For more control over the content and quality of the resulting PDF, use File > Export as PDF. The PDF Options dialog opens. This dialog has five pages (General, Initial View, User Interface, Links, and Security). Make your selections, and then click Export. Then you are asked to enter the location and file name of the PDF to be created, and click Save to export the file.

The best way I know to convert a TeX to an XML application is tex4ht. The project page says it converts TeX to a number of different output formats, including "(X)HTML, MathML, OpenDocument, and DocBook." I believe tex4ht can even convert tikz code to SVG graphics. Word supports OpenDocument, so in theory you could just open up the converted document in Word. I'd expect tables to survive the transition, not so much equations and figures. But MS Word's native format is also an XML application, so you might be able to write an XSLT stylesheet to handle the math and figures.

Open Office Pdf Converter Free Download

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All answers above suggested to use some converter from tex/pdf file to the wanted file format, that is why I try to give an n-th proposal. I think this approach is quite insane in this situation, as native solutions also exist - as the OP also mentioned.

4) Depending on the version and installation of htlatex, I had problems with the figures included with includegraphics. They are converted from the original format to png by calling some programs, which sometimes do not exist. I was not able to fix the bug, but I found a workaround: I add a cfg file that defines the conversions and pass its name to htlatex. So htlatex uses the programs defined by me instead of using its default converters (which do not exist). It takes time but it works.

Pdftotext produces thesis.txt, which is very close to the formatting in pdf. To avoid character-mapping problems, load thesis.txt in a windows text editor, e.g., notepad++, select all and paste into a new MS Word/Openoffice Writer document. The only drawback is that if your tex-file produces a pdf with concatenated words, thesis.txt will contain the concatenations.

Please help.

The Impress video converter extension is not downloading. Is there another way to convert animation slideshows with sound to a video?

Or can someone please share this extension with me.

Hi, it would be wonderful if this extension worked in Libreoffice Impress 6.3.1.

Impress can't load it giving this warning: "The 'Impress video converter' extension is not supported on your computer."

Thanks for your effort hoping you solve this bug soon...

The cornerstone of every presentation are the animations and effects. The presentations are a marketing tool, because that we need special efects to make it more atractive and deliver a powerfull message.

Botton line no animations means no presentation. Not sure if a parcial implementation of a video converter has some value. I hope some day you can finish it. Good luck and thanks.

I have students who, when asked for PDF, sometimes hand me an OpenOffice document or spreadsheet. file(1) can identify these documents, but I've been unable to discover how to convert them to PDF using the command line. (The man page for ooffice(1) lists an option to print a document but not to convert to PDF.) Google is unhelpful, except for giving me the uneasy feeling that this can't be done without a nifty script in a language I don't know against an API whose documentation I can't find.

Writer2ePub is an extension that creates an ePub file from any document openable by the OOo Word Processor.

Just simply one click, you can obtain a well formatted, easy readable ePub file from almost any document.

What Writer2ePub is not?

W2E is not a simple file converter. It does not just convert an existing document to ePub. If you need to obtain a pure wysiwyg ePub file, W2E is not for you. Please look at [URL=" =166"]Calibre[/URL] or other OOo extensions available on the Internet to do this kind of jobs.

Neither is W2E an ePub editor, please look at [URL=" =203"]Sigil[/URL] or other similar product if you need to edit and modify an existing ePub.


Just double click on the dowloaded file, it will install or replace the old W2E version.

Otherwise, please open the Extension Manager from the Tools menu and add the extension from there.

Once installed, on opening a new writer document you will find a small toolbar with three green icons.

Using OpenOffice 4.1.6 on WinXP Pro. More often than not, it starts the export while I'm entering/editing metadata (haven't gone anywhere near the "OK" button). 50/50 chance it hangs up and I have to force-close OpenOffice. I see from another comment here that it doesn't export graphics in "frames"--in other words, it dumps most graphics with captions (though it picked a framed graphic that wasn't first as a "first image" for the cover), because that's how OO handles captions. I've got 58 illustrations (mostly captioned) and four sidebars (framed text)--this is WHY I'm looking for a way to get OO to export PDF, because the web-based converters keep screwing it up!

