Oracle Database Gateways provide the ability to transparently access data residing in a non-Oracle system from an Oracle environment. The following sections briefly cover Heterogeneous Services, the technology that the Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC is based on.

Gateway technology is composed of two parts: a component that has the generic technology to connect to a non-Oracle system, which is common to all the non-Oracle systems, called Heterogeneous Services, and a component that is specific to the non-Oracle system that the gateway connects to. Heterogeneous Services, in conjunction with the Oracle Database Gateways, enable transparent access to non-Oracle systems from an Oracle environment.

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Heterogeneous data access is a problem that affects a lot of companies. Many companies run several different database systems. Each of these systems stores data and has a set of applications that run against it. Consolidating this data in one database system is often hard - in large part because many of the applications that run against one database may not have an equivalent that runs against another. Until migration to one consolidated database system is feasible, it is necessary for the various heterogeneous database systems to interoperate.

Oracle Database Gateways provide the ability to transparently access data residing in a non-Oracle system from an Oracle environment. This transparency eliminates the need for application developers to customize their applications to access data from different non-Oracle systems, thus decreasing development efforts and increasing the mobility of the application. Applications can be developed using a consistent Oracle interface for both Oracle and non-Oracle systems.

Heterogeneous Services provides the generic technology for connecting to non-Oracle systems. As an integrated component of the database, Heterogeneous Services can exploit features of the database, such as the powerful SQL parsing and distributed optimization capabilities.

Heterogeneous Services extend the Oracle SQL engine to recognize the SQL and procedural capabilities of the remote non-Oracle system and the mappings required to obtain necessary data dictionary information. Heterogeneous Services provides two types of translations: the ability to translate Oracle SQL into the proper dialect of the non-Oracle system as well as data dictionary translations that displays the metadata of the non-Oracle system in the local format. For situations where no translations are available, native SQL can be issued to the non-Oracle system using the pass-through feature of Heterogeneous Services.

The capabilities, SQL mappings, data type conversions, and interface to the remote non-Oracle system are contained in the gateway. The gateway interacts with Heterogeneous Services to provide the transparent connectivity between Oracle and non-Oracle systems.

The gateway works with an ODBC driver to access the non-Oracle data store using Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. The driver that you use must be on the same machine as the gateway. The non-Oracle system can reside on the same machine as the Oracle database or on a different machine.

The gateway can be installed on the machine running the non-Oracle system, the machine running the Oracle database or on a third machine as a standalone. Each configuration has its advantages and disadvantages. The considerations when determining where to install the gateway are network traffic, operating system platform availability, hardware resources and storage.

The ODBC driver may require non-Oracle client libraries even if the non-Oracle database is located on the same machine. Refer to your ODBC driver documentation for information about the requirements for the ODBC driver.

The figure is an example of a configuration in which an Oracle and non-Oracle database are on separate machines, communicating through Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC. The client connects to the non-Oracle system through a network.

Each user session receives its own dedicated agent process spawned by the first use in that user session of the database link to the non-Oracle system. The agent process ends when the user session ends.

The ODBC driver and driver manager must conform to ODBC application program interface (API) conformance Level 1 or higher. If the ODBC driver or driver manager does not support multiple active ODBC cursors, the complexity of SQL statements that you can execute using Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC is restricted.

The ODBC driver must have compliance level to ODBC Standard 3.0 and have a conformance level 1 or higher. If the ODBC driver works with an ODBC driver manager, the ODBC driver manager must be compliant with ODBC Standard 3.0 or higher. The ODBC driver must have compliance level to ODBC standard 3.0. For multi-byte support, the driver needs to meet ODBC standard 3.5.

Heterogeneous data access is a problem that affects a lot of companies. A lot of companies run several different database systems. Each of these systems stores data and has a set of applications that run against it. Consolidation of this data in one database system is often hard because many of the applications that run against one database may not have an equivalent that runs against another. Until such time as migration to one consolidated database system is made feasible, it is necessary for the various heterogeneous database systems to interoperate.

This transparency eliminates the need for application developers to customize their applications to access data from different non-Oracle systems, thus decreasing development efforts and increasing the mobility of the application. Applications can be developed using a consistent Oracle interface for both Oracle and SQL Server.

Gateway technology is composed of two parts: a component that has the generic technology to connect to a non-Oracle system, which is common to all the non-Oracle systems, called Heterogeneous Services, and a component that is specific to the non-Oracle system that the gateway connects to. Heterogeneous Services, in conjunction with the Oracle Database Gateway agent, enables transparent access to non-Oracle systems from an Oracle environment.

The Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA enables you to integrate DRDA server databases into your Oracle distributed environment. This gateway is part of a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to integrate heterogeneous applications and data stores. 

The Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA (Distributed Relational Database Architecture) allows Oracle tools and applications to access DRDA servers. DRDA is OpenGroup's published architecture that defines connectivity among relational databases including DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, DB2/400, and DB2 Universal Database. With the gateway, these DRDA servers are accessible from any Oracle-supported platform and network environment.

The Database Gateway for DRDA makes the IBM DRDA server look like a remote Oracle database. This enables users to access the IBM DRDA server using Oracle Structured Query Language (SQL) statements. The user does not need to be aware of the data's physical location, storage format, and operating environment. The Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA will automatically make all necessary data and SQL conversions.

Client applications access the Oracle Database Gateway for DRDA via an Oracle Database. This extends Oracle's advanced database functions to your DRDA servers. For examples, you can perform distributed joins of Oracle tables and multiple DRDA server databases. Distributed transactions between an oracle Database and a DRDA server are even protected by Oracle's two-phase commit mechanism. The Gateway for DRDA also increases network configuration options for DRDA client systems. It uses TCP/IP protocols to communicate with DRDA servers.

Being able to create database links from Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) to other ADB-S instances or Oracle databases has been one of the most sought-after features that we introduced. ADB-S now supports creating database links to Oracle Database Gateways in order to access non-Oracle databases. In this blog post, we are going to explore how to access a Microsoft SQL Server database from an ADB-S instance using a database link that we will create to a gateway.

Even though our listener already has the TCPS endpoint, we still need to perform couple additional steps so that our ADB-S instance can successfully communicate with the gateway. Here are the steps needed to complete the TCPS configuration in our gateway:

As part of enabling TCPS authentication, we need to create individual wallets for the server and the client. Each of these wallets has to have their own certificates that they will exchange with one another. For the sake of this example, I will be using a self signed certificate. The client wallet and certificate can be created in the client side; however, I'll be creating my client wallet and certificate in the server and moving them to Object Store later on. See Configuring Secure Sockets Layer Authentication for more information.

This is all you need in order to access a non-Oracle database from your Autonomous Database! In this post, we have gone through gateway installation, TCPS configuration in gateways, target environment tips and database link creation in order to access a SQL Server database. The same steps apply to other non-Oracle databases that are supported by Oracle Database Gateway as well. 152ee80cbc

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