5222 port is in use by some other app (maybe you have Openfire running two times, one as a service and one via graphical launcher). Run TCPView application and see what exactly is listening on 5222 local port.

I do not have it running as a service. it shows that the admin console is running on that port. I changed this setting(below) in [server settings>client connections] from 5222 to 5224 for grins. Still getting the same error in spark but now I am getting received raw packets in the spark debugger.

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In this way, you can make searches in ldap (at botton of the spark window screen) and set the profile free of the ldap (in my case, ldap dont have informations to show about all users, and users can edit their profiles as they need). Note that the order of the lines in bold have to be as i show here, other way it wont works.

The plugin no longer works in current openfire versions as the feature is built in now. In your openfire admin site go to the System Properties, make sure ldap.override.avatar is set to true, delete all aspectes of the old plugin from the server the jar file and the folder it created, reboot the server, and your should be back in business.

Got it to work. In the system properties the ldap.override.avatar was missing. I had to run the LDAP connection wizard again, then go to the openfire admin page. Go to system properties. Make sure ldap.override.avatar was set to true. It reappeared as false. Changed it to true and now it works.

Hi. I cant enter to any conference room on Spark 2.9.2 after update OpenFire to 4.6. Rooms exist but after trying to enter spark show error that room doesnt exist. I did rollback to 4.5.4 and all is fine there.

Can you enable the debugger in Spark, and find the packets that lead up to the error? This might help us understand what the cause of the error is. Also, please look for any clues in the logs of Openfire.

I tried updating my test server to Openfire 4.6.0.

I was successfully able to log into the server and enter the room.

I am using Spark 2.9.3 shapshoot. Please try to enter the room with Spark 2.9.3.


You will be able to login if you also check Disable certificate hostname verification. But that is very bad and you can just disable SSL all together. Using IP address is not recommended. When you first tried to login what have you provided as your domain in Spark? This name should be in your DNS for Spark to know how to find the server. It should also be the same as XMPP Domain value which is shown in Admin Console. You can also work around this by putting IP address into host field on Advanced settings in Spark and still put XMPP Domain name into Domain field in Spark on the login page.

What step is unclear in the guide i have linked? -basic-openfire-spark-guide-en/ have you done everything how described? Reinstalled, setup a proper name and then setup a DNS record for that name? If this is hard, then i guess you can look into other options.

In an attempt to figure out all my problems (with openfire that is) I uninstalled spark and then deleted the program folder. Reinstalled, launched and it still have my login information filled in from the last time I used before I uninstalled it. Where does it store this information? Not a registry thing right? Some java file somewhere? How can I completelty remove any trace of spark from my client?

So this is a bug in java? well, add this then to my wishlist for spark and having folders in proper locations. This alone prevents me fro deploying this in our enterprise because the spark settings folder is not in %USERPROFILE%\spark. Its in

redirection\username\spark. Ahs anyone found a way to fix this?


Can you help me with the SparkMeet, please I really need that in my local network.

I have the last openfire 4.3.2 with the last plugin Openfire Meetings 4.3.2. I install this one but I cant options in my spark app.

Sapphire. Uk

SID-FS Host(A)

SID-DC01 Host(A)


_xmpp-client service location [0][0][5222] sid-fs.sapphire. uk

_xmpp-server service location [0][0][5269] sid-fs.sapphire. uk

Hi speedy, would love to but think we ma maybe in different countries with completely different time zones. Im writing this just about to go bed lol.

Also not allowed to connect this network to this internet for security reasons.

Im on annual leave so doing this from memory. I believe it has the domain name after the @ 95% sure. Also I did read about credential guard with Windows 10 so have already done the reading up and turned off in group policy.

Hi Speedy, Many thanks again for helping me with this. I had followed the video exactly and this did not work so started varying things to see if something would work. Anyways, finally got the client to log in using SSO through DNS. Not sure what fixed this, maybe after the 50th install spark/openfire automatically just works (sorry lol). It may have possibly been changing XMPP.FQDN from SID-APP.Sapphire.uk to XMPP.Sapphire.uk, im not sure. Anyways all working now

Hey Speedy, not sure why that error is there, must have copied and pasted from the wrong file. That was meant to show the contents of my Openfire.xml. Will paste that below. I had already put exactly what you said above:


One thing I forgot to mention. When I managed to get Spark connecting on my client machine I thought it was all working. I started installing on other clients and non worked, all came up with the same error message. I managed to resolve this my installing MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager which I had forgotten I had installed on my machine whilst trying the many attempts to get Spark/OpenFire working. Also Im using the nightly build of spark (2_9_0-20180904 with java). Love the way the logs are now integrated into the program rather than having to open a log file every time.

