ODAA Events & History 


L to R.   Ginny Jorgensen, Linda Kihs, Mary Harrison 



* Memorial Day is always observed on the last Monday in May.

*  The purpose of the holiday is to honor those who have died while serving the country in wars and to make sure future generations do not forget the costs of a free and undivided republic.

*  About 5,000 people attended the first large observance of the occasion at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. in 1868.  Small American flags were placed at the site of each grave, in tradition followed by many national cemeteries today.

*  The National Moment of Remembrance, which Congress established in 2000, encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who have died in service to the nation. 

*  The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs maintains 134 national cemeteries.  Several states have veterans’ cemeteries as well.  As of the date of this writing, about 1.1 million Americans have died in our nations’ wars.

*  In 1915, the red poppy became a symbol of fallen soldiers in World War I, after John McCrae, a Canadian medical officer, described red poppies in his famous poem, “In Flanders Fields.”  Five years later, it became the official flower of the American Legion Family and has since become a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice of men and women who served and died for their country during a time of war.


Each December, Wreaths Across America is carried out by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50 states, at sea and abroad.  The national theme for 2017 was “I’m an American.  Yes, I am."

A memorable and thought felt ceremony was held at Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home on Saturday December 16, 2017 hosted by the Civil Air Patrol.  Color guards presented the colors and all branches of the military were represented by a special wreath as well as one for those missing in action and prisoners of war. 

The Oregon Dental Assistants Association was honored to participate in the laying on of wreaths at the Willamette National Cemetery.  6000 wreaths were placed that afternoon.




Some of our past history leads us to 13 local dental assistant societies that made up our state association.  There was one Director from each of the following locals.  They acted as a liaison between their local memberships, attending each ODAA Board meeting and state meeting.

They were as follows:

         1.     Benton-Linn

         2.     Capitol City

         3.     Central Oregon

         4.     Clackamas

         5.     Clatsop

         6.     Eastern Oregon

         7.     Klamath Falls

         8.     Lane County

  9.           Portland

         10.   Rogue Valley

         11.   Southern Oregon

         12.   Umpqua

         13.   Washington County


Five states made up our tenth district:

         1.     Alaska

         2.     Idaho

         3.     Montana

         4.     Oregon

         5.     Washington


Yes, always lots of work involved ~ but lots of fun too. 


Dental Assistant Recognition Week (DARW) March 3rd - 9th 2024

Celebrating Oregon Dental Assistants who have made a difference in the past.

ADAA Tenth District Trustees (Dental Assistants) meet with Governor Vic Atiyeh who signs DARW Proclomation


Presented to the Annual Conference of the American Dental Assistants Association at the meeting in California, 2004


Oregon Dental Assistant Legend, Karen Waide, CDA, EFDA, AAS.



Times have definitely changed, duties developed and grew, and the “Ladies in Attendance “ became dental assistants.   Dental assisting has come a long way from Dr. Kells and his Ladies in Waiting.  The field has a strong history and with innovations in and the need for proper dental care, it promises a bright future.


One such trailblazer, assistant and educator was, KAREN WAIDE, CDA, EFDA, AAS.  Karen has an incredible history of promoting our profession and working hard to keep our name and association active.  She didn’t have to make homemade toothpaste like the Romans did in the seventh century.  She did, however, have in-depth training and education.


Karen’s formal education began with 104 hour technical study preparing for a certificate in Certified Dental Assistant.  (At the time this course of study was supported by the American Dental Assistant Association (ADAA) in the evening at OHSU.)  Next came Portland State University (PSU), Portland Community College, and Oregon Technical Institute (OTI).  Then came classes at the Oregon State Board of Dentistry:  Certificate in Radiology, Certified Dental Assistant via ADAA, followed by Expanded Function Dental Assistant (EFDA) through the Dental Assistant National Board (DANB).


Along this time she also did consulting with Austin Dental Equipment  (ADEC) in regards to:

·       HVE (High Volume Evacuation suction)  Suction replacement from bucket type  collection and replaced with in house plumbing.

·       Development of split cart delivery system (one for the doctor and one for the assistant – instrument tray and mixing area.

·       Equipment updates; efficiency by location, size and time/motion surface areas to accommodate product materials mixed and used chairside.

·       Served as a seminar speaker for ADEC on time management and utilization of auxiliary and equipment placement.

·       Traveled with WREB providing experiences with other dental sites such as observing, operatory equipment, student issue of dental instruments per school.

·       Understanding varying issues from school to office practice.


Karen was appointed by the American Dental Assistant Association (ADAA) as a representative to the American Dental Association (ADA)


Karen received several awards and grants: 


·       ODA clinician award.  Helpful Hints for the Dental Assistant.

