The Opera browser offers users a unique and fun experience surfing the web. It delivers plenty of style and privacy functionality. This unique browser also has something called Opera turbo mode, which can accelerate your browsing speed by quite a bit.

Turbo Download Manager (3rd edition) is a multi-threading download manager with a built-in tool to grab video, audio, and image sources from web pages using the internal HTML spider. Similar to IDM (Internet Download Manager), and JDownloader, this extension has a built-in tool to increase the downloading speed by fetching multiple segments of the file simultaneously. This downloader is written purely in JavaScript (there are no external dependencies).

Opera Download Speed Booster

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1. Resuming broken downloads and error recovery: When the downloading process is interrupted (e.g. lost connections, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages), you don't need to start from the beginning.

2. Pausing active jobs: To temporarily reduce network traffic when it is needed

3. Dynamic segmentation and speed acceleration: Splits files into several sections and downloads them simultaneously in an internal IndexedDB database, allowing you to use any type of connection at the maximum available speed. 

4. Enhanced audio/video files support: Has internal HTML spider module to detect media (video, audio) and image sources

5. Built-in M3U8 parser and Live Stream downloader (HLS) with AES-128 decryption support.

This download manager can be used to accelerate your downloading speed or to improve download stability on low-quality networks. The extension is integrated into your browser download manager as much as possible.

I have a 50mbps download speed yet im trying to download a 10GB file and my speed is barely reaching 70Kbps, sometimes for no reason it also seems to drop said download speed to 0bps and just quits entirely unprompted, is there any way to fix this?

You can limit the network usage with one of the many predefined values. Bear in mind that you will be setting a value in KB/s or MB/s (kilo- and megabytes) and that there are 8 bits to every byte (network providers usually operate in bits).

We introduce support for HTML5 custom protocol and content handlers with this beta. What this means is you can now tell Opera to open the compose page from Gmail or FastMail instead of your default mail application that comes with your operating system. Of course, you are by no means restricted to just that; Mike Taylor writes in depth on what is possible with HTML5 protocol and content handlers.

Some pages can seem to take a while to load because everything is put on hold until any scripts have executed. With speculative parsing, the browser can load external resources such as CSS files and images while JavaScript is being executed. Rendering is still done by the main parser but with downloading being done separately, pages with many resources get a noticeable speed boost. In Opera 11.60 beta, this is enabled only when Opera Turbo is used. Please note that this implementation may change in future releases.

Support for CSS4 image-rendering is now available. This property hints to the browser what scaling algorithm to use for background images, canvas elements, or border images. This can speed up some canvas games if a faster scaling algorithm were used. Here is an example of image scaling in action.

There are lots of websites peppering the internet that mysteriously only seem to serve broken XML to Opera (due to broken server-side detection on various servers). We have now stopped throwing draconian XML parsing failed errors, but attempt to reparse the document as HTML automatically if the document is of MIME type application/xhtml+xml. Andreas Bovens writes more on this automatic parsing of incorrect XHML document as HTML. If you want to turn this off, you can do so by setting opera:config#UserPrefs|AutomaticallyreparseXHTMLwithparsingerrorsasHTML in the Preferences Editor (opera:config).

In 2011, the OPERA experiment mistakenly observed neutrinos appearing to travel faster than light. Even before the source of the error was discovered, the result was considered anomalous because speeds higher than that of light in vacuum are generally thought to violate special relativity, a cornerstone of the modern understanding of physics for over a century.[1][2]

In March 2012, the co-located ICARUS experiment reported neutrino velocities consistent with the speed of light in the same short-pulse beam OPERA had measured in November 2011. ICARUS used a partly different timing system from OPERA and measured seven different neutrinos.[7] In addition, the Gran Sasso experiments BOREXINO, ICARUS, LVD and OPERA all measured neutrino velocity with a short-pulsed beam in May, and obtained agreement with the speed of light.[8]

On June 8, 2012, CERN research director Sergio Bertolucci declared on behalf of the four Gran Sasso teams, including OPERA, that the speed of neutrinos is consistent with that of light. The press release, made from the 25th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics in Kyoto, states that the original OPERA results were wrong, due to equipment failures.[8]

Neutrino speeds "consistent" with the speed of light are expected given the limited accuracy of experiments to date. Neutrinos have small but nonzero mass, and so special relativity predicts that they must propagate at speeds lower than that of light. Nonetheless, known neutrino production processes impart energies far higher than the neutrino mass scale, and so almost all neutrinos are ultrarelativistic, propagating at speeds very close to that of light.

