This guide is about openMSX, the open source MSX emulator that tries to achievenear-perfect emulation by using a novel emulation model.You can find more information about openMSX on theopenMSX home page.You can also download the emulator itself from there.

openMSX is not completed yet, which means that most things work but not allfeatures are implemented yet.Many emulation features are implemented, but in terms of user interfaceit is rather bare bones.However, because the emulation is already pretty good,it would be nice if non-insiders would be able to play with it, too.For those people, we have written this guide.

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This guide describes the setup of openMSX.After installation,openMSX is ready to run using C-BIOS and the default settings.In this guide you can read how to configure openMSXto emulate actual MSX machines (such as Panasonic FS-A1GT).It also describes how you can have openMSX start upwith your personal settings,how you can configure openMSX and your system for optimal performanceand several other configuration related topics.

We use the word machine to refer to a specificMSX model. For example, the Sony HB-75P is a machine.openMSX does not have a fixed machine hardcoded into it.Instead, many different MSX machines can be emulated.The details of a machine are described in an XML file.This file describes how much memory a machine has,what video processor it has, in which slots its system ROMs are located,whether the machine has a built-in disk drive etc.openMSX reads the machine description XML and will then emulate exactlythat MSX machine, which can be anything from an MSX1 with 16 kB of RAMto the MSXturboR GT.

The openMSX distribution contains XML files describing many existing MSXmodels.You can find them in the share/machines directory.If you want to run one of those machines,you also need the system ROMs for that machine.See the next chapter for moreinformation on system ROMs.You can also create your own machine descriptions,to expand existing MSX models or to create your own fantasy MSX. There are currently some of such fantasy MSX machines, based on real MSX machines, shipped with openMSX. Examples are a machine called "Boosted_MSX2_EN" (a European MSX2 with loads of hardware built in) and one called "Boosted_MSX2+_JP" (a Japanese MSX2+ with loads of hardware built in). You can find some more information about them in their accompanying txt file in share/machines/.More about creating fantasy MSX machines in alater chapter.

An extension is a piece of MSX hardware that can beinserted into a cartridge slot to extend the capabilities of an MSX.Examples of extensions are the Panasonic FMPAC, the Sunrise IDE interfaceand an external 4MB memory mapper.Extensions, like machines, are described in XML files.You can find a lot of predefined extensionsin the share/extensions directory.Some extensions need ROM images in order to run, similar to system ROMs.

An MSX machine consists of a lot of hardware, but also contains some software.Such software includes the BIOS, MSX-BASIC, software controlling disk drivesand built-in applications (firmware).openMSX emulates the MSX hardware, but it needs MSX system software to emulatea full MSX system.Because the internal software is located in ROM chips, it is referred to assystem ROMs.

The software in the system ROMs, like most software, is copyrighted.Depending on your local laws, there are certain things you are allowed todo with copyrighted software and certain things you are not allowed to do.In this manual, a couple of options are listed for providing system ROMsto your openMSX installation.It is up to you, the user, to select an option that is legal in your country.

C-BIOS stands for "Compatible BIOS".It tries to be compatible with the MSX BIOS found in real MSX machines,but it was written from scratch, so all copyrights belong to its authors.BouKiChi, the original author of C-BIOS, was kind enough to allow C-BIOSto be distributed together with openMSX.Since then, Reikan took over maintenance of C-BIOS and the licensewas changed to give users and developers even more freedom in using C-BIOS.Even later, C-BIOS was moved to a project, with several new maintainers.Every now and then, an updated version of C-BIOS is released.You can wait for it to be included in the next openMSX release,or download it directly from theC-BIOS web site.

C-BIOS can be used to run most MSX1, MSX2 and MSX2+ cartridge-based games.It does not include MSX-BASIC and does not support disk drives yet,so programs depending on that will not run. So, with the C-BIOS machines andROMs that came with openMSX, you cannot run software that comes on tape, diskor any other media than cartridges with ROMs.

openMSX contains several machine configurations using C-BIOS.The machine C-BIOS_MSX1 is an MSX1 with 64 kB RAM.The machine C-BIOS_MSX2 is an MSX2 with 512 kB RAM and 128 kB VRAM.The machine C-BIOS_MSX2+ is an MSX2+ with 512 kB RAM, 128 kB VRAM and MSX-MUSIC.The latter is the default machine for openMSX after installation,so if you change nothing to the openMSX configuration,then C-BIOS_MSX2+ is the machine that will be booted. Thementioned machines have a US English (international) keyboard layout andcharacter set and run at 60Hz (like NTSC) interrupt frequency. From C-BIOS0.25, there are also localized versions available: Japanese, European (like US,but 50Hz) and Brazilian types. You can recognize them easily.

