I'm little bit confused regarding how S7-1500 embeded OPC UA server communication works in case of a custom client installed on PC since all examples I've seen so far include a Simatic PC Station as OPC server!!!

On PC side (not Simatic PC Station), I have an application in which there is some kind of OPC UA client functionnality that reads inputs from AI modules, writes some tags on PLC and if necessary sends reconfiguration records of AI modules to PLC (reconfiguration via user program).

Opc Ua Client S7-1500 Download

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The OPC UA client must be on the same IP range as the PLC network interface. In the hardware configuration of the S7-1500 the OPC UA server is enabled. The OPC UA client is then pointed to the IP address of the S7-1500 PLC and using the OPC UA discovery will be able to read all the marker memory area, input and output memory area and data blocks. The OPC UA client will be able to subscribe to tags and write values if required.

Strange problem with mb_client stuck in reading. Connection ok. Register ok, verified with client program on pc. But mb client after Req true, just stays in status "reading data" but no data is filled to the buffer db. Any ideas? Disconnec and connect mb client is ok.

When the OPC-Client is disconnected I do not have this problem. However, I believe this is very much in Siemens court as matter how badly behaved the client is their OPC-Server should not fault in such away as to affect other functions on the PLC.

The configuration of S7 1500 as a Modbus Client device is different as a Server. Firstly, Navigate to Communication then select the Modbus TCP client block from the Others dropdown. It will prompt you to create a DB select ok.

Compile the program. Download the program into the PLCSIM Advanced simulator. Start monitoring your program and modify your parameters MB_DATA _ADDR and MB_DATA Len as shown below. The DATA ADDR 40001 indicates the first holding register number as the starting point. MB_Mode 0 means the Modbus client is currently reading data from the server.

The demo is the full product once licensed. Once a client application connects to the TOP Server, the TOP Server runtime will operate for 2 hours at a time. At the end of the 2 hour demo period, the demo timer must be reset by restarting the TOP Server runtime service.

Since our original architecture stays the same (Python application is OPC UA client and S7-1500 is OPC UA Server), the following steps summarize the procedure to setup an encrypted and authenticated communication between our two peers:

The next step is to use the global security settings for the certificate manager, this functionality can be activated in the PLC specific settings under General >> Protection & Security >> Certificate Manager >> Checkbox: use the global security settings for the certificate manager. This allows to globally manage the certificates (project wide) and not solely for the current selected CPU. For our small project, this becomes important because we will export certificates and keys for the python client, later on. In this view you can already see the generated device certificates, you will now see the same certificates when you click on Certificate manager in the project tree (once the global certificate manager is visible, chose the tab Device Certificates to see your generated certificates).

Now we continue by generating two new certificates (basically a key pair consisting of a private key and a certificate), one for the server (S7-1500) and one for the client (Python application). In the PLC specific settings navigate to General >> Protection & Security >> Certificate Manager and generate a new certificate. Basically the section is just named Device Certificates, which is misleading. Of course, you will create a complete key-pair consisting of a private key and a certificate, the public key (You cannot create a certificate as standalone, a certificate always requires a private key).

Starting with the key-pair for the server, the S7-1500: a dialog appears which asks for several parameters, for the CN (common name of subject) put something to identify the certificate as the server-certificate, I named it S7-1500-OPCUA-Server. Leave the other parameters as suggested by TIA (the picture above becomes important when creating the client certificate), check the SAN and be sure that the IP address is correct. Confirm your settings by clicking "OK" and you will end up with a server certificate (and private key). Now, navigate to General >> OPC UA >> Server >> Security >> Secure Channel in the PLC settings. Under Server Certificate, select the previously generated certificate. Now we are done with the server certificate.

Again, we head back to the PLC specific settings (General >> Protection & Security >> Certificate Manager) to generate a key-pair for the client. Follow the same procedure as described above, once you see the dialog asking for the certificate parameters again, be careful now and refer to the picture above: For the CN (common name) put something which identifies the certificate as the client-certificate, I chose OPCUA-Client-S7-1500-OPCUA. In the field Usage, select OPC UA client, otherwise the opc ua library for our python application will reject the certificate and the communication with the server (which is indeed important, because it is always advisable to define a specific field of use for a certificate to avoid malicious usage). Next, concentrate on the SAN (subject alternative name), add a field and select URI (universal/uniform resource identifier) and put in: urn:freeopcua:client . Now we are done with the client certificate. Before we continue to work on the client side, we disable unencrypted communication by rejecting plaintext messages on the server side. In the PLC specific settings head to General >> OPC UA >> Server >> Security >> Secure Channel and disable No Security under Security policies available on the server.

