This is a minor revision. It adds support for OpenSprinkler hardware revision 3.3 that uses W5500 wired Ethernet module. The firmware supports both ENC28J60 and W5500 modules. It fixed a rain delay display issue on arm64, and it also adds the std=c++14 flag for the firmware to build correctly on most recent Raspbian.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: this is a major firmware revision. Update firmware from any previous version to this version will trigger a factory reset, including resetting Wifi settings. Before proceeding to update firmware, it's always a good idea to export your current configurations to a file so you can recover your programs and settings later. Also, for this firmware (2.2.0) we've made a new video tutorial (the third video on the page).

Opensprinkler Firmware Download


Updated ESP8266 core library to version 3.0.2: the adoption of ESP8266 WiFi Core 3.0.2 and lwip as wired Ethernet library. This unified the handling of WiFi and wired Ethernet. Over the air (OTA) firmware update is now supported under either WiFi or wired Ethernet (previously it's only supported under WiFi).

Negative master on adjustment and positive master off adjustment: this firmware also supports a negative master on adjustment time, as well as a positive master off adjustment time. Previously the master on adjustment must be positive, and off adjustment must be negative. The new feature allows a master zone to turn on before an associate zone turns on, or turn off after an associated zone has turned off.

Support for Monthly water adjustment: this firmware also added a new water adjustment method -- Monthly adjustment, which is similar to manual adjustment but allows you to set a different watering percentage value per month.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: firmware update across major revisions (e.g. from 2.1.8(x) to 2.1.9(x)) will trigger a factory reset, including resetting Wifi settings. However, firmware update across minor revisions (e.g. from 2.1.9(x) to 2.1.9(x)) does not trigger a factory reset. Before proceeding to update firmware, it's always a good idea to export your configurations to a file so you can recover your programs and settings later.

Support for using a program to trigger controller reboot on a regular basis. A program with name :>reboot will trigger a reboot when the controller is idle (i.e. no program is running). A program with name :>reboot_now will trigger a reboot regardless of its running status. Both reboot will be delayed by 1 minute or so from the start time to avoid the action triggered again right after rebooting. As an example: create a program that starts every day at 2:00am with name :>reboot will trigger a reboot every day at 2am. When creating the program, at least one zone must be selected to run but it will be ignored because the firmware recognizes the special program name and does not actually run any zone included in this program.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: firmware update will trigger a factory reset. Before proceeding to update firmware, please export your configurations to a file so you can recover your programs and settings later. In addition, for OS 3.0, the WiFi settings will be erased too, so after firmware update, please follow the OS 3.0 Getting Started Guide to repeat the WiFi settings steps.

NOTE: This firmware only affects OS 3.0 (and OSPi whereas specified below). It does NOT affect OS 2.x controllers. OSPi users should ONLY update if you need larger number of expanded zones or programs; otherwise we recommend you NOT to upgrade.

Compiled OS 3.0 firmware with ESP8266 Arduino Core 2.4.1, 4M3M flash profile (increasing capacity for logging file to 3M from the original 1M), 160MHz CPU frequency and 80MHz flash frequency (both doubling the previous firmware).

Added support for OS 3.0 hardware revision 1 and expander revision 1. Hardware revision 1 uses white injection molded enclosure, and circuit-wise primarily involves changing IO expander chip to PCA9555 (from PCF8575 previously), as PCA9555 has higher current sourcing ability, eliminating the need of PNP transistor per zone. Revision 1 expander requires firmware support, which is addressed by this firmware.

The OpenSprinkler firmware is regularly updated to include new features and functionality. You can update the firmware at any time by reflashing the microcontroller (MCU). The source code is completely open and free. You are welcome to modify it and share your contributions through GitHub.

Raj, if you see USBtinyISP programmer in your device manager, that means the programmer has been detected and the Windows driver is installed properly. Please follow the re-programming instructions on the following page to flash a new program:


Check the firmware version to see if the new firmware has been loaded properly.

