Q: What is ComedySportz?

A: ComedySportz is an intense, head-to-head comedy improv competition between two teams of four. Each team plays various improv games, getting completely random suggestions from the audience to perform them with complete spontaneity. The audience then votes for their favorite performance through the volume of their applause.

Q: Is it scripted?

A: Nope! Every single ComedySportz game is made up entirely on the spot. To prove that our suggestions are well and truly suggested by the audience itself, and not members of the team, all of the team members must sit in the far left wing of the audience, and not contribute any suggestions whatsoever.

Q: How much is admission?

A: Admission is $5 for Students and $10 for Adults.

Q: Would I be okay bringing my grandparents to ComedySportz?

A: Of course! ComedySportz is a family show meaning it is safe for all ages. Anything said by our players or audience members that is lude, crude, lascivious, or would lead to an awkward conversation with a child on your ride home is completely forbidden.