In a March 2011 analysis of their data, scientists of the OPERA collaboration reported evidence that neutrinos they produced at CERN in Geneva and recorded at the OPERA detector at Gran Sasso, Italy, had traveled faster than light. The neutrinos were calculated to have arrived approximately 60.7 nanoseconds (60.7 billionths of a second) sooner than light would have if traversing the same distance in vacuum. After six months of cross checking, on September 23, 2011, the researchers announced that neutrinos had been observed traveling at faster-than-light speed.[11] Similar results were obtained using higher-energy (28 GeV) neutrinos, which were observed to check if neutrinos' velocity depended on their energy. The particles were measured arriving at the detector faster than light by approximately one part per 40,000, with a 0.2-in-a-million chance of the result being a false positive, assuming the error were entirely due to random effects (significance of six sigma). This measure included estimates for both errors in measuring and errors from the statistical procedure used. It was, however, a measure of precision, not accuracy, which could be influenced by elements such as incorrect computations or wrong readouts of instruments.[12][13] For particle physics experiments involving collision data, the standard for a discovery announcement is a five-sigma error limit, looser than the observed six-sigma limit.[14]

The preprint of the research stated "[the observed] deviation of the neutrino velocity from c (the speed of light in vacuum) would be a striking result pointing to new physics in the neutrino sector" and referred to the "early arrival time of CNGS muon neutrinos" as an "anomaly".[15] OPERA spokesperson Antonio Ereditato explained that the OPERA team had "not found any instrumental effect that could explain the result of the measurement".[8] James Gillies, a spokesperson for CERN, said on September 22 that the scientists were "inviting the broader physics community to look at what they [had] done and really scrutinize it in great detail, and ideally for someone elsewhere in the world to repeat the measurements".[16]

In November, OPERA published refined results where they noted their chances of being wrong as even less, thus tightening their error bounds. Neutrinos arrived approximately 57.8 ns earlier than if they had traveled at light-speed, giving a relative speed difference of approximately one part per 42,000 against that of light. The new significance level became 6.2 sigma.[17] The collaboration submitted its results for peer-reviewed publication to the Journal of High Energy Physics.[18][19]

On July 12, 2012, the OPERA collaboration published the end results of their measurements between 2009 and 2011. The difference between the measured and expected arrival time of neutrinos (compared to the speed of light) was approximately 6.5  15 ns. This is consistent with no difference at all, thus the speed of neutrinos is consistent with the speed of light within the margin of error. Also the re-analysis of the 2011 bunched beam rerun gave a similar result.[9]

In March 2012, the co-located ICARUS experiment refuted the OPERA results by measuring neutrino velocity to be that of light.[7] ICARUS measured speed for seven neutrinos in the same short-pulse beam OPERA had checked in November 2011, and found them, on average, traveling at the speed of light. The results were from a trial run of neutrino-velocity measurements slated for May.[26]

In May 2012, a new bunched beam rerun was initiated by CERN. Then in June 2012, it was announced by CERN that the four Gran Sasso experiments OPERA, ICARUS, LVD, and BOREXINO measured neutrino speeds consistent with the speed of light, indicating that the initial OPERA result was due to equipment errors.[8]

In addition, Fermilab stated that the detectors for the MINOS project were being upgraded.[27] Fermilab scientists closely analyzed and placed bounds on the errors in their timing system.[28] On June 8, 2012, MINOS announced that according to preliminary results, the neutrino speed is consistent with the speed of light.[29]

The OPERA experiment was designed to capture how neutrinos switch between different identities, but Autiero realized the equipment could be used to precisely measure neutrino speed too.[30] An earlier result from the MINOS experiment at Fermilab demonstrated that the measurement was technically feasible.[31] The principle of the OPERA neutrino velocity experiment was to compare travel time of neutrinos against travel time of light. The neutrinos in the experiment emerged at CERN and flew to the OPERA detector. The researchers divided this distance by the speed of light in vacuum to predict what the neutrino travel time should be. They compared this expected value to the measured travel time.[32] 2351a5e196

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