The RTC module SDA and SCL pins connect to the same I2C pins as the Display, along with power and ground.

You are correct that the address is different for the RTC module. The firmware identifies which type of RTC is present.

I used a DS3231 module, and have also tried a DS1307 as well. Both worked perfectly

The first is adding back the Sequential option that was available in firmware 1.7 but disabled in 1.8 due to a bug that was tricky to fix. This option allows you to set the controller to run in either sequential mode (where station runs are serialized) or concurrent mode (where stations are allowed to run simultaneously). The support for this option is now added back (with the bug fixed), and the Program Preview Javascripts have also been updated so you can easily check and verify the controller schedules in concurrent running mode. For most people this is probably not that useful, because sprinklers are typically set to run sequentially to maintain water pressure (similar to how people in the same house usually take showers in turn!) But there are times when you may need to run stations in parallel, say, if you want to speed up the overall watering time, or if you want to run master stations in a non-conventional manner, or if you want to use OpenSprinkler to control not only sprinkler valves but also home lighting and other devices. These are all cases where station runs have to overlap with each other. If this feature is useful to you, go ahead and upgrade to 1.8.3.

When you access the OpenSprinkler Web interface, if you have it hosted on the Pi and have flashed OpenSprinkler with the modified firmware, you should see a logger button at the upper right of the home page. Clicking it will open a new window after a few seconds showing the log. If you only installed the files required for the logger you can access the log from assuming that you used the same IP address for the Pi as discussed above. On my test system it takes 5-6 seconds for the log page to appear.


Could not create API connection to the OpenSprinkler device. Error received: org.openhab.binding.opensprinkler.internal.api.exception.CommunicationApiException: There was a problem in the HTTP communication with the OpenSprinkler API: There was a problem in the HTTP communication with the OpenSprinkler API: Error sending HTTP GET request to :80/sn0. Got response code: 404

I checked it with the lates oh3 build and it works immediately after entering the right things. I changed the opensprinkler passwort from opendorr to something else and the port ist not 80 it is 8080 on my system. After these changes the binding goes online immediately.

This has happened here a few times to me and I suspect it is the hardware firmware and not connecting to the wifi, as when that happens I can not reach the webpage of the hardware until I power cycle the device. The moment it is power cycled it shows up on network again and everything works for hours. The merged binding would still show as online when that happened and only went offline for a split second.


try sending this and reporting back what it shows. This is used to work out the firmware version and I suspect yours is trying to use V1 firmware/api which does send sn0 which is not used in newer firmwares.

I wanted to automate the watering system at home preferably using open-source and DIY systems. The initial plan was to go with plain RPi, OpenHAB and some GPIO code driving the sprinkler valves but the problem was creating a useful UI to control the system since OpenHAB is too clunky and generic looking. I was also not quite ready diving deep into embedded programming and OpenHAB programming model. OpenSprinkler seemed to have everything I needed, a RPi hat with all the correct electrical outputs and an open source firmware and android app I could modify myself if needed. In the end, programming the sequences myself and trying to make a decent UI would be just too much work for a small pet project so I went with a ready solution.

Installing raspbian and OSPi firmware was easy with no problems encountered. Assembling the OSPi was also not problematic, other than drilling some holes into the supplied enclosure for the USB cable and WiFi adapter.

It turns out the OSPi firmware and app has the exact functions I need to drive the setup. Master zone translates perfectly into the pump relay. For each valve, the "continuous" setting (which is default) allows you to setup a single schedule program and OSPi will automatically drive each valve one after another and not all at once (which would not work due to low pressure). Without the continuous setting one would have to write a separate program for each valve which is a bit clunky.

The OpenSprinkler firmware (written in Arduino) provides a rich set of features, including web-based user interface, interval programming, graphical preview, custom station names, support for master station, rain delay, concurrent station runs, etc. You can change program data and settings in a web browser or using the OpenSprinkler mobile app. The hardware design and software code are available for download at the OpenSprinkler Github repository. e24fc04721

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