·       Clinical application of the luting stage of cement mixing

* WREB for years of service

       *    Oregon State Board of Education; Joan Stoddard.  Appointed 

              committee on Critical Thinking.  (PSU college credit)

·        State completion in occupational skills, lead by Tammy Johnson,

              director.  Awarded an appointment to develop a chairside

              assessment skills check list, for a specific procedural task in a private

              dental office.  Wilsonville, Ore.


Grants Awarded at PCC:


       *     Directed by program chairman, Dr. Robertson.  Explore an

               OpenEntry/Open Exit programs.  Ones recommended: St Petersburg,

               Florida and University of Kentucky, Louville.  Nancy Deimling, Dee

               Berland and Karen attended and viewed how/if PCC could offer

               similar program.


          *   2nd Award to Nancy Deimling and Karen to Denmark.  University of

              Denmark Dental School.  Assess a European approach to auxiliaries

               training.  Considering global mobility.







Life time experiences:  As a teacher in various settings


General Dental practice, 8 years chairside assistant experience provided an advance to the Oregon Health Science University Dental Assistant Utilization (DAU) program.  Teaching use of assistants at chairside and eventually office utilization called practice management.

DAU gained a new title of TEAM.  Teaching Expanded Auxiliary Management.  Provided a greater expansion of; multiple operatory utilization, time management and hiring of office staff.  The introductory to starting a Dental practice by establishing needed office staff and assignment per tasks needed.  8 years

With this experience, Karen was hired by PCC, Sylvania campus, Dental Assisting staff.

Rationale was a move from the Ross Island Campus, this transition now referred to as PCC, Portland Community College to the brand new Sylvania campus.  8 Chair dental clinic, large dental materials lab and radiology lab. This was a huge expansion from Ross Island to PCC.  There were stories about how small the RI facility was.  Office meeting sometimes took place in a very small room with one chair, one desk and Nancy Sandvick on top of the filing cabinet.  That’s it for an office. The clinical lab consisted of 3 dental chairs, that were back to back.  Dee could pivot in the middle for observance and teaching.

Moving to the Sylvania campus provided them each with their own office space.

The dental clinic would be a lab combo practicing clinic.  3 chairs to potential 8.

To assist Dee Berland in the functional clinic would be Karen’s new part time role.  From a teaching role at OHSU to a new beginning of teaching clinic lab procedures and expanded function at PCC

Then, she joined the PCC staff of dental assisting, joining Emy Singer/Lawerence, Radiology, Nancy Sandvick/Deimling, dental materials and Dee Berland, Clinical.

Notation:  Emy left OHSU, DAU program to teach at the Ross Island center.  That opening provided Karen the opportunity to be hired by Lucy Hartman, whom she had met while attending the local dental assistant society.  Little to know that later she would be hired at PCC and now join Emy there.

At PCC the dental assisting program, they participated in the high school skills competition, Dental health week provided dental services, provided workshops on weekends for expanded function certification for those working in the field of dental assisting. In addition several clinical hands on workshops, for the local Academy of General Dentistry. 

In the assisting clinic; services were provided to patients.  Thus, a functioning clinic.

Two dentists were hired per day of operation of clinic.  Three days a week.  Dee and Karen would split the lab into two sections; one for patient treatment (Karen for clinical and the other for lab projects(that would be Dee).  These were running simultaneous.  This assignment provided a better assessment of student skills.  There was some availability and access to PCC students on campus.

*Oregon State Board of Dentistry

Oregon State Board of Dentistry, appointment as Dental Exam Assistant coordinator.  This would be during the Dental Examination period.  At the time Dentists who served as a board member also became an examiner during Dental Board Exams, which were practical exams on patients;

Transition of Oregon Dental Boards to a join states formation of Dental Examiners.

WREB, (Western Regional Examining Board) various states within its group; i.e., Oregon and Utah formed WREB, then Colorado, Utah, Montana, Washington, Arizona, California jointly provided exams within those states.  If requested, WREB expanded into the Midwest, Nebraska , and Texas.  Then further to Eastern States, such as Virginia.  Karen would be called upon to travel to these exam sites as the Dental Assistant co-coordinator with the Dental School Coordination.  Again these assistants were specific to the Dental Examiner.

These experiences provided knowledge of other state schools; how they were meeting OHSA requirements, equipment use and instrumentation.  This knowledge became helpful to new ideas that would or could be implemented in our school or validate our current practices.  With access to these experiences, she could assess this valuable experience and perhaps made be a better teacher and have a broader vision.


Retired Teacher; Karen’s combination with OHSU and PCC.  30 years

Professional Organizations:  

     * ADAA American Dental Assistant Association (also

                 recognized by the ADA.  (American Dental Association)

                 ADAA Offices held;  President of ADAA 2002-2003.

