About Us

Boiled down to its essential components, The Open Sky Group is simply a group of guys and gals passionate about online. Online is not a job description, it is not something we do to get our meals. In fact, it’s not even really a job to us.

It is something we lovingly embrace everyday. We talk about it, use it, think about it, procrastinate about it, even dream about it. If you can imagine it, we can build it. The Open Sky Group culminates all that passion into a company dedicated to bringing true value and results for businesses and individuals out there. Our experience is vast, our results tangible, and our solutions are tailor matched to meet customer requirements. Most of all, we love what we do, and we harness that love to deliver a great product.

Born in 2008, The Open Sky Group has blossomed from its humble beginnings as a bevy of university friends enthusiastic about surfing the web to what we call, a holistic all-in-one web agency. Online has inspired every consultant here in diverse ways. Some of us have gained access to great underground bands, some of us have revelled in the glories of competitive gaming, and some of us unleash our creative juices in painting cyberspace with artworks. Regardless of how we were touched or inspired, we realised that online was a beautiful thing, and that it would ultimately shape our personal interactions, how we shopped and the way we lived. This is the common thread that runs through each member of the team, a common love for the internet. We have made hundreds of websites, optimised numerous campaigns and experimented with everything online; there have been successes, failures, but most importantly learnings that have led us closer to perfecting this art and science. Our love for surfing and gaming is still ever present it is the glue that has bonded the friendships and the team, and we now combine those tools productively towards aiding businesses in getting more traffic, more sales, and increasing their bottom line.

Our Philosophy. We pride ourselves on some core tenets to be innovative, to deliver incredible sustainable value and to always maintain high integrity in any of our practises and dealings. Our philosophy has always been about keeping things simple, making sure the customer is kept in the loop, and everything is transparent. We don’t dress our marketing in fancy attire and rhetoric, and we keep our production processes linear. From Day 1 to project completion, we aim to satisfy and bring joy to the client, making their online vision come to life.