Past Events

15-16 March 2024: at University of Oxford


We all know how to multiply matrices, but it is also possible to treat them simply as arrays of numbers and perform algebraic operations entry by entry. For multiplication, this is called the Hadamard product. A notable feature of the Hadamard product is that it preserves the collection of matrices that are positive semidefinite: real symmetric matrices with non-negative eigenvalues. It follows immediately that applying any absolutely monotonic function entrywise also preserves this form of positivity. (A function is absolutely monotonic if its Maclaurin series has non-negative coefficients.) Rather more work is required to show that the converse is true: a function that preserves positive semidefiniteness when applied entrywise to matrices of arbitrary size is necessarily absolutely monotonic.

The situation is more complex for matrices of a fixed size, or when the class of matrices under study has some other form of positivity or negativity constraint, or possesses additional structure, such as Hankel or Toeplitz matrices. This talk will discuss results for some of these situations.  

This is joint work with Dominique Guillot (University of Delaware), Apoorva Khare (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) and Mihai Putinar (University of California at Santa Barbara and Newcastle University).

A classical result of Dixmier and Douady enables us to classify locally trivial bundles of C*-algebras with the compact operators as fibres by methods from homotopy theory. Dadarlat and Pennig have shown that this can be generalised: precisely, they found out that bundles whose fibres are isomorphic to stabilised strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras are classified by a certain cohomology theory, namely the units of K-theory. Evans and Pennig have also shown that part of the theory carries over equivariantly for circle actions on UHF-algebras. In joint work with Ulrich Pennig we show that by further restricting to a Z/pZ-action on such algebras we get a complete generalisation of the non-equivariant results.

The aim of this lecture is to explain why Lie groupoids are very naturally linked to Atiyah-Singer index theory. The first par of the talk will be a review on Lie groupoids, their C*-algebras and associate pseudodifferential calculus. Then, I will describe the deformation to the normal cone construction and the blowup construction in the groupoid setting and explain how those can be used in order define order 0 pseudodifferential operators in  a (pseudo)differential operator free way, construct new pseudodifferential calculi, go to various generalize index problems. 

This talk, inspired by ideas of A. Connes, will be based on joint works with G. Skandalis.

A C*-algebra is quasi-diagonal if there is a unital embedding into the ultraproduct of matrices. The Tikusis-White-Winter theorem shows that any stably finite, simple, separable, nuclear, unital C*-algebra satisfying the UCT will be quasidiagonal. Thus an interesting question is to understand how unique are such embeddings given the existence.

We are able to answer this question for simple C*-algebras, by obtaining a KK-uniqueness theorem. The major difficulty appears since the codomain of the map of interest does not separably absorb the Jiang-Su algebra. We will explain how to tackle the difficulty by looking at K-theoretical properties of a special C*-algebra, the Paschke Dual algebra associated to the map.

Amenable actions of groups on C*-algebras are actions that behave like actions of amenable groups. There are many examples of amenable actions of non-amenable groups on commutative C*-algebras and more recently, examples on simple C*-algebras were obtained. It remains open whether a non-amenable group can act amenably on a unital, simple, stably finite C*-algebra. I will try to shed some light on the difficulty of this problem and discuss related regularity properties for actions of non-amenable groups on classifiable C*-algebras. The results are based on joint work together with E. Gardella, S. Geffen, P. Naryshkin and A. Vaccaro.

Dominic Enders, André Schemaitat, and Aaron Tikuisis identified the classifiable C*-algebras with approximately inner flip. I will give an answer to the following question: are these flip actions by Z/2 trivial in equivariant KK-theory? To answer this, we apply the equivariant UCT theorem developed by Manuel Köhler, which has been further studied by Ralf Meyer. I will use this opportunity to describe how to use Köhler’s UCT for practical examples for those who have not seen such an application. This talk is based mostly on joint work with Julian Kranz.

Central sequences play a fundamental role in operator algebras (property Gamma, the MacDuff property, Z-stability for example). Given the deep link between operator algebras and dynamics, it is natural to look for dynamical analogues of central sequence properties. This turns out to be subtle. I will discuss a body of work related to this idea. This is joint work with Grigorios Kopsacheilis, Hung-Chang Liao, and Andrea Vaccaro.

Carnot groups are the easiest examples of subRiemannian manifolds. We show that, on Carnot groups, the de Rham complex has the structure of a multicomplex. The extra algebraic structure given by the multicomplex has several applications, such as extracting sharper subcomplexes that are homotopic to the de Rham complex.

Affine Weyl groups are a class of groups for which the group C*-algebra can in principle be understood directly. I will give an overview of how Langlands duality gives a Poincare duality for these algebras, and discuss the problem of calculating the K-theory for the extended affine Weyl groups for groups of type A_n and for the exceptional Lie group E_6.

24 November 2023: at University of Bath

The abstracts can be downloaded here.

19 May 2023: at University of Southampton


3 March 2023: at Cardiff University


This talk is motivated by multivariate operator theory and by the study of symmetries in the context of C*-algebras. We shall consider SU(2)-equivariant subproduct system of Hilbert spaces and their Toeplitz and Cuntz–Pimsner algebras. We will provide results about their topological invariants through K(K)- theory. More specifically, we will show that the Toeplitz algebra of the subproduct system of an SU(2)-representation is equivariantly KK-equivalent to the algebra of complex numbers so that the (K)K- theory groups of the Cuntz–Pimsner algebra can be effectively computed using a Gysin exact sequence involving an analogue of the Euler class. Finally, we will discuss why and how C*-algebras in this class satisfy Poincaré duality.

Based on joint work with Jens Kaad (SDU Ondense), Yufan Ge (Leiden), and Dimitris Gerontogiannis (Leiden).

Groupoids form a convenient framework to study various kinds of (topological) dynamical systems. They also play an increasingly important role in the abstract theory of C*-algebras and their classification.  This talk will focus on homological and K-theoretical invariants of groupoids. In particular, I will give an overview on some recent progress on a conjecture posed by Matui that relates the K-theory of a groupoid C*-algebra to the homology of the underlying groupoid itself.

We will discuss how finite dimensional approximations of crossed product C^*-algebras can arise from approximations of topological dynamical systems.  In particular, we will give an exposition of residual finiteness and quasidiagonality of group actions in the sense of Kerr and Nowak; and present theorems on finite approximations of isometric actions.  As corollaries, we obtain economical proofs of quasidiagonality for crossed products of isometric actions by amenable groups as well as many new examples of crossed products by non-amenable groups with the MF property.  Interactions with semiprojectivity properties of C*-algebras may also be discussed, time permitting.  

The study of regularity in free probability boils down to the question of how much information about a *-algebra can be gleaned from probabilistic properties of its generators. Some of the first results in this theme come from the theory of Voiculescu's free entropy: generators satisfying certain entropic assumptions generate von Neumann algebras which are non-Gamma, or prime, or do not admit Cartan subalgebras. Free Stein dimension -- a quantity I introduced with Nelson -- is a more recent quantity in a similar vein, which is robust under polynomial transformations and not trivial for variables which do not embeddable in R^\omega.

After giving a brief introduction to free probability and free entropy, I will speak on some recent improvements in related to free Stein dimension. We are now able to compute the free Stein dimension of direct sums, and of tensor products with finite dimensional algebras, which allow us to compute it in a large number of new examples. We are also able to give bounds on Stein dimension based on the presence of algebraic relations among generators. This is joint work with Brent Nelson.

After a brief introduction to subject of spherical representations of hyperbolic groups, I will present a new construction motivated by a spectral formulation of the so-called Shalom conjecture.

This is joint work with Jan Spakula.