                 President Elect of ADAA, Vice President of ADAA, 

                 Secretary of ADAA.  Various committee assignments

     *  ODAA, Oregon Dental Assistants Association- state affiliated with ADAA

                  10th District Trustee elected and appointed by the District 

                  States; Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho and Montana

                  President of ODAA, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and

                  various committees.  As President elect of ODAA was to

                  plan/organize the activities and programs for the annual State

                 Dental Association, Convention.

       *  Portland DAA-later Metro DAA and local, which was the most accessible to

                  where she lived

                 Portland Dental Assistants Society President, Vice President,                 

                 Secretary, Treasurer

·        Karen explained how she found being a member with these associations provided her a growing knowledge and wealth of information.  A network of friendships. With speakers featured, they would provide even greater exposure to opportunities within the field and new product updates.  It was invaluable!

Publications Articles

·       Into the ODAA Newsletter as President submitted report to its members

·       ADAA 10th District Trustee reports appearing in the ODAA Newsletter

·       ADAA President articles in the ADAA Journal Delmar Publishing in 1999. Released their 1st textbook/workbook.  Thus In conjunction with authors; Donna Phinney and Judy Halstead, the 1st Edition of Textbook, Karen provided the accompanying Dental Assistant Assessment tool/Workbook that was released.  To follow a 2nd and 3rd Edition were also published.




Karen’s Summation

Reflections of Past/Present/Future

Historic Events and sometimes Hysteric Experiences


One views a dental office of today and are in awe of the technology that is taking place. Technology is seen everywhere.  Either office/radiographic applications/dental lab processing choices.  Looking closer an over view of the dental operatory;  contour chairs with all the comforts of home, a 3 way syringe mounted on both sides of the patient chair-water/air/spray.  WOW.  Then the suction, oh yeah!  That saliva, water spray, patients spit and even surgical wastes all went into a bucket that was either dumped daily or as needed.  Yes, the dental assistant emptied the bucket.  Now it’s all down the drain so to speak.  The breaking comfort was the replacement of the belt driven handpiece to a high speed handpiece.  Water cooled, sometimes within the technology of the handpiece or the assistant would apply water to cool the tooth and then suction.

So the suction.  Oh yes, varying engineering features to the suction,  Some metal tips, then disposable or a highly designed plastic to be disinfected or sterilized or thrown away.  The high volume suction with a slide valve was a dream for those who struggled previously with faulty mechanisms or they would flex and bend when you most needed it.

Products and materials.  It’s really mind boggling to think:  We use to mix the mercury with the amalgam and then squeeze excess mercury in a squeeze cloth before delivering the material to the dentist for placement.  And NO gloves.

Gloves/masks/gowns, A whole other era.  People became more exposed to global mobility and diseases.  Operatories became the surgical operatory.


Karen giving credit:

During my career as a dental assistant, where do you learn about duties of dental assisting.  Mine started with my Dentist.  I owe Dr. Roy Yamada, who loved to teach.  It is with his encouragement, I learned about the Associations, where I could attend the 104 course on dental assistant certification,  It all started as a patient.

I believe the qualities dental assistants need is compassion for the patient.  Be a professional.  Be adaptable to change.  While you are working, be sure your entire focus is on providing the best quality of care.  I hope I have given back to other dental assistants and as a teacher as much as dental assisting has given me.  






During the 1923 meeting of the American Dental Association in Cleveland, Ohio, a small group of dental assistants, led by Juliette A. Southard, took the initial step to organize the American Dental Assistants Association.  Organization was completed in Dallas, Texas, November 13, 1924, and the Association was incorporated in 1925.


The object of this Association shall be to promote the education of the dental assistant, improve and sustain the vocation of dental assisting, and to contribute to the advancement of the dental profession and the improvement of public health.


              The motto – Education  -  Efficiency – Loyalty – Service


The Association’s colors, blue and gold, formed a seal and the pins in the form of a seal could be worn by members in good standing.


Membership included: 

·       Active  (annual dues $6.00)

·       Student  (annual dues $2.00)

·       Affiliate  (annual dues $6.00)

·       Life  (no dues were levied)

·       Honorary

·       Associate Members




The Dental Assistants Pledge 

“I solemnly pledge that ---

In the practice of my profession, I will always be loyal to the welfare of the patients who come under my care, and to the practitioner whom I serve.

I will be just and generous to the members of my profession, aiding them and lending them encouragement to be loyal, to be just, to be studious.

I hereby pledge to devote my best energies to the service of humanity in that relationship of life to which I consecrated myself when I elected to become

________A Dental Assistant.”      

                                                                                 Dr. C.N. Johnson

Portland Community College Dental Assisting Class of 1980. 


