I have a Windows 2008 Server with an Oracle 11g R2 (, Standard, 64-bit) database. I need to install an additional database (, Standard, 64-bit) for tests on the same server. These tests target database patches, which shall first be applied on the new database before applying these patches on the existing database, to evaluate potential problems after patching.

I am used to install, configure and manage Oracle databases as stand-alone, RAC or as physical standby via DataGuard since 9i - as long as I am in a Un*x / linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CEntOs, Oracle Enterprise Linux, etc.) environment. Setting up multiple instances in a single home or multiple homes has never been an issue for me until now.

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I have searched google, oracle.com, and other related forums already. But I could not find any results regarding installing two or more Oracle homes on Windows. I have found guidelines on copying / cloning an instance into a new home, but if i recall correctly it is meant for copying / cloning onto other servers and not on the same server. Since the existing database is installed on Windows, I am afraid that I may damage the existing install by running the setup wizard again, changing Windows registry values and running the database as service.

Now , the last few after hours patching reboots (database is open during the reboot) this one db doesn't come up with the windows service. Even after all the users log off before the shutdown. Nothing is obvious in the alert.log file.

Any thoughts on what to check or change to ensure the db does proper cleanup on startup.. assuming I don't shut it down clean, which is not always an option. The windows service is set to automatic, naturally. There are 2 11g databases on this server.

Viewed 1000+ timesYou Asked Hi Tom,I have been asking regular questions from you. I hope that does not bothers you too much. I have made a recent trasition from Unix to NT so I am little confused about services in NT for

the Oracle DB. In NT there is something called 'SERVICE'. How is that connected to DB ? If that service is stopped then what does that mean - the database is up or not ?

If we have to shutdown that database normally then if we stop the service, will the database be shutdown ? or we have to stutdown the database then dtop the service. What should be the sequence for shutting down the database and bringing it up again so that database

keeps running smoothly? I hope my question is clear.

Basically I want to know the relationship between the service and database up/down status/procedure. 


and Tom said...Sorry to hear of your predicament. I hope you can get back to unix soon ;) (hey, we are all entitled to our opinions)

The SERVICE is how the database "bootstrap" process gets going. If the service is running that means the database may or may not be up. If the service is NOT running, the service will NOT be up.

When the service is running, normally it indicates the database is up and running (but does not imply that it is). For example, I have my 9i instance setup so that it does NOT startup with the service starting up. So, I have to start the instance and then I use sqlplus to startup the database.

You can use sqlplus/svrmgrl to shutdown normal the database, typically, the stopping of the service will actually "crash" the instance (NT can be impatient and can kill the service on shutdown instead of waiting for it to end).

The relationship between the OracleService%ORACLE_SID% and the datebase "up down" state is this:

o if the service is not running, the database is definitely not up

o if the service is running, the database might be up and if it is not, you can start it up.

follow up to comment three

I find that time spent in books and manuals is not wasted.

where do you think I get many of my answers from? I read the manuals and books. I used the software. 

This was not one of them, but I frequently get questions that I answer with a simple URL pointing the questioner to the documentation. I would urge and encourage everyone to read the manuals. There is some truly useful information in there.

Start with the server concepts manual (which I reread with every release).

it is DEFINITELY not a waste of time.

followup to comment 5

Thats just part of the story... there are two other parameters you need to be aware of as well:


Possible values: TRUE or FALSE

Set this to TRUE to enable the proper shutdown of the database


Possible values: timeout in seconds (30 for example)

Sets the maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the

shutdown to complete before the service for a particular SID stops. 

This timeout should be set high enough to give the database time

to complete the shutdown.

If this is lower then the time needed, you won't have a clean shutdown!

You can check this in the alert file.


Possible Values: i , t , a.

where n = shutdown normal

 i = shutdown immediate

 and a = shutdown abort

If the entry's are not set, stopping an service will do WORSE then an shutdown

abort. Windows NT / 2000 will just "clean" the memory. This could be compared

by a kill -9 on unix. 

So, NT will still crash your instance if the database takes longer then it likes to shutdown. NT has ( i believe ) a 20 second default in addition upon which it'll kill the service. There is a registry WaitToKillServiceTimeout that controls this. 


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Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment Comments Comment What is the feature of oracleAnna Lee, July 13, 2001 - 10:33 pm UTC

By default, when the Oracle Database service is started, the container database is started and opened, but any pluggable databases must be opened before use. See below for a command to automatically open pluggable databases when the Oracle service starts.

The Oracle Database service must be started prior to accessing the database. By default, the Oracle Database Service will automatically startup and open the container database. Pluggable databases will remain closed by default and must be opened manually or set to automatically open.

The default pluggable database XEPDB1 will open automatically when the container database opens, such as when Windows is rebooted and the XE service starts. It will not need to be opened manually using the SQL provided above.

I installed Oracle database 11g r2 express in my windows machine. But, whenever I start windows, Oracle gets started and I have to stop the database. How can I prevent it from starting at the start up of windows? i tried to find out it in startup application lists, but it is not there.

1- In Windows OS's in the run, type services.msc and Enter, from the list of services find OracleService and right click and choose Properties. In the General tab in the Startup, Type section choose Manual and click OK and exit. From now on your database doesn't start automatically by your machine's start, but whenever you want to start it you have to go to services.msc and start it manually. You can also do this from Windows Task Manager(from Services tab).

To connect to an Oracle database or Oracle Autonomous Database with Power BI Desktop, install Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools (OCMT) on the computer running Power BI Desktop. The OCMT software you use depends on which version of Power BI Desktop you've installed: 32-bit or 64-bit. It also depends on your version of Oracle server.

Some Power BI Desktop app deployments use on-premises data gateway to connect to Oracle database. To connect to an Oracle database with the on-premises data gateway, use 64-bit OCMT on the computer running the gateway since the gateway is a 64-bit app. For more information, go to Manage your data source - Oracle.

Hello everyone. I am new to Excel development and need to connect to an Oracle database. I am using Excel 2019 (64 bit) on Windows 10 (64 bit). I downloaded the Oracle client and installed it. I set up the TNS file to connect to the database, but even after all the configurations Excel warns that the Oracle components are missing for the connection.

What should I do for Excel to "find" the Oracle components to connect?

So here's my "Y'all ain't gonna believe this" - I installed PowerBI and ODAC on my dev box, which had a pristine install of Windows 10 Pro on it (and almost nothing else). I created the ODBC connection to the same database in C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe.

The new service delivers a fully integrated experience for deploying, managing, and using Oracle database instances within Azure. It enables organizations to drive breakthroughs in the cloud using their existing skills to leverage the best of Oracle and Microsoft capabilities directly within the Azure portal.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at www.oracle.com.

Hardware and software requirements for Oracle Database on Windows must be met. It is recommended to have a 64-bit OS like Windows Server 2016 or Windows 10. Also, 4GB RAM is needed, but 8GB is best for performance. 10GB should be allocated for Oracle software files. Plus, extra space depending on the database size and growth is a must.

To start downloading the Oracle Database software for Windows, access the Oracle website and create an account. Then, navigate to the download section. These steps will help you get the necessary software to begin your Oracle database journey on Windows. 0852c4b9a8

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