The song "Open Your Heart (Live)" by Crush 40 is a call to action to stand up and fight against fear and adversity. The lyrics portray a chaotic world rife with danger, destruction, and confusion, and the singer urges us to open our hearts and take action to reclaim the hope that has been lost. The chorus reiterates this message, urging us to take the lead and reach out to others, no matter the odds, in order to create a better future. The song encourages us to recognize the power we have to make a difference.

First, this blushing beauty: the My Crush In the Pink book. The designed pages are prime real estate for your photos and notes, and the coordinating assortments open your creative options even wider. You start with this:

Open Your Heart Crush 40 Download


Let each element harmonize, like notes in a love song, creating a symphony that resonates with the universe. Feel the energy flowing as you stand before your altar, knowing you have made a portal to the romance your heart desires.

Take a moment to stand in the altar space, feeling the air around you. Close your eyes and visualize a bright, glowing light surrounding you and the area. Dip your fingers in salted water and gently sprinkle it around as you open your eyes to plant optimism.

A gorgeous personalized attraction altar is an excellent method to send positive energy to your crush. When adding elements to your altar, consider the power of crystals. Choose stones like Garnet, known for love, and Jade, associated with attraction. Arrange them in a heart shape, symbolizing the love you wish to draw in.

Herbs play a vital role, too. Sprinkle dried lavender for sweetness and chamomile for calm, infusing your space with soothing vibes. Light candles in soft, romantic colors, like pink or red, to enhance the ambiance. Position them in a circular arrangement, representing eternal love. As the flames flicker, visualize your crush being drawn to your warmth.

Arrange these treasures with intention, like telling a love story through objects. Position your Ruby in the center, like the heart of your secret garden. Imagine it as the captain of your ship, steering you toward a sea of romance. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think about the qualities you admire in your crush.

Place your Rose Quartz front and center on the altar. Surround your Rose Quartz with objects that amplify its power. Clear Quartz crystals or even a small mirror can bounce the love vibes around the space. Add a few tokens representing what you wish to attract, like a small heart-shaped charm or a picture of you and your crush.

Garnet boasts a magnetic energy that draws love and passion like a moth to a flame. Its vibrant red hue resonates with the essence of desire. This makes it an ideal crystal to manifest those butterfly-inducing feelings for your crush.

As you position the Garnet on your altar, imagine it as the heart of your intentions. Feel its energy merging with yours, creating a magnetic pull that draws your crush closer. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and visualize the attraction growing stronger with each passing moment.

Start with a clean, dedicated space. It could be a small table or a corner of your room. Place a piece of Rhodonite in the center. Picture it as the magnetic force that draws your crush closer. Add objects that symbolize love and attraction. A small heart-shaped trinket, a picture of something you love, or even a handwritten note expressing your feelings.

Begin by placing the Amethyst crystal at the center, like the heart of your magnetic field. To show your love and confidence, add a little bouquet or a handwritten note showcasing your unique qualities. Position the altar in a prominent yet private space, allowing the energy to radiate and draw your crush closer.

Add objects with personal significance, like photos of you and your crush or symbols representing love and connection. These items amplify the energy of attraction. Write down positive affirmations related to attraction and love. Place these affirmations around the Tanzanite crystal, reinforcing your intentions.

There is something in the closeness, in the aligned movement, in the music, in sensing the breathing of the other person, in the magic that unfolds between you two as you advance, tanda after tanda on the dance floor, that suddenly opens your heart. Because the connection is most of the time at the heart level, literally: in tango you lead with your chest, not with your hands.

As new friend and fellow Hay House author Agapi Stassinopoulos writes in Unbinding The Heart, the secret to living a joyful life full of miracles and love is to keep you heart open, even when it keeps getting hurt.

Rumi is one of the most inspirational and widely-read mystical poets. He was a passionate seeker of the truth and placed great faith in living from the heart. Read these Rumi quotes about love to drop deeper into your heart. So you can feel free.

Yet at any moment, we can reveal that open innocence that we were born with, allowing it to surface and heal you. And choose to see that in each other, no matter how they see themselves. Its a risk only if you see yourself as finite and small, rather than eternal and one with everyone and everything.

A crush can shatter our heart and our self-worth into pieces. As we hold awareness around our intentions, we can begin to sift through those pieces and keep the ones that honor all involved. No matter which side of the crush you might find yourself on, use it as an opportunity to shift into a higher place. It can be a beautiful exchange of energy that keeps us all growing, learning and transforming this planet one person and one heart at a time.

Orphans of the Storm Pet Profile:

Hi, my name is Star! I was brought to the shelter as a stray well over a year ago. The shelter believes I am about 2-years-old. I'm very sweet and quiet. I am also very friendly, and if you open my cage, I often try to climb on your shoulder! I'm can be nervous around other cats, so I would do best in a home without them, or with one who is laid back and gentle. For more info or to meet me, please contact Orphans of the Storm in Kittanning. 17dc91bb1f

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