You are writing that you have a certificate that identifies the Openfire server (as the certificate covers the XMPP domain that Openfire is servicing). That certificate therefor needs to be installed in an identity store.

Openfire offers the flexibility to use different identity stores for distinct types of functionality - but in practice, this is never used. In the default configuration, Openfire uses the same file for each identity store. You can easily verify this, as the file name is shown in the Openfire admin console.

2022.05.31 07:58:50 ERROR [pool-6-thread-1]: org.jivesoftware.openfire.archive.ArchiveIndexer[CONVERSATION] - An exception occurred while initializing the Lucene index that is expected to exist in: /usr/share/openfire/monitoring/search

I am wondering if there is a competing service running on port 9091 and 5222. If there are other services that are using these ports, the defaults in Open Fire can be change via the Admin Console, Server->Server Settings->Client Connections.

Did you remember to make the registry edit on the workstation? Try running spark "as administrator"

If using the included openfire self-signed certification, make sure spark is set to accept all certificates.

thank u for ur reply.

Yes, the registry edit is done. Started Spark as administrator too.

Im using the included openfire certification, spark is set to accept all certificates in advanced options.

Speedy might comment on the keytab file part, but i guess you do everything the same, just use internal domain instead of external domain (it is only an example here). So your SRV record would point to xmpp.irt.local. SPN probably will look like xmpp/xmpp.irt.local@irt.local and so on.

I made an account specifically for this problem. I have for years tried to get to this to work. It still does not work but I feel like this was the closest I have gotten. Is there anyway you or someone can help me get this to work?

spark.domain.local in DNS as Forward look up zone in windows DNS. An A record pointing to the openfire server (which is an DC as well) of FQDN of spark.domain.local with a PTR record as well. i have a srv record _xmpp-client pointed to domain spark.domain.local HOST openfireserver.domain.local with port 5222.

Please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have krb5.ini in my windows dir of open fireserver / DC. I have keytab in resources dir of open fire, and the gss.conf in the openfire conf dir. These are the exact way they are written in with the exception of the actual domain name for security purposes.

I am trying to get a Certificate from our corporate CA to work for SSL connections with spark. The certificate is installed on the Openfire server version 4.1.6 with no problem. The certificate is working for the connection to the https admin site. I have read that the certificate with DSA is not required.

The spark clients are 2.8.3 and they keep getting the unable to verify certificate login error. I understand that you can accept all certificates on the advanced menu of spark but I would prefer to have spark work without this change since we are going to push this company wide. Where is the break happening for the Spark client to accept the certificate?

Although, Smack developer now works on updating Spark to the latest Smack library version and it might have something changed about the certificates, which might require changes to Spark. A minor possibility.

Openfire is a powerful instant messaging (IM) and chat server that implements the XMPP protocol. This document will guide you through installing Openfire. For a full list of features and more information, please visit the Openfire website:

Note: Openfire installers do not contain a bundled Java runtime (JRE). Therefore, you must have a JDK or JRE installed on your system. Openfire 4.3 (also 4.2 and older versions) requires Java 8. Starting with 4.4 version Openfire also supports Java 11. Openfire 4.8 and later require Java 11 and no longer run with older versions of Java. You can check your java version by typing java -version at the command line.

Note: On Windows systems we suggest using a service to run Openfire (read the Windows Service section below). When using Openfire Launcher on Windows Vista or newer with UAC protection enabled, it has to be run with Run as administrator option, to be able to write changes to config and embedded database (if used) stored in C:\Program files\Openfire\ folder. If Openfire is running via the launcher without the 'Run as administrator' option from Program files, it can't get proper permissions to write changes. It shows errors (in red) when running the launcher and during the setup will require the current password for the administrator account (although this is a new installation. Normally it doesn't ask for it). This is an effect of missing permissions and Openfire not being able to initialize the database and other resources. 152ee80cbc

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