Gold Foil in Dentistry

by Linda Kihs


Gold foil is possibly the oldest and best documented dental treatment for repairing cavities.  Introduced in 1855. In the 1960's, it was not uncommon for a dentist and his assistant to belong to a "gold foil study club."  They would assemble the required procedural armamentarium and travel to the educational course once a month, with a patient coming along to have a gold foil restoration placed.  The dentists learned the correct cavity preparation techniques to ensure maximum success of the restoration.  The assistants maintained the operating field during preparation, then learned to measure and cut the fine sheets of pure gold.  Once the pieces of gold were cut, they practiced the art of rolling the foil into pellets. Assistants who worked with gold foil were required to understand the complete process, as cohesive gold required specific preparation, storage, annealing, condensing and finishing. Gold Foil in Dentistry:


Advantages of Direct Gold:


Disadvantages of Gold Foil:


Indications For Direct Gold Foil Restoration:

I. Incipient carious lesion:

   The classes in the order in which direct gold is most commonly placed:

   Class I lesions in premolars; teeth with other accessible developmental pits.

   Small class III lesions in anterior teeth

   Class V gingival lesions

   Class II mesial surface of molars

   Cuspal and mesial areas of all teeth

II.  Erosions

III. Hypoplasia, white spots, defective pits, small pits, less conspicuous circular and    irregular areas.

IV. Defective inlay margins, crown margins, and vents in the crown can be effectively        repaired by gold foil


Contraindications for Direct Gold Foil:


Classification of Types of Gold Foil:

I a)   Foil Cohesive or sheet

   Non cohesive

   b)   Ropes

   c)   Cylinders

   d)   Laminated

   e)   Platimised

II   Electrolytic Precipitate:


   Mat foil


III  Powder

   Electrology and goldent


Clinical Characteristics:


Working and Rolling the Gold Foil:

Prior to touching the gold, it was/is essential that the assistant wash and dry her hands thoroughly.  Sometimes, she would wipe her hands with alcohol to remove any moisture or oil.  Preparation of gold foil involved, first, measuring and cutting the gold foil sheets.  A template was made that gave the various sizes and shapes that needed to be cut.  This prevented any waste of the gold.  The pellet sizes were marked as follows:  1/18, 1/16, 1/32, 1/43, 1/64, 1/96, and 1/128.  These measurements would each provide a specific sized pellet, with the 1/18 measurement providing the largest pellet.  To create the pellet, the assistant would pick up a section of the gold in the center of the piece with cotton pliers.  This created a small cup.  The edges could then be folded in, and light rolling created a small ball.  Using only light pressure insured that the pellet would not be too compact to prevent even annealing. 


The Purpose of Heat Treatment in case of Direct Gold Foil:

Annealing is the heating of the gold over an open flame to:

It is done by using 90% ethyl alcohol lamp which is acetone free to avoid possible contaminations from sources.  The wick should be of one inch in height. Gold foil is carried with nichrome wire or foil carrier.  The foil is heated until it gets dull red in color.  Mat foil is just passed in flame as it is soft.  In case of powdered gold it is held in flame until the indicator burns off and the gold appears dull red.  All the bulky pieces must be allowed to cool momentarily before placing in the cavity.  Annealing allows each piece of gold to adhere to the next as they are condensed into the cavity preparation.  The assistant had to use great care when annealing so that the gold foil passed through the hottest part of the flame and stayed in the flame only long enough to cause the outer edges to glow slightly.  Over-annealing would cause melted spots or make the gold brittle.  Electric annealers were also used, but required that the operator was able to accurately judge the amount of gold needed, as all pieces were heated at the same time, but re-heated for later use, may result in a "wirey" gold that would not retain a soft working texture. 



A number of methods could be used to condense the annealed gold foil into the cavity preparation.  The most common was hand malleting.  The dentist used a condenser with a cross-hatch design on the working end.  The assistant was taught to use a mallet in her left hand (if she was right-handed), and produce a rhythmic tap against the end of the condenser.  The dentist "stepped" over the surface of the gold in small increments to uniformly condense the piece.  When the entire piece was condensed, he would ask for another annealed piece of gold, and the next piece of gold foil would be drawn through the flame and placed in the cavity preparation.  Gold was extended over the margins of the preparation to ensure good margin adaptation. The annealing and condensing process continued until the cavity preparation was filled. 



Finishing of the restoration involved the use of a gold knife, finishing discs, carvers, burnishers, polishing cups and powders.  The resulting restoration was a highly polished, dense mass of gold with a life expectancy similar to a cast gold restoration. 


Storage of Gold Foil:

Cohesive gold could not be stored near rubber or sulfur compounds, as these materials would cause the gold to become permanently non-cohesive. Exposure to air and dust can also affect the cohesive properties of gold foil.  Cohesiveness properties are conveniently maintained storing gold foil in the presence of ammonia (an open bottle or sachets) in a sealed bottle within a drawer or in a box.  They should never be handled directly with bare hands in order to avoid salts and moisture from the skin to contaminate the surface. 


Why Not Gold Foil?