Navigate to the project wide Certificate manager and select the tab Device certificates. Chose the client certificate and click on Export. The PKCS12 container contains the private key and the certificate, therefore you will be asked for a password to protect the complete archive. Transmit the container to your Unix/Linux machine (or make sure you have OpenSSL ready on Windows) and continue with the conversion. You will need the password you were prompted for when exporting the key-pair. The following OpenSSL commands (1, 2) will extract the private key and the certificate (public key) from the PKCS12 container and will convert them into the appropriate format requested by the python OPC UA library.

Command 3 and 4 will show the URI which we have set previously. It is important to double check the URI, because the URI in the application has to match the URI in the certificate. The client source code will now be extended by two lines of code to setup secure communication. The first line just prints the application URI to stdout which we have configured in the client certificate earlier. (Just a note: Instead of setting the URI to the fixed string while certificate setup, we also could have made up our own URI and set it in the certificate and in the python client application using client.application_uri = "urn:myservice.org:FreeOpcUa:python-opcua" before calling client.set_security_string(...))

The second line will be used to setup the secure channel, setting the hash for the message signatures and activating encrypted communication. Argument three and four provide the client certificate and the client private key.

If you want to harden your setup further, you can force the server (S7-1500) to reject all unknown clients. This means you have to store all client certificates for your trusted clients in the S7-1500 and forbid the server to allow connections from clients authenticating with an unknown certificate (not listed under Trusted Clients). I have not set this up in this example, but you could easily implement this feature by disabling Automatically accept client certificates during runtime in the PLC settings under General >> OPC UA >> Server >> Security >> Secure Channel.

In the archive below I have put all client scripts and server project files, including the unencrypted versions described in the previous blog post. The TIA portal project is password protected, use admin as the username and S7!12345jk as password.

You can try to create all monitored items in the client before you connect to the server, in which case it should create them with one CreateMonitoredItems call in the service layer. In this case, since your client must be connected already, you can do that by creating the Subscription without connecting to the UaClient, until you have subscribed to all items. I.e. call UaClient.addSubscription afterwards.

Note that if there are errors from individual monitored items, there will be no exceptions from them. instead you will need to check the errors properties of the respective MonitoredDataItem objects after the subscription is added to the client.

As one of the early members of ENLYZE, I successfully reverse-engineered the communication protocol of the Siemens S7-1200 and S7-1500 PLC families in 2019.The information has been used to develop a client for capturing process variables from these PLCs and feed them into the ENLYZE data platform.Over the past 4 years, we have visited a lot of shopfloors and successfully integrated a multitude of S7-based production machines at various customers.

Thus, we can provide a unique perspective on this matter, with our insights into the modern S7 protocol on the one side, and our experience with actual Siemens PLC installations at customers on the other side.

SIMATIC OPC UA S7-1500 Small, Single Runtime License, contains license certificate for OPC UA server and OPC UA client Class A, Executable on all ET 200SP CPUs, S7-1500 to CPU 1513, CPU 1505SP, CPU 1504D, including F and T derivatives Firmware V2.0 or higher ******************************* Content: Certificate of License SIMATIC OPC UA permits the integration of SIMATIC S7-1500 controllers in Industry 4.0 type automation plants. The symbolic and secure access to data in a SIMATIC S7-1500 is simple and powerful. The OPC UA data access as OPC UA Server or OPC UA Client functions are supported. In addition, methods and companion specifications can also be used. The manufacturer and platform-independent OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is the communication standard for Industry 4.0. OPC UA can be used in parallel to PROFINET in all Ethernet networks thanks to the basic TCP/IP communication. In addition to linking the CPU, it is also possible to link field devices using OPC UA, for example, to the IT levels. 2351a5e196

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