credentials stored in GoodSync settings files (your passwords and refresh tokens) are locally encrypted,so you cannot just copy/move these settings files to another computer, they will not be read there.

As a work around you could create another partition eg D:\. If you then change your PHP temp folder to D:\ drive then when the file is copied from D:\temp\php to GLPI\_Files the file will inherits permissions of the folder GLPI\_Files

Anyway, Dish Network pleasantly surprised me again. I plugged my replacement receiver in, plugged the hard drive in and it told me "This hard drive was used on another Dish DVR, would you like to convert its contents to work on this DVR?" I hit yes and now I lost absolutely NO archived shows!

Now the question is with the wording there, can you convert it back? How many times can you convert from one receiver to another? Can you only convert between receivers you own? I would guess the answers would be (in this order): yes, some limited amount, and yes. They can't give away the farm here. The movie and TV industries would blow a gasket whether or not "trading hard drives" ever could possibly become a piracy problem (that's even MORE complicated than trading VHS back in the day). I mean it's not like you want to just go give away your $100 hard drive to people. And the data on the drive is encrypted and who knows if even the mighty Norton Ghost (I refuse to call it Symantec Ghost) could image it successfully. And lastly, when you copy a show to your receiver, it's removed from the hard drive, necessitating recording it again for the original owner, which makes piracy even more difficult (but is also not very intrusive to the legitimate user -- good balance).

Without a Dish Network subscription there are still a few things you can do with an old DVR 625. I found that you can watch the videos stored on the DVR without a service card. It cannot be used to record, watch TV inputs or USB memory stick. You can take the 235 G hard drive out and copy all the recorded shows to your own PC. Just remove the hard drive from the DVR and connect it to a desktop computer. The Dish Network uses a Linux hard disk format called Ext. (Dish Network uses Linux to run its unit if that helps.) You will have to Mount the three unnamed partitions to see them with Windows. Just use the Windows disk manager to see the DVR hard disk. A special program like Ext2fsd can be used to label the partitions. As far as I know the rest of the DVR 625 unit is useless without a subscription. I just kept the 235 gig HD in my desktop computer and trashed the rest of the DVR 625 unit.

I have a VIP722K dish dvr. I recently connected a portable 320GB HD to it. Even though Dish says you need a hard drive with its own power supply, the portable one came right up, was formatted and available once I connected it. I thought initially that I would need to move recordings off the DVR hard drive to get back more recording time, but I stumbled across a settings in preferences --> Record Plus. There's a button to the right labeled ERD (External Recording Device). Selecting this brings you to a screen that allows you to enable recording on or not recording on an external recording device. It was set to disable when I went there first, so I changed it to enabled.

The my recordings screen reported I had 58 minutes of HD time left. I set up a timer to record 12 hours of Homeland, and checked on the "time remaining" stat now and then. It would go down to about 20 or so minutes left, then go back up to 30 or 40 minutes left. I thought it was automatically sending the excess to the external hard drive, but when I chose Multi Media and looked at the space remaining, the number was not decreasing. Of the 320 GB original, the format created one 1 GB partition and a second 298 GB partition. I had archived a few short shows to test it, so it has 296.5 available. I recorded the 12 hours of the show I wanted, and the DVR still reports 28 minutes or so available, and the space on the external drive is still at 296.5 GB. Question (1) Where are the recordings being stored? No other recordings appear to be getting zapped off the DVR hard drive to make room for more, so I'm really puzzled. Dish doesn't know how to answer this. Question (2): Does someone know more about the ERD setting and how it works? be457b7860

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