
Lectures are in English. Each lecture lasts for 25 minutes followed by a 15 minutes Q&A session moderated by the session chair. The lectures will be held live on Zoom. Please look at our tutorial on Zoom when you have difficulties by using it. Past lectures will be available on Youtube.

OpenLFM welcomes selected works relevant to Freemasonry. You may submit your paper at OpenLFM@gmail.com .

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Helge Bjørn Horrisland Books more worth than People

During World War II aprox 1,5 million books were looted by the nazis from masonic libraries and private collections all over occupied Europe, sent to Berlin and stored in the largest confiscated lodge building of the german capital with the intion to do scientific research on freemasonry as one of nazism’s main political enemies.

In this SS-Library a group of jewish slave labourers worked from 1943 to 1945. This lecture tells the story of how a 5 year old jewish girl helped prevent her family from deportation to the camps in an environment where books were more important than human lives.

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