Practice/Spanish Resources

Good ways to practice Spanish: (You do not have to understand every word to benefit.)

--> Email me in Spanish (

--> Listen to the radio and music and watch movies/shows in Spanish (putting subtitles (not audio) on in English is fine; Spanish subtitles good too if you are ready for it). 

--> Pick an online resource/app to practice regularly: Duolingo is a popular one. There are others. (I can't guarantee that the designers of these resources have the same idea of appropriate that we do, so always try it yourself first or be with your student while they practice if you are concerned.) Options does have a subscription to Señor Wooly; it is best for third grade at the youngest, and whether it works depends highly on your family's sense of humor.

--> Check out children's books in Spanish from the library (not picture dictionaries; STORIES) and try to pick up on the plot of the book and recurring patterns with the sentences.  Do not make yourself or your student focus on pronouncing these correctly or reading them out loud; the idea is comprehension.

--> Listen to children's stories in Spanish on Youtube or elsewhere. 

--> Count items and time in Spanish. 

--> Maybe you will make some friends around town or find a local  store or restaurant that has employees that will interact with you in Spanish (not all employees will enjoy this; start with something like "I know you probably speak English, but can I try practicing my Spanish with you?". Maybe you can attend some church services in Spanish, find a group to practice with, or add another class from somewhere. 

--> TRAVEL. Immersion, being surrounded by the language, having to use it, and avoiding English speakers during that time, is by far the most effective way to become fluent.