It is always legal for you to run the C-BIOS ROMs in openMSX.You are allowed to use C-BIOS and its source code in various other waysas well, read the C-BIOS license for details.It is located in the file README.cbios in the Contrib directory.

The easiest way to dump system ROMs is to run a special dumping tool on yourreal MSX, which copies the contents of the system ROMs to disk.Sean Young has made such tools, you can find thetools and documentationon BiFi's web site.These tools can also be used to dump cartridge ROMs, which may be useful later,if you want to use certain extensions or play games.

Using ROMs dumped from machines you own is generally considereda proper thing to do in the MSX community.When the MSX machine was bought in a shop years ago, you or the person thatoriginally bought it paid money for the MSX machine.A small part of that money paid for the software in the system ROMs.However, we are no legal experts, so it is up to you to check whether itis legal in your country to use dumped ROMs of machines you own.

Some WWW and FTP sites offer MSX system ROMs as a download.Some MSX emulators include system ROMs in their distribution.Downloaded system ROMs can be used in the same way assystem ROMs you dumped yourself, see the previous section.

If you want to emulate real MSX machines next to the default C-BIOS basedmachines, you will have to install system ROMs that did not come with openMSX.This section explains how to install these, once you obtained them in one ofthe ways that are explained in the previous sections.

The easiest way is to copy the ROM files in a so-called file pool: a specialdirectory where openMSX will look for files (system ROMs, other ROMs, disks,tapes, etc.). The default file pool for system ROMs is thesystemroms sub directory. The best way is to make asystemroms sub directory in your own user directory, which isplatform dependent:

So, you can just copy all your system ROMs to theshare/systemroms directory of your user account. The ROM files canbe zipped (or gzipped), but only one file can be in a ZIP file. If multiple ROMfiles are in a single ZIP file, openMSX will not find them. The directorystructure below share/systemroms is not relevant, openMSX willsearch completely through it.

For advanced users, it is also possible to let openMSX load a specific setof ROM images for a machine, independent of any file pool or the checksums ofthe ROM images. For that you copy the ROM file with the name and path asmentioned in the hardware configuration XML file that describes the machine,relative to the path of that machine description file. For example, if youdumped the ROMs of a Philips NMS 8250 machine, copy them toshare/machines, because in the machine description file (inshare/machines/Philips_NMS_8250.xml) the name of the ROMs is likethis: nms8250_msx2sub.rom. We recommend to not use this feature,but use the file pools as mentioned above.

All necessary system ROM files used in machines and extensions areprimarily identified with a checksum: a sha1sum. This enables openMSX to findthe right ROM file from one of the file pools of type system_rom,without depending on the file name. So the actual content is guaranteed to bewhat was intended. If the ROM is explicitly specified in the configuration file(which is also supported) and the sha1sum doesn't match, a warning will beprinted.

If you are trying to run an MSX machine and get an error like Fatalerror: Error in "broken" machine: Couldn't find ROM file for "MSX BIOS withBASIC ROM" (sha1: 12345c041975f31dc2ab1019cfdd4967999de53e). it meansthat the required system ROM for that machine with the given sha1sum cannot befound in one of the file pools as mentioned above (typicallyshare/systemroms). This is the primary way to know that you aremissing required system ROMs and thus something went wrong installing them(typically either not a file with the proper content or you put the file in thewrong place, or you put it in a large ZIP file with multiple files).

You can also manually check whether you have the correct ROM images. Thevalue in the tag(s) in the hardware configuration XML filescontain checksums of ROM images that are known to work. You can compare thechecksums of your ROM images to the ones in the hardware configuration XMLfiles with the sha1sum tool. It is installed by default on mostUNIX systems, on Windows you would have to download it separately. If thechecksums match, it is almost certain you have correct system ROMs. If thechecksums do not match, it could mean something went wrong dumping the ROMs, orit could mean you have a slightly older/newer model which contains differentsystem ROMs. 152ee80cbc

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