ODHC has been opening doors to health care and wellness for over 45 years, serving the Fox Valley region and beyond, from our health centers in Elgin and Aurora. ODHC specializes in providing health care to the LGBTQIA+ plus community and specializes in providing quality culturally competence health care to all people, with the goal of reducing and eliminating disparities in health care.

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NATO's "open door policy" is based upon Article 10 of the Washington Treaty, which states that membership is open to any "European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area".

4 April 1949: Signature of the North Atlantic Treaty by 12 founding members: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. Article 10 of the Treaty provides the basis for NATO's "open door policy".

2 December 2015: NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels invite Montenegro to start accession talks to join the Alliance, while encouraging further progress on reforms, especially in the area of rule of law. In a statement on NATO's "open door" policy, ministers encourage Bosnia and Herzegovina to undertake the reforms necessary for the country to realise its Euro-Atlantic aspirations and to activate its participation in MAP. Ministers also reiterate their decisions at Bucharest and subsequent decisions concerning Georgia, welcoming the progress the country has made in coming closer to the Alliance and expressing their determination to intensify support for Georgia.

29-30 June 2022: Heads of State and Government from Finland, Georgia, Sweden and Ukraine and the Defence Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina take part in the NATO Summit in Madrid. NATO reaffirms its commitment to its "open door policy", formally inviting Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO, and promising to step up support for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine.

All of our success is a result of the help of our community. There are many ways that you can continue to help us! You or your group can host a food drive, lend a hand in our kitchen, lead a prayer service for our guests or help us serve meals. We could also use your service in our clothing room. To volunteer, please email our team at volunteer@opendoormission.com.

The Open DOOR (Diversity and Opportunity in Ophthalmology Rotation) program is a financially supported ophthalmology rotation at the Emory Eye Center that is open to medical students (MS4s) who are considering an application to an ophthalmology residency program. The accepted student will receive a $3,000 stipend to offset expenses. Participation in the program is limited to one student each year.

The term "Open Door" also describes the economic policy initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978 to open China to foreign businesses that wanted to invest in the country. The policy set into motion the economic transformation of China.[2] In the 20th and 21st centuries, scholars such as Christopher Layne in the neorealist school have generalized the use of the term to applications in 'political' open door policies and 'economic' open door policies of nations in general, which interact on a global or international basis.[3]

In China's modern economic history, the Open Door Policy refers to the new policy announced by Deng Xiaoping in December 1978 to open the door to foreign businesses that wanted to set up in China.[2][15] Special Economic Zones (SEZ) were set up in 1980 in his belief that to modernize China's industry and boost its economy, he needed to welcome foreign direct investment. Chinese economic policy then shifted to encouraging and supporting foreign trade and investment. It was the turning point in China's economic fortune, which started its way on the path to becoming 'The World's Factory'.[16]

On 21 July 2020, Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping made a speech to a group of public and private business leaders at the entrepreneur forum in Beijing. Xi emphasized that "We must gradually form a new development pattern with the domestic internal circulation as the main body and the domestic and international dual circulations mutually promoting each other."[22]Since then "internal circulation" became a hot word in China. Some Chinese worry that the emphasis of "internal circulation"signals returning to 1960s-era seclusion, and ending of open door policy.

Scholars such as Christopher Layne in the neorealist school have generalized the use of the term to applications in 'political' open door policies and 'economic' open door policies of nations in general, which interact on a global or international basis.[16]

I hate hate hate this excuse. Let costumers opt into opening functions with a disclaimer and waiver. Let us decide for ourselves what security we need or want. So in their eyes its perfectly ok for somone to open my front door lock somehow using the triggers, but not the garage door? Its a senseless omission and is half the reason a lot of people buy wifi garage door openers.

Why are the two secured spaces treated differently? Why is my car and the garage (that most likely are separate from the house either physically or by an access door to the house (attached garage) more important than the contents of my home (myself and family)?

Can we add a feature where the door would function as is with the door sensor auto lock, but also add another timer component without the door sensor trigger? This is basically combining the original auto lock (timer) without the sensor and the auto lock (timer) with the sensor. This way if the door sensor did not detect the door closing correctly, the door would still be locked after a set timer.

I have been able to replicate the error in the door sensor by opening/closing the door slowly to about a 1/4" from its closed position, then pausing the motion for a few seconds, then completing the open/close. I was able to replicate this with and without the cap on the door sensor.

I also agree that this needs to be improved. As far as I can tell, the lock uses an accelerometer to detect motion before ever checking for the door sensor. If no motion is detected (i.e. a really gentle opening or closing) there can be weird behavior from the lock, because it has not recognized the state change (from closed to open or vice versa).

I was able to unlock my doors. It took multiple attempts as the iPhone cycled through ids before it hits the matching id in my access control software.I was pretty surprised and I'm now wondering how to get it to use correct sooner/consistently.

This should work. I can already unlock the my doors with my phone it just runs through a series of keys before it sends a matching key.I think I just need to establish which key belongs to my building so that there are fewer errors or turn off the beep on failure...

Open Door Bird Sanctuary is a primarily volunteer run private non-profit organization, and we are always looking for new volunteers to join our team! Please contact Amy Hults at volunteers@opendoorbirdsanctuary.org.

Among the most widely admired of Talbot's compositions, The Open Door is a conscious attempt to create a photographic image in accord with the renewed British taste for Dutch genre painting of the seventeenth century. In his commentary in The Pencil of Nature, where this image appeared as plate 6, Talbot wrote, "We have sufficient authority in the Dutch school of art, for taking as subjects of representation scenes of daily and familiar occurrence. A painter's eye will often be arrested where ordinary people see nothing remarkable." With this concept in mind, Talbot turned away from the historic buildings of Lacock Abbey and focused instead on the old stone doorframe and simple wooden door of the stable and on the humble broom, harness, and lantern as vehicles for an essay on light and shadow, interior and exterior, form and texture. 0852c4b9a8

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