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Session 4: Developing Fluency with Multiplication and Division

How do students learn to multiply and divide? Why do some students have trouble with their “multiplication facts”? And what types of instructional moves can help close these gaps and strengthen efficiency? This session looks at the development of multiplicative thinking through the years, the role that models can play in building understanding and fluency and important mathematical ideas (unitizing, the distributive and associative properties, our place value system) and the role they all play in developing fluency with multiplication and division.

Materials you may wish to print in advance.

Welcome back

Since naturally things can take longer than expected, we've made a proposed timeline for this session which you can use if you choose to. The ideas in this webinar are intended to provoke your thinking and stimulate conversations about this complex process of learning and teaching. So enjoy the journey and let your curiosity and interests be your primary clock monitor. Remember that we want to strengthen learning and not just finish the module.