I have installed 1.1.28. I have tried a new document. I have tried opening an existing document. I am not seeing the tool bar with the three buttons. I have looked in the tool bar menu, and do not find toolbar with a name appropriate to this extension. What am I missing? Am I looking in the wrong place?

I've been trying to make Synology Office work for me for a while now, and since the DSM7 update it's now wonkier than ever. Is there any conversion tool or way to open these ".odoc" files in any other format?

Our Open-Office ODT converter converts currently from the following formats: DOCX to ODT, DOC to ODT, SXW to ODT, WPD to ODT, RTF to ODT, TXT to ODT and HTML to ODT.

You can now open up the HTML filewith Firefox and select Print,which will allow you to print it toa file, outputting a PDF. Go to"Options" to get rid the marginnotes that firefox will put into theoutput.

Another GUI option, though painstaking, is to install the nice .chm viewer called chmsee, this can be installed from software center as well, you then open the file with chmsee and you can copy and paste to Writer then save to .doc or export to .pdf

Business Spreadsheets has developed a service to assist in the conversionof Excel VBA code to the equivalent OpenOffice Calc Basic script. The VBAto OO Basic converter does not completely convert Excel VBA macros to OO Basicmacros for Calc nor seamlessly migrate Excel VBA projects to OpenOffice environments.

While much of the underlying logic behind OpenOffice Basic compares to that of Visual Basic for Applications, there exists fundamental differences to the way the code is constructed. This Excel VBA to OpenOffice Basic converter offers a starting point for migrating VBA projects in Excel to the OpenOffice or Star Office Calc application. The converter may also serve as a learning mechanism to better understand the similarities and differences between the VBA and OO Basic coding specifications.

The Excel VBA to OO Calc Basic Converter uses code snippet pairs ofVBA and OO Basic with place holders so that replacements can be madeusing regular expressions. Users of the converter are encouraged to submitsuch snippets here in a community effort to strengthen the results ofthe VBA to OO Basic conversion process. A full list of current ExcelVBA to OO Basic code snippet pairs can be viewed here.

To find assistance, make suggestions or share experiences about usingthis converter, please see the HelpForum. Business Spreadsheets also offers the free BondYield to Maturity Calculator in both Excel VBA and OpenOffice Basicwith open source code as an example of an Excel VBA project migratedto OpenOffice Calc.

No matter the device or platform you're using, as long as you have an Internet connection, you can utilize this online converter. This enables you to conveniently convert OpenOffice documents to PDF on-the-go and from any location.

Our online OpenOffice to PDF converter is completely free. There's no need for registration or any form of payment. Simply upload your OpenOffice documents and convert them effortlessly. It's as simple as that.

I'm not sure if I have missed something, but according to this Moodle Doc on using Unoconv in Windows 10/Xampp configuration, there should be a path somewhere to connect the converter. I have the CLI, the du, the dot paths and ticks for Aspell, Ghostscript and Python, but I don't see a path statement for unoconv. Yet the Moodle doc says:

No definitely not running, well maybe not, erm... thanks Jerry, the documentation I had suggests soffice is likely to be looking for updates so change the settings, I'm sure I did, but will look in the morning...

Another thought intrudes, AFAIK, The Dark Side tends to change the file structure of Word docs for each version of Office, subtle changes they may be, but changes none-the-less and usually sufficient that older word docs can open in newer versions, but newer word docs can't open in older versions of Word. Evil design, production and marketing, sure, but it is what it is. The docs I am trying to convert are all Office 2016, with unoconv v0.7. That shouldn't be an issue, but I am asking.

Unoconv is a python script. It is used to call the Office Suite you have installed in a 'headless' mode passes the document to be converted with command switches for the conversion. The Office Suite executes a utility for such actions .... in Linux using LIbreOffice that is: libreoffice-headless-

One helpful advantage when working with PDF documents is their nearly universal readability. Regardless of their operating system or software, your colleagues will be able to open and view documents created in an OpenOffice application. 0852c4b9a8

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