A community of young Indonesians on Operations Research and Operations Management

Who we are?

OpsID is an initiative established to foster the dissemination of operations research (OR) and operations management (OM) among young Indonesian and Indonesian-based practitioners.

Current board member(s):

Past board member(s):


Our aims

Our programs

Memberships (coming soon)

Memberships are available for candidates with a strong interest in OR/OM under any of the following conditions:


Speaker: Artya Lathifah

Postdoctoral Researcher at National Cheng Kung University 

Date: Minggu, 28 Juli 2024, 11.00-end WIB

Register at: To be announced

"Behavioral Studies on Pricing Refurbished Products: The Price-Perceived Quality Relationship"

Speaker: Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi

Lecturer at Universitas Sebelas Maret

Record: Available by request

"The Flexible Park-and-Loop Routing Problem"

Speaker: Panca Jodiawan

Postdoctoral Researcher at Université Laval

Record: Available by request

"Optimizing Blood Supply Chain: Addressing the Stochastic Blood Inventory Routing Problem"

Speaker: Nabila Yuraisyah Salsabila

PhD student at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Record: Available by request

"Applications of A-S-I framework (Avoid-Shift-Improve) in transportation and industrial sector: A system dynamics approach"

Speaker: Teuku Naraski Zahari
PhD student at Kyoto University

Record: Available by request

"Pivotal uncertainties to resolve: Optimal information gathering in supply chain design"

Speaker: Austin Saragih
PhD student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Record: Available by request

"Predicting circular economy practices of SMEs in Indonesia: The role of supply chain finance and business survivability"

Speaker: Luluk Lusiantoro
Lecturer at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Research Associate at University of Cambridge

Record: Youtube 


Postgraduate scholarships

Industrial vacancies

Research/Postdoctoral vacancies

Academic conference and Call for papers

Have a question?

Contact us at info.opsid@gmail.com to get more information on our community and events.