
Course Project

The project should be carried out in groups of 3-4 students. A project proposal (up to 2 pages) is due on 3/24. Each group will give a presentation about its project in one of the last three meetings. The final report — a 4-8 page summary of original research — is due on 4/27. Here are examples of two project reports from Spring 2021: Halpern-Lin-Revel and Cabral-Cheng-Mbaye.


Assignment #1: due 2/14/2022 [ problems | tex | solutions ]

Assignment #2: due 3/1/2022 [ problems | tex | solutions ]

Assignment #3: due 3/11/2022 [ problems | tex | solutions ]

Assignment #4: due 4/8/2022 [ problems | tex | solutions ]