Ore Valley Elementary
Parent Teacher Organization
WELCOME! We are so glad you're here!
Welcome to Ore Valley Elementary PTO!
We are so glad you found us! Here is where you can find everything you need to know about the PTO. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact the PTO directly at orevalleypto@gmail.com
Calendar of Events:
August 20, 2024: Parent Orientation 6:00-8:30PM
September 10, 2024: PTO Meeting 7:00PM
September 11-25, 2024: Fall Spirit Wear Sale
September 21, 2024: Fall Fest 12:00-3:00 PM (Saturday)
October 7-11, 2024: Fall Book Fair
October 22-November 1, 2024: Fall Fundraiser (Sue's Subs)
October 28-November 1, 2024: AgLab
November 12, 2024: PTO Meeting 7:00PM
December 13, 2024: Holiday Shop 6:00-8:00PM
January 7, 2025: PTO Meeting 7:00PM
March 11-13, 2025: Penny Wars
March 11-25, 2025: Spring Spirit Wear Sale
March 25, 2025: PTO Meeting 7:00PM
May 2, 2025: Dance-a-Thon (Spring Fundraiser)
May 6, 2025: PTO Meeting 7:00PM
May 5-9, 2025: Spring Book Fair
May 9, 2025: May Day 5:30-8:30 PM
Our Mission:
OV PTO, Inc. is a volunteer based organization dedicated to fostering and supporting a safe, inclusive education experience for all students. OV PTO, Inc. will strive to nurture a collaborative partnership between home and school, facilitating open, non-biased communication that will unify parents, teachers, and students as it works to provide extra services. OV PTO, Inc. will seek to enhance community spirit that encourages and celebrates the students and dedicated staff of Ore Valley Elementary School.
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