Welcome to Ravnica

Some say that the energies of its local dead give each city its own distinct voice. Others claim that the City has its own spirit. And yet others say that it's the future of a city that whispers to its present what the past is destined to be.

I believe that all of these things are but a paltry few of the mysteries of Ravnica. Please, sit down and shuffle the deck. Yes. The City is looking at you right now. Hand me the cards and I will share the City's voice with you. We shall listen together.

-Oracle of the City (Precinct:10-06/Medori Park/ (02)Stonewings Market/ Shop: Stories of Possible Truths) <Year: -3 WoS>

The soothsayers and oracles of the city see doom in Ravnica's future, although they have not been able to pinpoint a specific source. The Guildpact, now broken, and the Living Guildpact rarely even on the same Ravnica, the peace that reigns supreme appears that it may quickly coming to an end.

All ten guilds have agreed send members of their guilds to become Pact Teams representing the spirit of the Guildpact. The Guildmasters came to the quick realization that they needed resolve matters of interguild strife with firmer, but measured hand. The Guilds have created Pact Teams as a Cadre of the best members of their guilds in an unusual exchange program of sorts.

There are those that say that the Pact Teams do that which they Guildmasters cannot or do not wish to do themselves.

In the end, It is the actions of you and your companions that may determine the fate of the guilds. You are the arbitrators of guild justice. You are...

...A Pact Team of the Guilds of Ravnica

--Initial Game Set-up--

Set-up: Each member of your intrepid party has been invited to join a group of troubleshooters whose goals is to defuse situations between various guilds in an effort to prevent a war between guilds. These teams are collectively known as "Pact Teams". Each Pact Team is assigned missions that their handler believes will bring about better relations between guilds. A new Pact Team has been designated as "The Impartial Party." The Impartial Party's handler is Inspector Harold Harker of the Azorius Senate. Inspector Harper reviews and assigns any incoming missions to one of several Pact Teams including the famed "Judge Executioners" Pact Team.

Goal: The party to meet with, accept and complete missions from their Guildpact contact formally known as a Guilder.

DND Beyond Campaign Link: <LINK REMOVED>

Starting Loc: The Azorius Section of Precinct 11/ The Way of Rails/ The Ordered Bar

Character Creation:

  • Starting Level: 1
  • Character Stats: Point Buy
  • Races: (9) Centaur, Goblin, Elf, Human, Lizardfolk, Loxodon Minotaur, Simic Hybrid, Vedalken
  • Classes: (12)Limited to Classes in the Players Handbook
  • Background (10) Choose a Guild Background: Azorius, Boros, Dimir, Golgari, Gruul, Izzet, Orzhov, Rakdos, Selesnya, and Simic
  • Magic Items: None to start
  • NOTE: NO Homebrew content.