Now , the last few after hours patching reboots (database is open during the reboot) this one db doesn't come up with the windows service. Even after all the users log off before the shutdown. Nothing is obvious in the alert.log file.

Any thoughts on what to check or change to ensure the db does proper cleanup on startup.. assuming I don't shut it down clean, which is not always an option. The windows service is set to automatic, naturally. There are 2 11g databases on this server.

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I am trying to make a windows VM, but I keep getting the message "This image has no compatible image builds for the current shape. If you select this image, a compatible shape and image build will be selected."

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on windows client, we backup an Oracle DB with catalog. It's backup about 1,6Tb and last week i found two of four jobs still writing but hanging. I've stopped the backup, and on ..\user_ops\dbext\logs there are 4 .lock files like this:


After the above steps are performed verify the oracle status from Commvault console, from Commvault console navigate to the oracle machine expand the client expand oracle agent right click the oracle instance and click on properties. Click on the refresh button and make sure the database status is shown as open.

Add Oracle 21, 19, 18, 12 or 11.2 client libraries to your operating systemlibrary search path such as PATH on Windows or LD_LIBRARY_PATH onLinux. On macOS use init_oracle_client() in yourapplication to pass the Oracle Client directory name, seeUsing cx_Oracle.init_oracle_client() to set the Oracle Client directory. This is also usable on Windows.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example in/opt/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_1/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/lib/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example inC:\oracle\your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in a network\admin subdirectory ofInstant Client, for example inC:\oracle\instantclient_19_11\network\admin. This is the defaultOracle configuration directory for executables linked with thisInstant Client.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Oracle Instant Client, then put thefiles in an accessible directory, for example in/Users/your_username/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

For other installation options such as installing through a proxy, seeinstructions above. Make sure the Oracle Client libraries are in the systemlibrary search path because cx_Oracle 7 does not support thecx_Oracle.init_oracle_client() method and does not support loading theOracle Client libraries from the directory containing the cx_Oracle modulebinary.

On Windows, if you are not usinginit_oracle_client(), then restart your command promptand use set PATH to check the environment variable has the correctOracle Client listed before any other Oracle directories.

On macOS, make sure you are not using the bundled Python (use Homebrew or instead). If you are not usinginit_oracle_client(), then put the Oracle InstantClient libraries in ~/lib or /usr/local/lib.

Amazon RDS for Oracle instances are created with default settings for maintenance windows. Automated maintenance tasks such as optimizer statistics collection run during these windows. By default, the maintenance windows turn on Oracle Database Resource Manager.

Your application must call the functionoracledb.init_oracle_client(). For example, if the Oracle InstantClient libraries are in C:\oracle\instantclient_19_17 on Windows or$HOME/Downloads/instantclient_19_8 on macOS (Intel x86), then you canuse:

More details and options are shown in the later sectionsEnabling python-oracledb Thick Mode on Windows, Enabling python-oracledb Thick Mode on macOS, and Enabling python-oracledb Thick Mode on Linux and Related Platforms.

If you call init_oracle_client() with a lib_dir parameter,the Oracle Client libraries are loaded immediately from that directory. Ifyou call init_oracle_client() but do not set the lib_dirparameter, the Oracle Client libraries are loaded immediately using thesearch heuristics discussed in later sections.

If Oracle Client libraries cannot be loaded theninit_oracle_client() will raise an error DPI-1047:Oracle Client library cannot be loaded. To resolve this, review theplatform-specific instructions below or see Error Messages.Alternatively, remove the call to init_oracle_client() anduse Thin mode. The features supported by Thin mode can be found inAppendix B: Differences between python-oracledb Thin and Thick Modes.

You can find the directory containing the Thick mode binary module by callingthe python CLI without specifying a Python script, executing importoracledb, and then typing oracledb at the prompt. For example thismight show/Users/yourname/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/oracledb/ checking that/Users/yourname/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/site-packages/oracledbcontains the binary module you could thenrun these commands in a terminal window:

If python-oracledb does not find the Oracle Client library in that directory,the directories on the system library search path may be used, for example,~/lib/ and /usr/local/lib, or in $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. These pathswill vary with macOS version and Python version. Any value inDYLD_LIBRARY_PATH will not propagate to a sub-shell, so do not rely onsetting it.

If libraries are not found in the system library search path, then librariesin $ORACLE_HOME/lib will be used. Note that the environment variableORACLE_HOME should only ever be set when you have a full databaseinstallation or full client installation (such as installed with the OracleGUI installer). It should not be set if you are using Oracle Instant Client. Ifbeing used, ORACLE_HOME and other necessary Oracle environment variablesshould be set before starting Python. See Oracle Environment Variables for python-oracledb Thick Mode.

On Linux, python-oracledb Thick mode will not automatically load Oracle Clientlibrary files from the directory where the python-oracledb binary module islocated. One of the above methods should be used instead.

The sqlnet.ora file is only used in the python-oracledb Thick mode. SeeEnabling python-oracledb Thick mode. In the python-oracledb Thin mode, many of theequivalent settings can be defined as connection time parameters, forexample by using the ConnectParams Class.

When python-oracledb Thick mode uses Oracle Client libraries version 12.1 orlater, an optional client parameter file called oraaccess.xml can be usedto configure some behaviors of those libraries, such as statement caching andprefetching. This can be useful if the application cannot be altered. Thefile is read from the same directory as the Optional Oracle Net ConfigurationFiles.

Some common environment variables that influence python-oracledb are shownbelow. The variables that may be needed depend on how Python is installed, howyou connect to the database, and what optional settings are desired. It isrecommended to set Oracle variables in the environment before calling Python.However, they may also be set in the application with os.putenv() before thefirst connection is established. System environment variables likeLD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set before Python starts.

The directory of optional Oracle Client configuration files such astnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora. Not needed if the configurationfiles are in a default location or if config_dir was not used inoracledb.init_oracle_client(). See Optional Oracle Net Configuration Files.

The oracledb.init_oracle_client() function allows driver_name anderror_url parameters to be set. These are useful for applications whoseend-users are not aware that python-oracledb is being used. An example ofsetting the parameters is:

The convention for driver_name is to separate the product name from theproduct version by a colon and single blank characters. The value will beshown in Oracle Database views like V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO. If thisparameter is not specified, then a value like python-oracledb thk : 1.2.0is shown, see Finding the python-oracledb Mode.

The error_url string will be shown in the exception raised ifinit_oracle_client() cannot load the Oracle Client libraries. This allowsapplications that use python-oracledb in Thick mode to refer users toapplication-specific installation instructions. If this value is notspecified, then the Installing python-oracledb URL is used.

Reviewing Appendix A: Oracle Database Features Supported by python-oracledb and Appendix B: Differences between python-oracledb Thin and Thick Modes for code changes thatmay be needed. Also read Toggling between Drivers.

You can validate the python-oracledb mode by querying the CLIENT_DRIVERcolumn of V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO and verifying if the value of the columnbegins with the text python-oracledb thn. See Finding the python-oracledb Mode. 0852c4b9a8

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